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Possible hair and blood samples from Puerto Rican Goatsucking Chupacabra.

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posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:17 AM
Lots of crazy chupa accounts coming from Puerto Rico recently and in the latest case it's reported that one left hair and blood samples after killing a goat and leaping over a 9 foot fence - it's also stated that the creature ran on its hindlegs and didn't need a running jump!

(Warning - graphic image of decaptitated goat)

Unknown Beast Kills Goat – Leaps Over 9 Foot Fence

Angel Joel Soto got the scare of his life when he interrupted an unknown creature which had just taken down one of his goats.

Surprised by Soto, the beast escaped his property by jumping a 9 foot tall fence, topped with razor wire.

Strangely enough, it required no running start, as it stopped at the fence line prior to leaping.

This was Soto’s second run in of this sort in 3 months. His horse was attacked in January by what could be the same predator.

Is this the infamous Chupacabra?


Unfortunately the video's in Spanish but the full report can be found at the Inexplicata link as well as other Puerto Rican Chupa reports including one being knocked down by a car in Guayama.

Puerto Rico: Chupacabras – The Night Siege

On Saturday, 20 April 2013, the research team formed by José Pérez, Ilbis Domínguez, Luissepi Quiñones, José A. Martínez, Aníbal Martínez and Richard Flrores paid a visit to Mr. Flores’ farm for an interview. This was after interviewing Mr. Fernando Díaz, the person whose car collided with a strange creature back in March. Mr. Flores (“Tigre”) told us the following:

“On Thursday, 18 April 2013 at around 9:00 p.m., I headed to the farm to make sure everything was ok was the animals. As I approached the stable where I keep my horses, I saw them running around, frightened, as though fleeing from something.

“I grabbed my flashlight and went to the pen, opened the door and immediately noticed that the wooden cage in which I kept my last remaining goat was opened. I suddenly heard a sound and when I pointed the flashlight to see what it was, I saw the goat stirring on the ground. I called to my wife: “The goat’s injured!” I got closer and that’s when I saw a dark figure near my goat, which was motionless on the ground. All I could make out was a crouched figure, black with shiny black eyes (possible flashlight reflection).

“When that thing saw me, it took off running toward the fence in the back of the pen. The fence is approximately nine feet tall, and has a concertina type razor wire on top of it. That thing ran quickly. Just as it faced the fence, it got ready to leap with its hind legs, taking an incredible flying leap to reach the other side. As it did so, it was momentarily entangled in the concertina wire, cutting its skin and leaving hair on the wire.

“Once it reached the other side, it ran to the left of the fence, plunged into the brush and vanished. To tell you the truth, I don’t know who was more frightened – that thing or I. That night I quit being “Tigre” for a while (humorous remark). That was definitely not a dog. I didn’t see any wings on it or anything.
“The little goat was my son’s pet. He even called her “Li” after his grandmother, whose name is Lili.”

When our research team visited the site the following Saturday, we could examine the goat’s carcass. The night on which the events occurred, all it had was a laceration on its neck and some perforations near its genitals, but when we examined it, the animal’s head was twisted and it seemed as though its neck area had been enlarged further, and its mouth was open. We had the impression that the creature had returned during the night to finish the job.

We examined the entire area but didn’t find any prints. We did, however, take samples of the blood and hair of the animal that was left on the concertina wire. These samples of genetic material have been submitted to a laboratory for analysis. We will keep you apprised of the results.

The most curious item of information was that when the creature leaped, it did not take a running leap. It simply stopped in front of the fence and took a nine-foot jump on its hind legs. We are not aware of any animal known to man that is able to do such a thing.


posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:21 AM
Man, I was young enough to remember the chupacabra being this alien like vampire creature that sucked blood and feasted on innocent goats. Today it is common to link it to some diseased hairless wild dog. However, this video and story reminded me of the times when the chupacabra was this mysterious beast that scary folk tales are about in Latin America. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:24 AM
Whoa! What a freaky story. I have never hear of Chupacabra before. Oh, I guess I have seen thread titles with that name in them but those type of topics have never really interested me. So crazy they got the thing's dna.

Great thread. Star and a flag for you

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:11 PM
Sazon, (adding spice to the story, for those who arent "boricua") I dont believe it. It is not being reported on any local news sites in Puerto Rico.

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 05:57 PM
Hasn't DNA from a chupacabra been found before? Or at least calmed

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by springtime
Hasn't DNA from a chupacabra been found before? Or at least calmed

Whole body's have been found,
always been bald dogs and stuff

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 06:45 PM
I've see on Monsterqust or a similar show someone said they found the body of a chupacabra in Mexico but it was the body of a dead dog or something

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by karl 12

Must be a pretty big guy too considering his head is nearly 9 feet above ground level - or?

