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Needing Advice for a Ghost Hunt

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posted on May, 2 2013 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Rodinus
reply to post by XTexan

Well done... after 2 days of frustrating research i completely forgot to use the word "staff"! i was using the word "crook" and every other possible object that he could have in his hand

All you have to do now if you respect the tradition is to clean it and place it in your house somewhere.

Would be interesting to know the markings to see if this statue was mass produced or not, as your particular statue cannot be found on the internet... (might be worth something?)

So i guess this can already put your mind (and your wifes) at ease as to why the statue was buried in the garden!

Have you got anywhere with the rest of your research?

Kindest respects


I'll let them know about cleaning and placing it. As far as research goes the internet showed me quite a few burial grounds in the area, along with a long history of Indians and slavery. History specific to the the house not so much, gotta make time to go look through the local records.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by XTexan

Looking forward to hearing about what you come up with

Kindest respects


posted on May, 3 2013 @ 12:47 AM
I too am interested in what you come up with.

The reason I didn't think you should ghost hunt on your own is because some people have been attacked, shoved down stairs, scratched etc. I guess, if it were me, I would prefer that someone else was with me. I'm brave, but not that brave.

Some hauntings start out mild then turn into something really bad. You need to determine if the spirits are benevolent or not.

In any case, I am facinated and look forward to any of your findings.

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 04:54 AM
I'm a member of a paranormal investigative team and do almost all of the historical research needed when working on a case. I'd like to offer a few tips and hope that you might find them of some use.

First, a number of posters have said "Don't investigate alone." Good advice, and it doesnt necessarily relate to whether you subscribe to the possibility of paranormal activity or not, and the idea of 'opening' yourself up to a supernatural 'attack'.

On the practical side, no matter how well you know your house, there is always a physical safety issue. Moving around in the dark can invite bumps, bruises, and scrapes, or worse. A misplaced foot in an attic could mean a sprained or broken ankle or a huge plaster repair in the living room ceiling if you plunge through. Imagine trying to explain to the responding EMTs why half of you is in the attic and the rest of you is dangling four feet above the washer.

Another good reason to have at least one other person with you is for confirmation purposes. Despite all the tech gadgetry my team uses most of the activity we've encountered has been confirmed through the five senses. Did we really hear that faint tap? See that shadow? Smell that whiff of perfume? The presence of another can help rule out potential tricks of the mind, and provide reassurance, aid, or just the comfort of not being alone if things do get squirrelly.

Second, as others have suggested, rule out the existing possibilities before moving onto the supernatural as a cause. Check your home inside and out, top to bottom, every accessible nook and cranny. Are the sounds being heard caused by shrubbery scraping the siding? Loose shingles? Hammering water pipes? Torn or damaged ductwork? A family of mice in the walls? Nesting birds in the chimney or attic? An opossum looking for a winter home in the crawl space?

What materials were used in your home's construction? Floors, walls, ceilings, foundation? Basement, crawl space, slab? Where do the plumbing, HVAC, electrical run? Familiarize yourself with the properties of each material and how it responds to the 'normal' climate in your area. Extreme temperatures can wreak havoc on wood, concrete, metal, sheet rock causing noises.

Third, while you're gearing up for your hunt, begin keeping a diary of events. It needn't be elaborate, but take note of date, time, place, occurrence, who experienced it, and the conditions when it occurred, both personal and climate-wise. See if there's a pattern to the activity....if it ramps up when it's rainy or windy, when your wife or friend is having a stressful day, or right before bed when sleepy, at 9 pm when the neighbor gets home from work and his car lights shine through a window, every Tuesday morning at 11:32, etc. Check out neighbor traffic patterns and volume. Can shadows be recreated by reflected headlights? Is the thudding just a local kid riding by with bass woofers maxed out?

Fourth, it sounds like you've already discovered some interesting stuff historically about the area you live in. Follow up on those items through the local library or historical association. You'll find newspaper archives and other useful info galore. For a specific search on your property, unless the county you live in is one of the rare few that haven't digitized their property records, you can do a deed search online. Depending on how extensive the records available, you can easily go back 20 - 200 years without a trip to the courthouse.

Deed search backwards. Start with yourself, then who sold it to you, then who sold it to them, etc. Keep a pen and paper handy for writing down deed book and page numbers, tax map reference numbers, plat books and parcel numbers. That way if you do hit a road block and need a trip to the courthouse, you have info in hand to refer to and which helps the clerks aid you in your search without starting from the top. It also helps put you in their good graces if they don't have to spend all day digging through a stack of dusty old deed books

Finally, it never hurts to err on the side of caution. What ever faith you do or don't subscribe to, a protective prayer before launch never hurts. My team uses one to St. Michael. Also, on the first go-round, despite what another poster suggested, I agree with you about not having your wife present. Since she is one of the primary parties experiencing the activity, her reactions and judgement may be skewed to a point that may have a negative impact on your investigation or escalate further events. You don't want her leary of the house any more than she is, nor do you want to ramp things up.

