posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:35 AM
Spending needs not be those that build roads that go nowhere as Japan did back in the 90s.
GROWTH means to stimulate the economy through govt directed effects upon manufacturing, services and financial services to ehance the circulation of
weath which is hoarded up now by the rich and elites. If done wisely, wealth will be circulated and funds need not and should not be used for white
elephants - looks good but does nothing and gives no returns.
Austerity is a belt tigtening measure which in the long run, will achieve what growth does as it massively and drastically cuts down wastes and
corruption, forces ALL to live within their means, etc. Problem is - can the citizens survive 'the long run' to rebuild the economy?
Spain and the rest of EU thinks so. So be it. Each pays the price for their decisions.
What can and should be done NOW is to alleviate the sufferings of unemployment faced by 27% of the population.
------Redistribution of Talents and Skilled Labour to 3rd World Nations ---------
As EU can only offer 70% of its population for employment, measures must be taken by the authorities to take care of the unemployed, not by charity
but by finding them work. It is sad that a citizen cannot find work in his own country, thanks to the corruption and greed of the elites, but no point
crying over spilt milk.
The young, the talented and the skilled who are unemployed now must be prepared to go overseas for jobs, or rot in EU now. And the govts must form up
employment agencies to seek for jobs not only within EU, but the rest of the world, through economic developement councils, espacially in third world
nations' MNC and growing companies which lacked the advanced skillsets and tech to progress.
Third world nations such as Laos, Burma and Africa have the resources and the wealth, but lacking in management and tech knowhow to progress. Their
best and brightest is grabbed into govt agencies, leaving the rest to the private sectors.
I am by no means disparaging against them, for I believe that they can and ARE as intelligent as anyone from the West. The only problem there is
corruption and nepotism that had stifled the OPPORTUNITIES of many to rise up, except for the well connected kids.
This is not some White Man Superiority dig. None can deny the west had lead the world in tech, management and sciences. Even China which are
nationalists, still depend on the West for its growth, either honestly or by stealing it. Some nationalists in other nations will claim to xenophobia,
but the truth is, such claims were only meant to keep their fellow citizens stupid and ignorant, while those leaders send their children to the west
to gain knowledge.
There is no need for MNCs or promising companies in the 3rd world to hire ALL their own people, or hire ALL citizens only. A qouta of 30% foreign
labour vs 70% local labour would satisfy all, gives the 3rd world nation citizens the opportunity to learn from the best and skilled talents from the
west and grow.
At the same time, wealthy companies in 3rd world nations be encouraged to set up shop in EU, in manufacturing and services, NOT property or any other
forms of gambling. With the same labour terms, it will give them the opportunities to learn and grow as well, to see how innovation and quality can
upgrade and uplift lives.
This exchange is temporary only and not permanent, unless the desire is there. It will take est 15 years for the 3rd world nations to catch up, and at
the same time, est 15 years for EU to stabalise with its austerity measures. By then, citizens can return to their homelands.
Many things can happen during the 15years period, which no mortal can predict. 5 years ago, there was no Ipad. Perhaps we would have nuke each other
off existance, OR, we may well have advanced into colonizing the stars by then.
There must and will be hope. There will be choices, if the national will - both govt and People;s, are there. Would a guy prefer to see his
ex-classmate who had the same score with in school, walking into the restaurant with a wife and 2 kids on tow, got a job because he was the lucky few
in the country, WHILE that guy is behind the counter flippin burgers, or worse, begging for food, OR seek overseas for opportunities to work,learn and
grow, and return back to EU a better man with a better life?
There is no need to sink in despair, nor must one ever go down that route. There is still hope. The world had not ended. There is still balance in the
world. Where one part of the world is mired, the other part still does progress.
Good luck.