posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 02:07 PM
Hello all my friends. I'm rarely a thread starter and this steps widely from the norm of my threads. But with all this Boston hype here I thought I'd
give a seperate outlet of discussion. Being from Boston myself I'm highly tired of all of it... But to the point lol
I've been a pool player since a child as I used to have a full table in my attic. But the past year or so have gotten fully back into the game. I've
noticed since then a sharp increase in my attention span outside of the game aswel as in from an increase in practice. I was wondering if anyone else
here also has noticed this from an increase of playing this or any other skill game.
Any other hints and tips are well appreciated aswell
and I'd love to add more to this thread if anyone is interested In discussion. Till then have
an awesome day my friends!
edit on 21-4-2013 by pryed -eyed-one because: Spelling error
edit on 21-4-2013 by pryed -eyed-one
because: (no reason given)