If you change your mind and want a "pro" team to check it out instead, don't be afraid to contact the paranormal groups in your area. Reputable teams will come in free of charge, and good ones are happy to provide references and affiliations. Mine does.

Sorry for being so long-winded, but hope you find these pointers of some use, and do let us know how things go!

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by ladyjem

Thanks Lady,

You have just hammered the nail into a piece of wood that i have not had too much time to post about.

Extrely pertinent straight to the point and realistic suggestions...

Still... even though i am far away OP, i would still like to contribute to your research as much as i can possibly do.

Kindest respects


posted on May, 3 2013 @ 06:33 AM
I have heard from friends that ghosts don't like the smell of onions, garlic or aftershave.


Darryl Forests

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Rodinus
reply to post by ladyjem

Thanks Lady,

You have just hammered the nail into a piece of wood that i have not had too much time to post about.

Extrely pertinent straight to the point and realistic suggestions...

Still... even though i am far away OP, i would still like to contribute to your research as much as i can possibly do.

Kindest respects



it is posts like yours that put a smile on my face and harden my day!

Darryl Forests

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Rodinus

Thank you for the thank you.

It's refreshing to be in a thread where the participants are not hurling doom and gloom, ridicule and epitaphs with every post!

I think XTexan has received some very useful tips and suggestions thus far. It was your post which led me to expand upon some of the topics as I did. I would hazard to say that in almost 98% of the cases my team has investigated, the owners expected us to come in as some sort of hybrid Ghostbusters-TAPS-Ghost Adventures crew with van loads of equipment, ghost traps, and start yelling, "Come and get me, you evil demon spirit!"

After dealing with the almost comical disappointment of having four ladies with some cameras and recorders show up, we explain that real paranormal investigations are nothing like what Hollywood portrays it. We've only had one or two get offended because they thought they weren't getting the real deal, but for the vast majority seeing the nuts and bolts of an actual investigation underway helps take the edge off. They realize that there isn't a giant vortex of demonic energy open in the hallway ready to suck Little Janie and Auntie Edna straight to Hell.

Not to say we've not encountered activity that made us all go "Yikes!", but on the whole after being in contact with our team, who aren't after ratings, endorsements, and product sales, most people are satisfied with the conclusions and research we present. In every case (with one exception) the biggest relief was that someone listened to their story, took them seriously, and didn't think them absolutely nuts.

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by Forests

Thank you Darryl

Blush blush...

Bloody hell, you have me all embarrased now!

Kindest respects

edit on 3-5-2013 by Rodinus because: Extremely crappy spelling mistake... YET AGAIN! (probably my keyboard which is on its last legs!)

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by ladyjem
reply to post by Rodinus

Thank you for the thank you.

It's refreshing to be in a thread where the participants are not hurling doom and gloom, ridicule and epitaphs with every post!

I think XTexan has received some very useful tips and suggestions thus far. It was your post which led me to expand upon some of the topics as I did. I would hazard to say that in almost 98% of the cases my team has investigated, the owners expected us to come in as some sort of hybrid Ghostbusters-TAPS-Ghost Adventures crew with van loads of equipment, ghost traps, and start yelling, "Come and get me, you evil demon spirit!"

After dealing with the almost comical disappointment of having four ladies with some cameras and recorders show up, we explain that real paranormal investigations are nothing like what Hollywood portrays it. We've only had one or two get offended because they thought they weren't getting the real deal, but for the vast majority seeing the nuts and bolts of an actual investigation underway helps take the edge off. They realize that there isn't a giant vortex of demonic energy open in the hallway ready to suck Little Janie and Auntie Edna straight to Hell.

Not to say we've not encountered activity that made us all go "Yikes!", but on the whole after being in contact with our team, who aren't after ratings, endorsements, and product sales, most people are satisfied with the conclusions and research we present. In every case (with one exception) the biggest relief was that someone listened to their story, took them seriously, and didn't think them absolutely nuts.

Thank you for your thank you for my thank you Lady

Sadly, too many people tend to watch too much TV (especially series such as TAPS.. yep we even have that over here in France!...) HOW SAD!, or have a perpetual image of "Ghostbusters" printed into their mind...

BUT... never forget... at 3 in the morning, when all is dark and you hear that strange noise emanating from downstairs and when you turn on the light (which somehow doesn't work any more... whatever you do...)

