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The Last Gasp of American Liberty

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posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Herman
I don't like the whole privitization of like...everything deal.

privitization of what exactly?? what don't you like about it and why?

i thought you were pro free market / pro capitalist??

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 02:46 PM
for one to be so enlightened, to not act, to allow his fellow countrymen to drift into this so described realm of darkness, is that not the greater sin?

to be so endowed with knowledge, to forsee the truth of this great nation, to know events which shall come to pass,

to have this wisdom, this vision, and to not act, what valiant act is that?

great philosophers have written through the ages of things absolute and intriquing, but without action words are simply that, worthy of the paper written upon.

to be so endowed with wisdom, to know the course of events, to realize the loss of liberty unfolding, and to act not, what then is that? what man is it who sees and knows these things, yet whiles the time away in intellectual writing?

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Herman
I'm not 100% republican. I might be an independent, although I haven't looked into that enough to know for sure. I don't agree with too many of the green party things.. I think that the Republican party suits me the best.

If it does then great. Honestly the Republican Party fits me best, when it is proper. Limited government, states rights, moral and social responcibility,etc.

But they are no longer praciticing what their platform says.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 04:31 PM
How do you mean, action?

Liberty and government is an intellectual excersise, or it is a armed conflict. Which path is better to you?

If the situation required armed rebellion and the destruction of a power that will not surrender to the will of the people, then we have to get a whole lot hotter before that fire will start.

This new tyranny isn't YET an armed event. It is a intellectual event. The movements of the new powers are in the machinery, the computers, the power of information flow. Our chains and bonds are made from copper wires and silicon chips, and our protections of law have been removed by a president out of control.

We have a right to freedom. We have a right to life without the domination of others. We have a right to enjoy the good fruits of this earth without permission. We have a right to see and know every matter that is done by this government, and to change it at a whim. Power is reserved for the people, not for the government, unless it has been stolen.

So here it is folks, a government of pirates, chasing terrorists, what a fantasic tale unfolds before us. What will the next chapter bring us? No matter what happens, our Liberty is being led away by a horse rustler, under the cover of night. Are you a slave of the new empire? Will you wear your brands and perish? When you are forced into their numbering system, will you remember to cry up to heaven for you rLiberty? Will it sink into your numb heads after the heels of their boots are crushing your babes and children?

And for those of us who will be removed from it, we will be pursecuted and pursued, arrested, killed. Many of the christians will take these marks, because in truth they serve the world and desire its money and goods. How then, will they be able to speak at all? Therefore let them run forth of the mouth now, so that in later times they will not utter a sound.

By the weight of your bibles be taught, but many of you did not finish the last chapter. Your world is taught to you, and you are led into it, you are unworthy of Liberty, and because of this you will be utterly naked, and will be led before all nations in bondage.

At first I became offended, because I sought to defend my nation and my brothers. I was indignant at YOUR bondage. I wanted to struggle for YOU, because I hated your condition. But I see now that most of you are willing slaves. You hate free men, and you make it difficult for them. You are enviouos of the men who would help you. So I say this: Let only the worthy among you be saved and helped. Let the rest of you enter into bondage, and into hard servitude, until your minds forget all that came before you. Why should I continue to struggle, or put myself at risk? It is something that we are born to, my brothers and I, and we will never fade away.


[Edited on 5-11-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
for one to be so enlightened, to not act, to allow his fellow countrymen to drift into this so described realm of darkness, is that not the greater sin?

to be so endowed with knowledge, to forsee the truth of this great nation, to know events which shall come to pass,

to have this wisdom, this vision, and to not act, what valiant act is that?

great philosophers have written through the ages of things absolute and intriquing, but without action words are simply that, worthy of the paper written upon.

to be so endowed with wisdom, to know the course of events, to realize the loss of liberty unfolding, and to act not, what then is that? what man is it who sees and knows these things, yet whiles the time away in intellectual writing?

Well your preachin' to the choir because I have been doing many things to help my fellow man. So those comments were worth about 20 cents and cup of coffee...


An intellectual event of which you speak require you to be intellectually involved, and I don't just mean on the computer...

