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If the Democratice Party caves in...

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posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 08:33 PM
The House and Senate will be heavily Republican. Bush has four more years. More than half the nation''s governors will be Republican.
There's a good chance at least one Supreme Court Judge will be replaced in this one-sided Atmosphere.*

Could the Democratice Party cease to be? Are they no longer filling the needs of the folks who vote democratic?

Could the country be ready for a new Party, like the Libertarians, to take over?
Is our country going in a new direction? Perhaps, as has happened before, a new party will take over from one of the oldies-but-no-longer-goodies?
I see this one-sidedness as doing more to change the politics of this country than the Democrats ever dreamed of doing? Is it time to send this party out to pasture?

*YES, I did vote for Bush!!!

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 08:42 PM
I don't think this is the end of the Democratic party. I think this is just apart of the conservative tide that has swept America right now, and I think that the nation will be more liberal a few years from now.

It's not entirely a bad thing that all of these democrats were defeated by republicans. The democrats that used to be in the senate were spineless politicians who lacked good leadership skills, and this means that democrats can get in stronger democrats at the next election.

I'm glad Tom Daschle isn't the democratic leader anymore, it's time for a real leader to lead the democrats.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 08:51 PM
I was thinking about this as well..

The party MAY dissolve into two parts..

An extremist left version, and a more moderate centrist version...

I believe this is EXACTLY why they lost the big one, this year..
The members of the party are divided.

Yet, the extreme side seems to be much more agressive and "In your FACE"..

Just my opinion..

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 08:58 PM
In short... No. Not at all.

The Democratic party has just been beaten up, it's now going to work a hell of a lot harder in learning how to protect itself and fight back. You'll slowly see the resurgence of a newer, stronger democratic party.

There are A LOT of lessons to be learned.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 09:00 PM
To me, they don't reallt represent their constituents. They are way too far to the left.

Do you think the Libertarians could use this weakness to their advantage?

And you gotta think:
how many dems were simply voting against Bush, will little or no thought about party issues. Which, IMH republican opinion was never really expressed.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
To me, they don't reallt represent their constituents. They are way too far to the left.

Do you think the Libertarians could use this weakness to their advantage?

And you gotta think:
how many dems were simply voting against Bush, will little or no thought about party issues. Which, IMH republican opinion was never really expressed.

Libertarians... exploit... the... central... left? Did you really just say that.

Others Votes Vote %
Michael Badnarik (Libertarian Party) 371,820 0.32%

It's not going to happen. The democrats will learn and appeal to both the centrists and their base. It's harder to appeal to a base that isn't by nature homophobic, god fearing and gun loving.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
There are A LOT of lessons to be learned.

What lessons, in brief, are you speaking of?

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
Others Votes Vote %
Michael Badnarik (Libertarian Party) 371,820 0.32%

It's not going to happen. The democrats will learn and appeal to both the centrists and their base. It's harder to appeal to a base that isn't by nature homophobic, god fearing and gun loving.

First of all, if either party collapsed, I would shout and do a happy dance.

Second, considering the length of time we have had the Big Two, their bases are getting a little too big.

The Democrat party has a base that is enormous (same for the Reps too). They can not keep "representing" everyone in their base forever. As it is now people are always pissed at them.

It can only get worse, and I hope it does.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 10:18 PM
I think the dems are done for, and _may_ try to mount a campaign for 08 that will totally flop and see a republican only goverment from stem to stern. After that probably 20 years or so of hard changes to the way of life in the US which will probably reverse any social accoomplishements in the last 50 years. One step foward for the right, two steps back for the country.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 10:23 PM
Its quite funny how in the USA the Democrats are considered very left winged... But from where i see it they are actually more central than anything... i think the major problem with the Dems is they dont represent the Far left enough (not communists)...

But i doubt they'll collapse, parties go through ups and downs, and they'll bounce back... they just need more inspiring people to represent them... I'm in a way glad Kerry didnt win... now maybe a decent democratic candidate can run in 08

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 10:36 PM
I think the democrats are on the way out.

But I also see the Republican party spliting up into two parties more along the line of the Libertarians or the Constitution Party and the Other half would be more like the democrats today.