DO NOT.. run down the stairs without your slippers to investigate...

I did, and nearly broke my bloody neck slipping on the concrete stairs because of an old light bulb and a rat flipping about in a rat trap and banging off a cupboard wall!
(Spent 2 days on my back sipping from a straw!)

Kindest respects


edit on 3-5-2013 by Rodinus because: Crap spelling... YET AGAIN!

edit on 3-5-2013 by Rodinus because: More crap spelling

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 07:30 PM
Hi, I haven't read through the comments but have something to add, nonetheless.

First, someone has probably told you that it is customary in the Catholic community for home sellers to bury a statue of Saint Joseph upside down in the yard in order to sell their house. Statues of Joseph can look an awful lot like statues of Jesus, but unless I see a picture I cannot be sure.

I'd just like to issue a word of caution here. Paranormal investigations tend stir things up and activate the spirits, making things, in the long run, worse. Too many paranormal investigators stir up activity and energy and then leave the spirits unsettled and unhappy, without recourse -- causing further and stronger activity. This doesn't sound like what you or your wife want.

Remember to treat spirits with respect. I don't believe you have a demon here, just a possessive spirit (insofar as he or she is possessive of the home and/or space), who potentially might also be confused about where he or she is. This is often the case with earthbound spirits, by the way, and something to keep in mind. Earthbounds are spirits who have for some reason become stuck in the inter-between dimension directly *after* physical life and *before* crossing into the next phase of life (or "into the Light", as it were). Spirits who are caught here are there because they are either 1) disoriented, 2) traumatized, 3) afraid to move on (due to actions in their physical life) or 4) attracted to the earthly energies of life, usually due to a baser-type nature. The last group tend to be the negative and even malevolent interlopers, or at least they like to present that way. (Scare tactics.) However, most earthbounds are NOT malevolent -- they are just stuck and pretty frustrated about it.

Let me put it this way: imagine hearing your doorbell ring and opening the door to find a little old lady who is clearly confused and lost. Would you scream at her, try to record her, tape her, demand information from her, and then tell her to get the hell out? No, of course not. Like me, you'd probably be very polite and kind and tell her that she's lost...and then help her get to where she needs to go. This same position needs to be taken with earthbounds, because it really is a similar situation. Send them love, equip them with what they need to cross over, and help them. Sure, get EMV along the way (a simple recorder will do), employ a ghost box (these can be made cheaply) and take photographs for orbs, materializations, etc. But the ultimate premise of the exercise ought to be to help the earthbound cross over, period.

There are many ways to clear this kind of activity. Write me personally if you'd like some tips after your investigation --- I'm not unfamiliar with the process.


posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Brigidshine

Completely sound advice!

My team doesn't advocate confrontational investigations either. We keep our actions and questions low key and respectful. This hokum some TV shows put on the air make it harder for the rest of us paranormal teams who do this sort of thing. It's not a ratings game for us. Speaking for my team, we do this because we are concerned about the persons experiencing the activity, the spirits themselves for the very reasons you pointed out, and because we've each had our own personal experiences. It's a fascinating subject, however unsettling it may be for some.

The number one piece of advice we offer our clients is educate yourself on the subject. Knowledge is power,and the more one knows the lesser the control that is inadvertently given over through fear and ignorance.

When we determine that we are dealing with a case of verifiable activity, we offer a variety of resolutions, among them are house cleansings, blessings, spiritual counseling (we have an ordained minister on our team), and follow up consultations. We aid in crossing the spirit over if needed, and are equipped to deal with the nastier ones if necessary. We don't just go in with our gear, say 'Yep, it's a ghost for sure," and book it after we've got our EVPs and pictures. By the time we've through with research and evaluation, we spend weeks and months on a case. We even have a few that are ongoing that we have years into.

For a lot of our clients, encountering paranormal activity for the first time is a traumatic, life altering experience. To have it confirmed in some cases shifts their whole life's viewpoint. It would be offensively callous at best and criminally negligent at worst to not to offer them the best advice, counseling, and aid at our disposal. Unfortunately too many investigators out there are only in it for the cheap thrills and kicks an encounter can give them.

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:37 PM
Maybe put the stone back over where you buried the statue and set up a camera on it overnight?

At least if it moves again, you'll see how it happened.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by ladyjem

I'm really glad to hear that you take a more holistic approach to an investigation, that is wonderful. I heard Maryann Winkowski speak on this a little -- she's a medium and also does energetic cleansing, etc. -- and she says she often goes into a home or space AFTER a paranormal investigation team has come and gone, only to find the inhabiting spirit more disgruntled than ever (at least in terms of the upswing in reported phenomena, and according to the spirits themselves). This makes for a harder extracting or crossing.

