It has been an interesting few days as I've tried to figure out how to get to certain areas, etc. I Feel quite confused because I'm a mom whose not
on the computer very much and pretty slow when it comes to anything regarding it.....eeek!
Just as a side not about me....I have interest in the International Coalition for Drug Awareness So, I spend a lot of "real"
time in another area of conspiracy! Hopefully, I will get the chance to browse more in the medical threads.
Well, I'm not sure where to post this, and I'm sure that I'm going to get slammed for my next comments, but I just want to mention my observations
as a new commer. I want to point out something I think is being overlooked (at least from what I've read so far) by those who are claiming to be so
intelligent. It may take me some time to get use to people being so blatant with their opinions of others because my philosophy in life is to treat
others the way you want to be treated.
Here goes my "mom" observations without pointing fingers. I've read the 757/Pentagon posts and I've felt disappointed that because questions were
asked, people were being accused of being ignorant.
At the risk of being ignorant I want to ask, since when, does asking questions to clarify qualify for ignorance? Are we not saying that we want to ask
questions so that we can become more educated? That is like the school teacher telling "Johnny" that if he asks for clarification on his math, that
he has a learning disability and needs Ritalin. In my position as an advocate for stopping the mass drugging of America, I can tell you that those who
have that attitude are the ones who need to re-evaluate who is being igonorant.
I think that people can debate or reason with each other concerning their points without name calling or eluding to expletives. To me, people who are
claiming to be so intelligent lose "kudo points" in my book, for not being able to handle their emotions without insults. When I first read that
essay, I thought WOW! Great evidence! However, the more I read the questions posed by others, I realized that I did need more clarifiction myself
about certain things.
In my experience, proclaiming intelligence will only get you so far. When you throw a fit, insulting your net neighbor, your going to lose respect and
CREDIBILTY. (have you ever tried to reason with your kids.....Control is a necessity!) Just because you can type what you want anonomously, does not
add virtue to your character and I would seriously question how an individual who insults another, behaves off of the net.
Anyway, I'll get off my soap box, but I do hope all of you will take thought about what your saying in those posts.
PS I sure would like to know how to put smily's and those cool graphics in.....