posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:22 PM
"Timeless is the time without tempo."
Timeless is your smile
timeless are my eyes
immersed in the light of your smile
because my eyes kiss your lips
I immerse myself in timeless shapes
where I will never get drowned.
With each tear of white
comes a breath of a flower
with each flower that withers
goes a small part of me
in the land where everything is white
of love
of you
of me
and if I will never come back
try not to cry
with white tears
like pearls in the morning
when the sun kiss their shell.
I rest in your arms
on endless fields
with red flowers
of unspoken secrets
feeling the drowsiness
of time
merged in timeless shapes
where no beauty can touch them
waiting for the wind
to gentle caress them
like I caress your lips with my eyes
in timeless white tears
where time has no fears.