Not that at this rate, terrorism & preemptive strikes on the mideast will ever get old. But, the stage is set for China, like Terrorists, as the new
"threat" and scapegoat for America's shrinking economy and growing civil perils.
And that includes the US military response to keep China in 'check' and possibly intervene to stop China's recent amassing of nukes, some only 250
heads to date (not 3,000 figure as some US experts push; as in comparison, US has at least 8,000 declared nukes).
So much so that the right for a preemptive nuclear strike against China is now part of US law!
Imagine what would happen if the current trend of thought in some quarters were to suddenly see 'Made In China' as being unhealthy.
Like guns and gasoline and red meat and tobacco and... and...
Well, if we were to see that approach and devotion, maybe 'Made in China' would disappear because it was banned; outlawed. Maybe Made in the USA
would find a way back.
Oh heck... that's just silly. Can't believe I even went down this ally.