Well, in any case, I'm interested to see what the OP finds when he does his investigation.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by XTexan
They both seem very concerned and they both are starting to act afraid of the house. My wife won't even stay there alone. I have decided that in a month or so I am going to send my son to my parents and send my wife and her friend to a spa for a couple of nights. During this time I am going to perform an investigation in the house to see if I can gather any evidence.

In my opinion, you have no moral obligation to these sort of 'hauntings'. Your family feels uncomfortable and frightened. Just clean the place out by smudging/banishing/prayer/visualization..etc. By your description, I would be inclined to believe a simple banishing/smudging would easily clear the place out.

My plan is to get a full spectrum camcorder for myself to carry during the investigation.

Don't bother. Full spectrum camcorders usually don't work as well as advertised, and you will still have to spend more money for lighting. Even then, how many videos have you witnessed of 'spirits' caught on full spectrum cameras? They are a waste of time and money, in my opinion. If you want to go the modern investigator route, just get a voice recorder. That's all you need. EMF detectors are not reliable whatsoever. If you decide to get a spirit box, forget about modifying a radio. The ones made for paranormal investigators are much better.

1: the statue, I stated it was jesus but really I don't know, it was religious looking in nature. It is buried so I can't get a picture of it. Does anyone know why this statue was buried back there?

Who can say? What's done is done. There is nothing to be done about it now except to clean the place up and protect yourself and your loved ones if you feel the need.

2: equipment and stores for the investigation that won't break the bank

Just go to Amazon. They carry all of the basic stuff and often don't have the high shipping costs some of these paranormal speciality stores online have.

3: any advice ya'll may have regarding the investigation and possible haunting.

If your family is frightened, forget investigating. Just clean the place out.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 02:02 AM
Well its just me in the house tonight, so I'll be performing EVPs for most of the night.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 02:03 AM
Tell you family when stuff happens to tell the ghosts to "Go to the light and there is unconditional love in the light. This is not your home. Go to the light."

That usually works ... also you could sage the house and put salt around the outside of the home. Also Catholic Holy Water works too.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by XTexan
Well its just me in the house tonight, so ,,,.

...need sum company? -winkers-

Darryl Forests
edit on 31-5-2013 by Forests because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by WildSkyView
Tell you family when stuff happens to tell the ghosts to "Go to the light and there is unconditional love in the light. This is not your home. Go to the light."

That usually works ... also you could sage the house and put salt around the outside of the home. Also Catholic Holy Water works too.

If the ghosts are periodic visitors (perhaps family) then, of course, that won't work. It's only when the ghosts don't know they are dead that one should try that strategy.

By the way, about sage, when I burn sage to cleanse a house...I want to leave and never come back too. It stinks so bad.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:53 AM
like light said, there is a difference between a ghost and a spirit. A ghost doesn't know they are dead, and refuses to move on because something or someone has bounded them to the earthly plane of existence. A spirit on the other hand knows they are dead, they can be a decreased family member or friend. They come back to visit and watch over you, they aren't earth bound. There is alot of things you can use in your arsenal to fight ghosts, salt line the perimeter of the house, or if your being attack when you sleep(which actually happens alot cuz they know your at your weakest) Salt under the matress of your bed. You could go the route of using crystals like black tourmaline/quartz etc they have powers to protect, Sage works, if you don't want to use sage, I heard Dragon's blood incense is also a very powerful weapon to cleanse negative energy(if you decide to do your own cleansing make sure you burn whatever your burning in all 4-corners of your house(make sure you get every corner, even closets).

In general, just making sure you always have windows open, let in as much sunlight into your home, open the windows. Like alot of posters say, just simply communicating and telling them that they are dead, that there isn't anything left on this plane of existence is here for them and to tell to move on. However, that always doesn't work. Sometimes because you acknowledge them, they won't want to leave or the activity might increase. Either way if this casper is giving you a really hard time, and its a strong will entity, then you might need to call in the big guns and get the placed blessed or have a medium come in and do a passing ritual. All religions have something similar, but I would recommend getting a professional religion leader to do it since their faith needs to be strong to battle whatever is living in your house. Sometimes you might need to do this a FEW times, is there is alot of negative energies there(multiple ghosts maybe). Either way its a spiritual battle sometimes, and sometimes you might just end up losing and having to move out. Some places you might need an army of priest or religious leaders to cleanse the place. You might have to treat this like an infestation, like ants or rats, sometimes you get all of them or sometimes you don't and sometimes they come back. Whatever the case you might to rinse and repeat a few times, or just learn to live with it.

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