So giants are back too. 2 birds with 1 stone.
Must be a nest for mysteries down there.

Maybe this "Mystery" could have been solved if I were able to watch the vid.
Was it?


posted on May, 3 2013 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by Ansar

The report didnot say the Chupacabra was 9 feet tall

It said it stoped and "took a nine-foot jump"

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 05:09 AM
I'm pretty sure they already have identified this species.

Its a dog with fangs basically.

Plenty of video of these guys running around, not really a mystery anymore.

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by azureskys

Maybe you misread what I wrote.

The HEADLINE above the 1. pic in the OP said "Unknown Beast Kills Goat – Leaps Over 9 Foot Fence"
The pic shows the (?) fence and a MAN that touches the fence.
The wire seems to be right at HIS eye level.

Now - if the FENCE measures 9 feet in height I concluded that the MAN (referred to as "a pretty big guy" in my post... ) must be of nearly the same HEIGHT and so be a GIANT considering an average greatness of men between 5 and 6 feet.

I hope that helped?


posted on May, 4 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Ansar

Well I guess so.

that I would interpret that as the creature being that tall.

Someone must have slipped me a little of the kool-aid when I was looking the other way.

edit on 4-5-2013 by azureskys because: spelling

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by azureskys

You are right -
ne can never be careful enough.

Beware of the slippers!


posted on May, 5 2013 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by MyNoa

Originally posted by springtime
Hasn't DNA from a chupacabra been found before? Or at least calmed

Whole body's have been found,
always been bald dogs and stuff

Yes. People are always confusing feral dogs for chupacapabras - so much so that some people find it hard to accept any more that some cases are the real deal.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 09:19 AM
Thanks for the replies and this certainly is a freaky Chupa account (maybe it's a kangaroo with mange).

Will keep an eye out for the results of the hair and blood samples and as it states in one of the links, it's not the first report from the area of Guayama in Puerto Rico - it also looks like Canóvanasm, Orocovis and Morovis have had their fair share of reports over the years and the page below is quite an entertaining read.

Five months later, however, the attacks intensified and became more bizarre than any cattle mutilation. In August, 1995, as many as 150 farm animals and pets were killed by a mysterious predator in and around the Puerto Rican town of Canóvanas. In most cases, like the sheep, the animals were drained of blood through small holes. A definite pattern of unexplained killing had developed. Several of the animal victims were goats, which inspired the locals to christen the killer, el chupacabras - the "goat sucker."

Through the end of 1995, chupacabras had been blamed for more than 1,000 mysterious animals deaths - all resulting from blood loss through one or more puncture wounds.

On the Trail of the Chupacabras

There's also a good link below with other exsanginated animal reports from Puerto Rico, Chile, Mexico, Central America, Russia, the U.S. and the Carribean with some info and pics of mangy dogs and genetically mutated coyotes.

In March 1995, the Puerto Rican towns of Orocovis and Morovis began to be plagued by some force that was mysteriously murdering their animals. The carcasses of goats, chickens and other small farm animals were reported to be thoroughly exsanguinated, with the blood often said to have been drained out through a single neat puncture wound.

Sightings and slain livestock continued to be reported in various parts of Puerto Rico throughout the fall of 1995. The Goatsucker allegedly killed 11 goats in the town of San German, and on one occasion a group of townspeople said they chased the creature away as it was attempting to kill three roosters.

Sightings of Chupacabras

Originally posted by GrantedBail

Whoa! What a freaky story. I have never hear of Chupacabra before. Oh, I guess I have seen thread titles with that name in them but those type of topics have never really interested me. So crazy they got the thing's dna.

Great thread. Star and a flag for you

GrantedBail it's certainly a strange one and as it states in the report..

"It simply stopped in front of the fence and took a nine-foot jump on its hind legs. We are not aware of any animal known to man that is able to do such a thing"

I'm not an animal expert but, assuming the testimony is correct, does anyone out there know of an animal that could perform such a jump?

Originally posted by Ansar

Must be a pretty big guy too considering his head is nearly 9 feet above ground level - or?

So giants are back too.

Ansar, probably best to watch the vid mate as it clearly shows the man climbing up on the 3 foot foundation wall of the chain link fence.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 12:39 PM
Any takers for this one?

Monster Bait Needed: Group Offers Top Dollar to Human Bait in Chupacabra Hunt

Looking for a side job with decent pay, odd hours, and a possible brush with the unexplained? Being paranormal bait might just be the job for you, and there’s at least one group hiring.

The 42 member strong ACAM, or Association of Haunt Mariana, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil has been dealing with all manner of terror inflicted by their own version of the Chupacabra: the menacing Caboclo D’Água, a bizarre monster seen as responsible for the mass deaths of livestock, and has even been blamed for the death of at least four humans.



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