posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 04:14 PM
thats the name i choose an choose it be cause well the time was right to finally join.
a little about me.....
I'm 30 a female, totally agree with prob 75% of what this site has to say for the most part.
I'm strong in my faith but I will not go into it or force it down others throats. I do not feel for the most part that is something I feel I need to
comment on in threads much since I know who I am an what I believe, I believe it to be "the truth".
I believe we are being lied daily by 99% of the msm.
I believe there are things that have happened in our history recently as well as the past an distant past that didn't happen they way we are
"thought" to believe. An everyday we get more an more proof of that as the gov releases old docs.
I am not a crackpot
I am a very stable ,aware,mother that is concerned with the way people just go with the flow an never an i mean never stop to ask why any more.
I mean my 2 year old ask more questions than msm reporters do .
Well thats me i look forward to addin my input no matter how few an far between that maybe.
(oh i have been lurking here for years on end till now)