[edit on 5-11-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:42 PM
Alex Jones is simply another one who profits over the aspects of the "panic" he creates by using current political events.

"Buy my book.. it will tell who the new world order is and how they play to come into your house and steal your guns!!!"

I also enjoy those scripted scenes of Alex Jones arguing with police and being sent to prison (Yes I've bought his videos) And how Alex Jones always has these acted out "panic attacks" during his video documentaries. Or the videos of the "Bohemian Grove" he said he "snuck" in to. In fact the video was taken at a public playhouse. Yes there is a Bohemian Grove, but he didn't sneak in!

[edit on 5-11-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 05:48 PM
There hasen't been more freedom in this country ever as today, the type of "freedom" you keep talking about is anarchy it seems.

There is no vast conspiracy to take away your rights.. they can easily do this by brainwashing you politically.. but they do not actually need to suspend the constitution or all that stuff that the panic profiters like Alex Jones talk about.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 06:16 PM
It is actually a small number of people. It is called a secret combination. It is an order of powerful people who combine in a secret way to avoid the consequences of their actions, or to supercede the authorities of people, governments, or judges.

What we have in the world today is a very powerful secret combination of people and powers, and there is a VERY COMMON pattern emerging from their works. It is becoming more powerful because its opposition is dying. No one really thinks in terms great enough to comprehend these issues. They have become teeny tiny. They have become more like animals. The senses of the body are all they know.

That is why this secret combination has become so bold - It WILL rule the world for a while. It will RULE America too, until the men awaken from their slumber and take action.


posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 06:22 PM
But people have been saying that forever.. I still can't believe you believe a man who lied about all the "chaos" that will occur during Y2K and how you should all run out and buy water distillers and all that nonsense.

All in the name of private profit of course.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 08:32 PM
God bless Alex Jones.

He doesn't always know what he sees, but he hates evil like a true man.

He came from the outside. He is not a esoteric student, he still doesn't understand some of the myseries. But he knows in his heart that these men are evil, plotting evil, and they should be carefully scrutinized.

He has a great warrior spirit. An indomitable American Crown to his head, Liberty to his house, and life to his bones.

That is what I will say to every son of Liberty, and every man that stands against the powerful combinations and the nightmare they have created for this world to suffer in.

I forgive his sillier things, in favor of his true heart, which is quite adept at knowing the BASIC difference between right and wrong. THAT is really what we need to hear anyway, to remind us HOW to tell the difference, and HOW to stand up for it.


posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
It's time to put aside differences and personal disputes.

Please visit

Please check kazaa for some documenteries by Alex Jones.

Remember our common Liberty. This is WAY beyond what I think about gender relations or political parties. This is our future.


well get off your ass and do something about it.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 10:13 PM
I am doing all I know how to do at the present. This really is a war of the mind right now anyway. If it becomes more than that, then that's a whole different kind of conflict.

listen to Alex Jones. He's on at 8pm - 11pm mountain time. It's a free internet stream, you can even use winamp to play it


posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
This is what we have been prepared to receive, my people. This is what was coming to us, and it was long in making. You did not see it, until it became too great to challenge, and if you awaken at all it will be only to see the final gasps of American Liberty, and the new iron yoke of a terrifying world you will serve until you perish.

Dark times are indeed coming, but I am not convinced they can seen more clearly from a tower built upon one's sense of superiority over others.

In fact, I'm pretty sure we started this country to get away from that kind of thinking in the first place.

Those who seek to enslave us must first deem themselves superior to us. I am not reassured by the tone of your words.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 01:40 AM
This is not a time for role-playing children and their silly sense of ego and fantasy. This is a very critical time for this world, and everyone who lives in it. It is not a game. it is not a movie. This is the event horizon of a whole new kind of spritual terror that is about to unleash its will upon the world.

Quit messing around Majic, I know what you pretend to be, and know your desire to attain that which is only obtainable by the pure. As I have explained to you and your group, I am not a pretend cowboy. I am attaining to a very great task, and learning a very frightening and crucial knowledge. It is the whole cause of my generation, and my entire nation of brothers. You have no fantastic idea of what is coming to this world, of why we have come to this world, but this story will be told later.


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