posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 04:11 PM
Greetings everyone. I recently finished watching the movie SIRIUS. Among numerous topics covered in the film, green energy and establishing a bridge
for extraterrestrial contact were two themes that resonated with me. I have long felt that planet Earth and its inhabitants would greatly benefit from
using advanced technologies as a power source to generate clean energy. Establishing extraterrestrial contact was explored subtly throughout the
movie, but was something that caught my eye.
A final point that has come to my attention is something that is becoming a reoccurring pattern in the United States. When hearings are conducted
relating to missing money or the extraterrestrial/ufo phenomena, "shattering" events take place, redirecting peoples attention from "trillions have
gone missing" and "we have key witnesses and documents pertaining to ufo related incidences" to "we must go to war".
Feel free to share your comments about the movie as this is an open discussion.