posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 05:42 PM
As I watch the Boston tragedy unfold, I have to ask myself some questions.
1. What are the TPTB learning about 'shutting down' a metropolis? How long will the citizens cope with being 'kept safe' (read: imprisoned) in their
own homes? How long before a majority becomes 'restless' (read: rebels) with the strict curfew? If 'restlessness' becomes a problem (read: riots), how
much time would have elapsed in order to bring in other LEA's (read: military) to help with the 'restlessness'?
2. How long can a city incur a financial burden without being able to recover? What about those who work for an hourly salary? Most businesses are
national, if not global, how are they affected?
3. What amount of trust do the citizens give those in charge? What if the LEO's came asking for weapons, not to take them away, but to keep them safe
and out of the terrorists hands (don't worry, you will get them back when this is all over)? If you do go to the store can you be searched to make
sure you or your family are not being held hostage? (Yeah, this third one is way extreme and pure speculation, but when was the last time we had an
American city closed down?)
Just some random thoughts.
edit on 19-4-2013 by ObservingTheWorld because: Grammar