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Troopers Sent to Find Texas Dems in Okla.

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posted on May, 13 2003 @ 11:09 AM
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - State troopers found Democratic lawmakers in Oklahoma after they brought the Texas House to a standstill by going into hiding, but the legislators declined to return to the state Capitol.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 11:18 AM
Deep spending cuts and no tax raising on the people? I can see why the dems didn't want to show up. Why, those concepts are totally foreign to them!

In my way of thinking, the troopers should have shot any legislative member that refused to go back to work. Disbanding the government so as not to lose your battle fairly is not the right way, but it is the democratic way, shamefully.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 02:04 PM
All not showing up shows me,is they have no backbone.They don't have to like what is happening,but they do have to work it out.
They should not be paid for the time they missed.Talk about a waste of taxpayer money.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 03:11 PM
Typical Demsy tactics, and pathetic.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 08:12 PM
Well, according to Texas law, what they did is illegal. Should they be above the law or have to answer to it?

I wonder if the democrats up for re-election soon were the ones that actually showed up for work?

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 09:27 PM
they should have to answer to it. At least they'll get a break in the media given their party affiliation and what a kick in the shin of democracy if you ask me: Minority dems, sore and obstructing, business as usual for them these days.

posted on May, 14 2003 @ 07:31 AM
When I read this, this morning, I really thought it was April 1st again.
what does this say to the world about Ameriacn local government? These people must surely be guilty of something!

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 08:16 AM
Hey, if they don't want to honor the resonsibilities they taken on, I say step aside. Someone else in your party will.

posted on May, 17 2003 @ 02:20 PM
Look, everyone would love tax cuts, ur an idiot if you say you wouldnt. itd be nice tho if instead of being selfish and thinking about that rebate check we'll get in the mail for ourselves, we put it into the well being of our country. everys so patriotic these days and wanting whats best for the country, well tax cuts arent it. It may help a group of individuals but not the country as a whole. I just dont buy it.

posted on May, 18 2003 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by pezcore64
Look, everyone would love tax cuts, ur an idiot if you say you wouldnt. itd be nice tho if instead of being selfish and thinking about that rebate check we'll get in the mail for ourselves, we put it into the well being of our country. everys so patriotic these days and wanting whats best for the country, well tax cuts arent it. It may help a group of individuals but not the country as a whole. I just dont buy it.

I don't know what tax cuts have to do with this thread, but a number of agencies specialized in predicting economic outcomes disagree with you.

Business Roundtable/U. of Maryland predicts 2,890,000 jobs by 2004 from Pres. Bush's plan.

Decision Economics Inc. predicts 839,000 jobs by 2004

Global Insight predicts 801,000 jobs by 2004

Macroeconomic Advisors predicts 1,114,000 jobs by 2004

Here's what U of MD says about another part of Bush's plan.
The BRT study, conducted by the University of Maryland, found similar results. As the BRT points out, �The dividend component of the President�s package will have the single most positive impact on our nation�s long-term economic growth, contributing half of the plan�s resulting job and GDP growth over five years.�

Sounds like the experts think Bush's plan will help significantly.

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by pezcore64
Look, everyone would love tax cuts, ur an idiot if you say you wouldnt. itd be nice tho if instead of being selfish and thinking about that rebate check we'll get in the mail for ourselves, we put it into the well being of our country. everys so patriotic these days and wanting whats best for the country, well tax cuts arent it. It may help a group of individuals but not the country as a whole. I just dont buy it.

Just how in the hell is keeping the politicians in Cuban cigars going to help this country? You may not buy it but JFK did and so did Reagan. See, we DO NOT live in a socialist economy!!!! This economy is capitalist!!! Get that through your head. Socialistic venues hurt capitalist economies, and capitalistic venues hurt socialist economies.

You obviously are one of those that think this tax cut will cost. let me tell ya something, tax cuts don't cost, tax raises do. I really wish to God that before people began ranting about tax cuts and the economy , they would pick up an econ 101 text and get a grasp of how it all works. Tax cuts spur business to invest in capital and hire people, people have mor money to spend which spurs demand which needs to be greater than supply to have a prosperous economy. here are the numbers. Federal budget for next 10 years 128 trillion, planned tax cut for next 10 years 750 billion. Likely return on that cut, 2.25 trillion over 10 years more revenue at the most conservative estimate.

Ah hell I quit. Give your money to the most wastful people on the planet if you want. I'm taking all of what I earn I can get.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 09:28 PM
"Texas agents destroy rebellion records"
quite funny (unintentionally)

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 01:05 PM
Hmmmm,nope no conspiracy here.

