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17 of 20 Terror plots against US were False flags, created by FBI itself

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posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:29 PM

As FBI's latest false flag crumbles, Americans heal, and treat themselves to shopping sprees, fine dining, entertainment with whatever bit of their taxes that has been returned this year, every year even less as the bills, debts pile up.

How timely of Judge Napolitano to have just reported how out of 20, 17 were planned, plotted, controlled and carried out by the federal government itself!

First reply from above YT reads:

Clearly, this was dubbed. The "manufactured" word doesn't go with his mouth movements/sound, at all. Good job!... NOT.

So, what happens when FBI are exposed? Leaks, whistleblowers are quickly silenced.

edit on 1-5-2013 by below because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by below

My freind, the US Government has realized the Value of False Flage for a Long Time.
Two of the Most Famous are "The Gulf Of Tonkin" and "Operation Northwoods".
You would think the American Public's Awareness of these would stage Uprisings, but we do nothing.
So the Gov continues to Steer Events to further their Agenda at the Time...
However , Boston, was 2 young Men , who acted on their own, Sometimes... "Crap Happens".

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

However , Boston, was 2 young Men , who acted on their own, Sometimes... "Crap Happens".

Interesting decision, why so rash though, friend?

Since it's been only 2 weeks and so much information is pouring in that shows they could not have acted on their own. Ie, experts demonstrating how the type of bomb allegedly used to kill 3, amputate dozen(s) and mame nearly 300 standing at/near the finish line, could not have been made on their own, aside from the "pressure cooker" DIY public appeal.

Then again, 48hrs after the bombing media reported Dzhokar already proclaimed that "we" did this on our own, then he was unable to talk after that. The Fed & the media are so full of it, these FFs of late, have become a complete farce full of morbid humor for those pepetrating them and laughing at the masses falling for it.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 10:37 PM
Its funny with the plural connection to the alphabet soup agancies, the prebombing warnings from the russians and apparantly recently the Saudis..and with all the proven alphabet bombs in the past you still get knee jerk reactions:
Guilty until proven guilty ( Osama, Saddam, the boston bombers )
Defending yourself is proof you are guilty... ( zundle)
Guilty as hell ( installed by the US: the Shaw, and Pol Pot)
War criminals: (the NYtimes just published a bipartisan report detailing how the last four presidents are actionble re war crimes)

I can't help but wonder when debunkers are debunking something why they so often pretend all the other times the similar OSs were false that this event or that event is singularly true...
Brings to mind the definition of insanity:
those that keep repeating the same action over and over expecting a different result

Say, did I forget to mention the awesome amounts of doh! earmarked for the idea placement in the media(s), and for manipulating social media(s) ?

Just the underwear bomber incident, or the dancing Israelis, or the fact that terror suspects can have "secret evidence" used to "convict" them, should be enough to put any sane person off the OSs for ever...
edit on 1-5-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 10:47 PM
I almost forgot:
I love an OP with decent references
I wish all opinions came with some...

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 11:24 PM
Yes this was a good video, and by implications they ALL ARE. Just follow the yellow brick road of logic.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by below

Amazing op, too bad this thread will die, a quick and quiet death, just like all the good ones.

SnF for you, I believe everything Napolitano said, I have myself said as much, as have many others on this very board, many times now, yet people are so fluoride dumb these days, their memories only go as far back as nights kardashians episode, so they shrug it off.

I hope I am quite wrong and this thread gets the attention, and investigation this topic deserves, but considering the way ATS is these days, I wont hold my breath.....

Wish I could give you more stars and flags to bump this up the list to the front page where it belongs.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 12:55 AM

Kardashian thread (created after this one) has way more replies, already

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by below

OP, apparently you don't know what the term "false flag operation" means. These 17 supposed terrorist plots foiled by the FBI were case of entrapment, wherein the FBI had agent provocateurs who encouraged/goaded the suspects into planning a terrorist attack. They were not cases of the FBI conducting terrorist attacks themselves and making it looked like somebody else did them, which is what false flag operations are.

