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The secret benefit of exercising

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posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 09:39 PM
It is well known that exercising improves circulation, builds muscles, stamina, strengthens the heart, improves mood, and great physical condition. But not many people know what is the cause of these conditions. Exercising itself is not the cause. What comes after a few minutes of exercising is DEEP BREATHING and this DEEP BREATHING is the main benefactor of exercising. When you start to run out of air the lungs and the body are asking for more air and it begins to automatically breath deeper and deeper and this extra air you are bringing in onto the body cleanses and purifies the blood replacing the old contaminated air and as a result you get all the benefits mentioned above. So as you can see it's DEEP BREATHING the secret to great health, not the exercising itself. The great yogis of the east do not run, exercise, lift weights etc. All they do is deep breathing exercises and that's how they become strong, powerful, and healthy. They don't build any muscles or run marathons, but they are stronger and healthier than the ones who do. I'm not saying you should not exercise but all I'm saying is that you should concentrate on your deep breathing more than anything else because that's where the secret lies.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by frankky

So true! Although exercise is very healthy too, just for the muscle tone and heart capacity. That old axiom about taking 10 deep breaths when you're getting angry can save many situations from taking the wrong turn. Thanks for the thread (and I find myself taking deep breaths as I type this, so it can be done anywhere and anytime!)

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 09:48 PM
It is also called 'concentrated breathing' and it has a calming effect. Whenever I'm nervous I do deep breathes and it calms me right down.

To do it effectively the goal is to fill the entire capacity of your lungs by breathing in and holding it as you count to four and then slowly releasing. Repeat.

We don't use our entire lung capacity when we breath and this exercise corrects that giving you ample amounts of oxygen.
edit on 24-4-2013 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 10:27 PM
I somehow doubt deep breathing is going to help me lose 40lbs where as I know jogging will. This is not to say I'm opposed to deep breathing exercises in anyway. Yoga is one of my favorites as well as the body flow series which is a combo of tai chi (sp?), pilates, and yoga. Never lost weight doing yoga or body flow, but I certainly was more limber, stronger and overall felt much better!

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 10:28 PM
I love exercise. Yes deep breathing is a huge part of it.

But it is so much more than that. It is that feeling the next day of your muscles thanking you for working them and making them stronger. It is good pain.

Like right now my abs are loving me because they got a good workout yesterday. Then today I played racquetball for 2 hours and my legs are exhausted, but a good exhausted. The body likes to be used and be in motion.

But I do agree with OP that deep breathing is great and definitely does occur during strenuous exercise.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by frankky

I'm curious about this. Any source you can provide? Or can you offer us more, like your experiences with deep breathing and the benefits you have received?

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 10:55 PM
It may be good for you, but it isn't deep breathing that causes any of the benefits you listed.

What do "The great yogis of the east" eat and drink, what are their daily activities?
edit on 24-4-2013 by SpearMint because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 01:42 AM
I'm going to speculate that it's both the exercise and deep breathing.

I also noticed that when you do cardio, you are more likely to breath with your diaphragm, increasing the air flow to your lower lungs. Your lower lungs have a crap ton more alveoli-which increases the amount of oxygen your body gets.

Keep in the cardio range for 45-60 mins to improve your performance, which will increase the oxygen flow to your body. Which will make your deep breathing more effective.

You then get a resting heart rate of 55 BPM after a while...which means your heart doesn't work as hard at rest...since your cardio performance is drastically improved, your organs will get the oxygen they need. Happy organs equals less health issues. Etc etc.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by frankky
Yes, the breath is a key factor because it actually integrates the physical body-mind with the etheric or subtle body. This process relative to prana is what the yogis have practiced since the ancient days.

The breath serves the process of integrating the three great centers and processes of the physical body-mind - the head, heart, and vital - by drawing down the energy or prana of the subtle body; and this integration results in the energization and equanimity of the physical body-mind.

So the breath serves the process of the body-mind being naturally full, single, integrated, and whole - rather than tending to feel separated between mind and body.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by frankky

The great yogis of the east do not run, exercise, lift weights etc. All they do is deep breathing exercises and that's how they become strong, powerful, and healthy. They don't build any muscles or run marathons, but they are stronger and healthier than the ones who do. I'm not saying you should not exercise but all I'm saying is that you should concentrate on your deep breathing more than anything else because that's where the secret lies.

Great yogis do not rely on deep breathing or breathing exercices to control prana (the qi, ka, mana, universal life-force, etc. of other cultures). Deep breathing or pranayamas imply efforts but the more you'll advance in Yoga, the more you'll realize that the more efforts you make, the less results you will get, that immobility is better than movements, that stillness of the mind is something crucial, etc...

The essential qi

It is the essence of things that gives life to them.
Below, it gives birth to the five grains (elements);
above, it is the ranks of stars.
Flowing between heaven and earth:
we call these ghosts and spirits.
Stored within the breast:
we call these sages.

This qi is
So bright! As though climbing to heaven.
So dark! As though entering the abyss.
So broad! As though permeating the sea.
So compact! As though residing within oneself.

This qi
Cannot be detained through physical force,
but may be brought to rest by force of virtue.
It may not be summoned by means of sound,
but may be received through one’s thoughts.

- Guanzi (管子): The Inner Enterprise (Neiye 內業)

edit on 25-4-2013 by D1ss1dent because: ...

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by ChuckNasty
I'm going to speculate that it's both the exercise and deep breathing.

Indeed! When we exercise the body, more oxygen is needed than when we rest the body (not exactly surprising). The heart beats faster to distribute the oxygen to the muscles. We condition our heart by cardio, and we strengthen our muscles when we lift weights. To me, physical exercise is a highly spiritual discipline since we must always (at least while we exist as humans) take our body into account because it is our temple.

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