posted on May, 12 2013 @ 12:54 PM
Has anyone done anything with preserving meat? I read an article last year about taking cooked meat,in a jar or crock,the covering it with lard.You
cook the meat almost well done,to kill any critters in the meat,then cover it with melted lard to seal out the air.When you want meat,you dig it out
of the lard,heat and serve.I made up a bunch of brown and serve sausages for a camping trip last year this way,turned out fine,but they were only a
month old then.Got a few jars left that I'm going to tryout soon,some bacon too!
My questions about this are,can you re use the lard? Assuming you reheat it and melt it,filter out any chunky stuff,it should be sterile
enough,right? Could you use a shortening,like Crisco instead? I know this probably isn't an FDA approved method,but they used it 100 yrs ago,but in
the back woods,it could be a lot more efficient than a pressure canner.