Reading your thread further, I see you are outright LYING, claiming that the FBI carried out these 17 terrorist "attacks". Again, the ones foiled by the FBI certainly weren't carried out. You're contradicting yourself by claiming so. These were plots that the FBI encourage likely would-be terrorists into planning a terrorist attack, in order that the FBI could then arrest them and make the FBI look like it was on the ball, and to justify anti-terror law-enforcement budgets. They allowed none of these FBI-cooked schemes to come to fruition, nor did they ever supply usable explosive devices.

So again, how were these foiled terrorist plots carried out? To carry them out means to complete them, i.e. detonate some device at a target. Yet this did not occur. If it did, please provide corroborating evidence of this.

I'm not condoning such entrapment tactics by the FBI, or patting the FBI on the back for "foiling" these cooked-up terrorist plots, but rather calling you out on your misleading, ignorant and/or mendacious thread title.

I know ATS'ers love to throw around the term "false flag", but they really need to learn their English vocabulary before they go off half-cocked, making false claims in their threads and thread titles.

Want to talk about the government hyping the terrorist threat in order to justify its anti-terror budgets and additional infringement on our civil liberties? I'm all for it, but IXNAY on the ignorant/mendacious false flag rhetoric.

I can't believe all the support of this ill-informed and mendacious thread. Frankly, any thread on the Kardashians deserves more flags and stars than this dreck.

edit on 2-5-2013 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive
reply to post by below

OP, apparently you don't know what the term "false flag operation" means.

I agree the OP exagerrates the claim when using the phrase "carried out."


The FBI radicalized individuals and concocted elaborate phony plots for these individuals to carry out. Then the FBI announced their success at preventing the plots.

This pattern of behavior fits the definition of a false flag because the government touted its ability to prevent the attack without disclosing its involvement in generating the attack.

The efficacy of the attack does not make the situation not a false flag, it only reduces the severity of the situation.

I do think its fair to say that these incidents are the bare minimum false flag. In other words, if you removed a single element, the definition would no longer apply

edit on 2-5-2013 by PointDume because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by MrInquisitive

These were plots that the FBI encourage likely would-be terrorists into planning a terrorist attack

I'm not disputing that there are would-be terrorists out there...but, give them a few months, with a giant state apparatus at their disposal...they can make a terrorist out of you if they want to. You don't even have to be a would-be...but they choose mid eastern types because it sells easier.

If they encouraged, provided funds, and made deals...that is almost as same as "carried out". Sure they give them bombs...remember the 93 WTC bombing...

It is a simple game of marketing their own necessity of existence. get more funding I presume, if you foil a plot or two...

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by below

Take for example the case of the Newburgh Four, here is a statement by the actual Judge in the case:

"Only the government could have made a terrorist out of Mr Cromitie, a man whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in its scope," she said in court. She added: "I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that there would have been no crime here except the government instigated it, planned it and brought it to fruition."

- Judge Colleen McMahon

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 07:01 AM
The thread will die because people see it as it is. Accusations/insinuations with out any proof. No one really knows what happened at the Gulf of Tonkin and no one ever will. The North Vietnamese were just as confused about it as LBJ was. Attaching a 'false flag' label to that incident just shows laziness in terms of research and an attempt, again, to say anything to get attention.

Read Robert McNamara book or the Peace accords from Paris and it is plain the incident wasn't planned and neither side wanted a confrontation however that is just what they got.

LBJ made it plain that any conflict would derail the movement of his civil rights agenda-which is exactly what happened.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by spooky24
The thread will die because people see it as it is. Accusations/insinuations with out any proof. No one really knows what happened at the Gulf of Tonkin and no one ever will. The North Vietnamese were just as confused about it as LBJ was. Attaching a 'false flag' label to that incident just shows laziness in terms of research and an attempt, again, to say anything to get attention.

Read Robert McNamara book or the Peace accords from Paris and it is plain the incident wasn't planned and neither side wanted a confrontation however that is just what they got.

LBJ made it plain that any conflict would derail the movement of his civil rights agenda-which is exactly what happened.

From the radio messages, they had it pretty clear what was happening and what wasn't happening.

They used it to their advantage to launch large scale bombing missions and escalate the situation into what was to become the Vietnam war.

Johnson had every intention to make Vietnam happen, thats why one of his first executive orders was to cancel Kennedys executive order NSAM 263 which would have brought home the first 1000 troops home before Decmber 1963.