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 06:54 PM
Quote from Astrocreep:
You obviously are one of those that think this tax cut will cost. let me tell ya something, tax cuts don't cost, tax raises do. I really wish to God that before people began ranting about tax cuts and the economy , they would pick up an econ 101 text and get a grasp of how it all works. Tax cuts spur business to invest in capital and hire people, people have mor money to spend which spurs demand which needs to be greater than supply to have a prosperous economy. here are the numbers. Federal budget for next 10 years 128 trillion, planned tax cut for next 10 years 750 billion. Likely return on that cut, 2.25 trillion over 10 years more revenue at the most conservative estimate.

The problem is that those who need the money the most,
low income,
those recently laid off due to the mass export of American jobs overseas

these folks will see meager checks at most. Those who will see large amounts of rebate money...

daddy bush
large republican campaign contributors
large socalled American companies who no longer employ Americans

Most of that money will never see the light of day, it will be placed into the portfolios of the moneyed elite and thier businesses will continue to sellout the jobs of the American people in mass to Asian-Pacific countries & China.

Econ 101 covers this too - basic ROI, the righties invested in shrub and now he's paying them dividends.

Great deal if you qualify.

I don't, I just got laidoff and had to train the person from Penang Malaysia who'll be taking my job... along with their friends who've displaced 6000 of my former fellow coworkers.

Over the last 2 years I've watched as our company shrank from 90k employees worldwide to 30k today.

I'm sure the CEO and CFO will get a big fat bonus for cutting the cost so well and putting one-third of our cities population out of work.

Nice job gentleman, thanks for nothing!!!
I can't wait to see the response from all of you here when the same thing begins to happen to your jobs. Lets hear you all praising shrub's fine job then!!!

[Edited on 22-5-2003 by USMC Harrier]

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 10:24 PM
Note to everyone.

If you lose your job, USMC Harrier has someone that you can blame. Blame George W. Bush. That's right, no longer will you have to take personal responsibility, just dish it off onto the president.

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by USMC Harrier
Quote from Astrocreep:
You obviously are one of those that think this tax cut will cost. let me tell ya something, tax cuts don't cost, tax raises do. I really wish to God that before people began ranting about tax cuts and the economy , they would pick up an econ 101 text and get a grasp of how it all works. Tax cuts spur business to invest in capital and hire people, people have mor money to spend which spurs demand which needs to be greater than supply to have a prosperous economy. here are the numbers. Federal budget for next 10 years 128 trillion, planned tax cut for next 10 years 750 billion. Likely return on that cut, 2.25 trillion over 10 years more revenue at the most conservative estimate.

The problem is that those who need the money the most,
low income,
those recently laid off due to the mass export of American jobs overseas

these folks will see meager checks at most. Those who will see large amounts of rebate money...

daddy bush
large republican campaign contributors
large socalled American companies who no longer employ Americans

Most of that money will never see the light of day, it will be placed into the portfolios of the moneyed elite and thier businesses will continue to sellout the jobs of the American people in mass to Asian-Pacific countries & China.

Econ 101 covers this too - basic ROI, the righties invested in shrub and now he's paying them dividends.

Great deal if you qualify.

I don't, I just got laidoff and had to train the person from Penang Malaysia who'll be taking my job... along with their friends who've displaced 6000 of my former fellow coworkers.

Over the last 2 years I've watched as our company shrank from 90k employees worldwide to 30k today.

I'm sure the CEO and CFO will get a big fat bonus for cutting the cost so well and putting one-third of our cities population out of work.

Nice job gentleman, thanks for nothing!!!
I can't wait to see the response from all of you here when the same thing begins to happen to your jobs. Lets hear you all praising shrub's fine job then!!!

[Edited on 22-5-2003 by USMC Harrier]

The biggest reason the feds need to cut their spending. Can I ask you, what would the most wastful entity in America do to get your job back if it took money? My pointi this cut needs to apply to business to get people's jobs back. Do you want an extended un-employment or do you want a job market where you can compete with the upper hand? Its that simple. If the target goal is a revived economy, in a capitalist environment, business must be allowed to flourish. Thats who hires you right? Now me, I work for the state so this tax cut ain't a good thing for me so I'm speaking strictly from a economic discipline stand point. If our target is better job markets, we have to give business a chance by increasing demand and making it un-impossible to meet the demand.

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