Does anyone think the Republicans are for smaller government?

How about personal freedom?

The ones that ARE for these things will have to go somewehere else because the Republicans are not for either and neither are the Democrats

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 10:44 PM
As I've said in other threads...

The Dems are totally bewildered by every being that lives south of Baltimore and west of Pittsburgh or outside of the Great Lakes. Unfortunately for them, this means that they don't 'get' the actual country.

Now, if they stay the same way, they will only lose more elections. Why? Because the red states are growing in influence and population. After 2010 you can expect most of the Bush states to have many more electoral votes than they do now. Unless the Dems figure out how non-northeast liberals think... they're done for (like the Federalists).

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 10:47 PM
Look at him. Just look...

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
As I've said in other threads...

The Dems are totally bewildered by every being that lives south of Baltimore and west of Pittsburgh or outside of the Great Lakes. Unfortunately for them, this means that they don't 'get' the actual country.

..... Unless the Dems figure out how non-northeast liberals think... they're done for (like the Federalists).

And in places like Michigan and Ohio, the majority of counties vote Republican. It's only the major cities that vote democrat. (Detroit, Lansing, Flint, etc.) They need to find out what their constituents want or they will go the way of the othe parties in this country.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
I think the democrats are on the way out.

But I also see the Republican party spliting up into two parties more along the line of the Libertarians or the Constitution Party and the Other half would be more like the democrats today.

That would be an ideal situation. The two big parties need to get in touch with the people. They are so big and so invred that they don't have a clue. They are machines without a heart. Hopefully, they will lose before more people forget how to think for themselves.

And, IMHO, thinking for oneself is the most important thing a person can do for this country. I think the rest can follow once you start using your brain, asking questions, not taking everything you hear on TV and radio as gospel.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:11 PM
Oh for Pete's sake...Dubya got 51%.... half...that hardly means the end of a party....what's wrong with you people?

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
Oh for Pete's sake...Dubya got 51%.... half...that hardly means the end of a party....what's wrong with you people?

What they are talking about is more than the presidential election. They are talking about the senate wins, the house of reps wins, and the governor wins. They did get a good sweep of the elections. But that doesnt mean the democrats will disappear it means that the republicans will be in control for awhile. It took the Republicans what 40 years to take back the house, so now its the republicans turn to enjoy there majority.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
Oh for Pete's sake...Dubya got 51%.... half...that hardly means the end of a party....what's wrong with you people?
\Perhaps if you read my initial post, you see it wasn't just about the president. It is about how the whole democratic party seems to be out of touch and losing power in this country. This could be a blip on the radar or it could mean SERIOUS trouble for the dems.
What's wrong is what the dems HAVE to figure out if they want to hold appreciable power in this country.
It may be time for people to realign their political priorities.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
What's wrong is what the dems HAVE to figure out if they want to hold appreciable power in this country.
It may be time for people to realign their political priorities.

I agree with you the democrats have some problems, they need to get together and fix them. What the democrats need is a strong leader, and hopefully they will find one besides Hillary.

posted on Nov, 5 2004 @ 01:28 PM
I do think that the Democrats are in serious trouble. No political party lasts forever (remember the Federalists? Whigs?) and it may be nearing the end for the Democrats.

Who would replace them? Well, the Republicans have been leaning more and more left over the years -- I can see, in the future, the Republicans eventually being the liberals the Democrats used to be (the Democrats seem more like socialists now), and the Libertarians being the conservatives the Republicans once were.

There will still be two parties, one conservative and one liberal, as there always has been -- but new parties occasionally replace old ones. Such is the way of life in politics.

The Republicans now control all three branches of government -- Bush is President, both houses of Congress have a Republican majority, and the two together will likely appoint and approve four Supreme Court judges, as well as Greenspan's replacement as head of the Federal Reserve. This election will likely effect the course of U.S. history for the next 25 years, at least.

The Democratic party is in shambles right now, and an internal fight for control of the party is about to begin -- heads will likely roll, and there could even be a political coup d'etat within the different factions of the party. Will the Democrats survive? I don't know, but it looks more and more like Carter and Clinton were the Democrats' swan song after each election...

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