Vietnam was a war meant to be sustained....never won.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by MrInquisitive

I can't believe all the support of this ill-informed and mendacious thread. Frankly, any thread on the Kardashians deserves more flags and stars than this dreck.

This is what ATS amounts to now, sadly. But it works, poster A can just make crap up, by the time poster B reads thread page 2, poster A's comment is FACT. Go to any thread, you'll see it constantly.

I can google and build a bomb. I can build a fertilizer bomb, i could build a pressure cooker bomb.. saying it's impossible for those two to have done it alone is just a lie, Ted Kazinski bombed the crap out of people, by himself, living in a remote cabin in the woods.

These two chechens have a whole internet of information at their disposal. Heck, you can find explicite designs for an atom bomb and an Hbomb if you look hard enough, doesn't mean you will be able to aquire all the parts, but that's not the point.

Anyone who WANTS to blow someone up, can. Sadly, because of the internet, these people can gain access to the information they need within seconds. And, unless they are dimwitted drooling morons, they sure as hell aren't using google or bing! to get it.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by spooky24

No one really knows what happened at the Gulf of Tonkin and no one ever will

I guess you won't.

But I understand your stance. Ignorance is bliss they say. That way...we all sleep better at night...believing only in fairy tales and the goodness of man/gov.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 08:14 AM
Ted Gunderson - nice speech - i'm calling on you to raise the flag in d.c.
I sent the epa a request for an action plan - but - even though i have paid in over 250k they did nothing.
the epa and all topdown gubber orgs are just a bunch of robber barons.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
reply to post by below

My freind, the US Government has realized the Value of False Flage for a Long Time.
Two of the Most Famous are "The Gulf Of Tonkin" and "Operation Northwoods".
You would think the American Public's Awareness of these would stage Uprisings, but we do nothing.
So the Gov continues to Steer Events to further their Agenda at the Time...
However , Boston, was 2 young Men , who acted on their own, Sometimes... "Crap Happens".

I always go with my gut instinct. And my gut agrees with you on this one...

I recall my gut instinct about 9/11. I had it within hours of the event. And let me tell you I
was VERY unpopular for quit some time (while the emotions ran high.)

Not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy...though the way the police handled it was a constitutional travesty
edit on 2-5-2013 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 08:45 AM
It's the way stuff gets done, in a world where most people don't - have time to - care about anything but themselves.

Good or bad, it is what it is. It is a 'tool'. We - the 'common folk' - don't like it, because it is deceiptful and often times harmful to the average citizen.

And, when we actually find evidence to corroborate our worst suspicions, and know that a vast majority of folks will not know or even entertain the 'real' story it only makes it worse. because we have to live with this knowledge.

But, it's how stuff gets done in big populations. You have to garner suopport to take certain actions. Period.

It has shaped nations. It has felled nations. No one has benefitted more than my country so I guess I should just shut up and reap the rewards, eh?


Just saw this vid, posted in another thread. GREAT speech - but, nothing has changed in 70+ years since (or, thousands of years, prior)

edit on 5/2/2013 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 09:58 AM
The power to "keep-secrets" was
summoned from the Æther during wartime
expanded during peacetime
and now is viewed as a duty by the members of the Federal Government.

It is not.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The Tenth Amendment (wiki)

Any instance of any Federal Agency
keeping a single "secret" is in
violation of the 10th.

Notice the paperwork on all this "privacy", "confidentiality", and eventually "classified" stuff
starts out as contracts between individuals, not between the Federal Agent and their Department.

And notice the soft-sell, positive words, that tyranny uses when it starts wrapping its fingers around something.
    and eventually "classified"

When A person signs their "privacy" statement
there is no second party in the contract,
they sign that they themselves understand.
What the hell is that?
"I understand that someone else understands that they wont spill these personal secrets unless I do it first"
...sign here please.

Decades later,
when the FBI foils a plot
and so much is secret that even the hearing on the secret material itself ...
isn't public...
... well ...
... what do we need a federal police force for? If they do not report to us?

Mike Grouchy
edit on 2-5-2013 by mikegrouchy because: format

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