posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Not too sure bud.
I'll tell you what though. This was the first time I voted on an electronic machine that didn't print something out.
Granted I live in a heavily red state that wasn't in play, so my vote didn't really have that much sway in the national election.
However, something was very cold about doing that. I hit a few buttons, it spit out my yellow card, and I was done. No receipt, no punch card thing,
no aftertaste, nada.
I think widescale election fraud with paper ballots is harder to pull off. Extemely hard.
So, if there is an evidence of fraud I'd say it would be with the e-voting machines. Then again, what is the evidence?
I don't know if I believe anything is corrupt. Upset, yes, but I don't know if I buy into the fraud thing. There was plenty of shady things that
went down prior to the elction by both sides. I just think the left depended on the youth vote to much and underestimated the turnout in Bush's
Remember, people can stand in lines forever in blue districts to vote, but if people have already voted in the red districts and it's more votes
they're still going to win. No matter how long people stand in line to vote against the incumbant. Long lines get the news coverage, not thousdands
of smaller districts that are completely red and have no wait time.
The interesting thing is what the Dems will do from here. I think it needs to be looked at much like a sports franchise that did not deliver as
promissed. Management needs to be reshuffled and fresh blood needs to get in. It is rebuilding time and they've got 2 years to start getting things
in place to get some power back, or at least even thigns out a bit.
Terry should be worried about his job at the DNC. I know I would be.