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ACLU: Detroit Police Dumping Homeless Outside City

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posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:24 PM

( (WWJ/AP) – The American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan says Detroit police are removing homeless people from the popular Greektown entertainment district downtown and dropping them off miles away — sometimes outside the city.

“DPD’s practice of essentially kidnapping homeless people and abandoning them miles away from the neighborhoods they know – with no means for a safe return — is inhumane, callous and illegal,” said Sarah Mehta, ACLU of Michigan staff attorney. “The city’s desire to hide painful reminders of our economic struggles cannot justify discriminating against the poor, banishing them from their city, and endangering their lives. A person who has lost his home has not lost his right to be treated with dignity.”

So this is OUR America?
And I do mean OUR'S!
How many people do you know that are or have been effected by the current,or lack there off,economy?
There are so many people walking a fine line of becoming homeless.
And the answer for this epidemic?
Out of sight,out of mind.

So as things get worse,is this the eventual solution?
Just dump the poor and homeless off in the middle of nowhere?
The only other option would have to be this...

Detroit is not a first,in fact its becoming an ongoing trend.

Feeding the Homeless Illegal in Many Cities

its illegal to feed homeless ,man arrested

Philadelphia: No Love for the Homeless

Homelessness is becoming rampid,just google tent cities.

So,were not allowed to be homeless,help the homeless,or I dunno.
Do you?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:29 PM
I always love how cities spend so much money on all these services that their politicians win elections by promising then when they experience the inevitable conclusion of creating their "room and board for all" utopia they balk and being sweeping all the people they cannot afford to house and feed under the rug.

Every city does this and none of them will learn because promising the world while dumping trash into the ocean wins elections very consistently.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox
While such actions by police toward the homeless are sad and inhumane there is a good chance that they are operating within the law. Since technically the people are homeless and have no legal residence within the city vagrancy laws (depending on the wording per the area) would permit the police to either arrest or escort to outside of the city limits homeless people should they choose to do so. I don't agree with it, but it probably isn't illegal.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:45 PM
I thought that Detroit was where you send people to be punished. The city jails must be full, that's my take on it. I doubt that the suburbs are pleased with an influx of Detroit homeless people.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by littled16

"there is a good chance that they are operating within the law"

I agree with you,but thats the scary part.
That there can be laws to basically punish or remove the poor and homeless/helpless.

I've heard people in places of power state that alot of these people suffer from "other issues".
Pretty much "crazy" or drug addicts.

But if people google tent cities,they would see what has put ALOT of people there,and in the position of being homeless,is this country losing jobs and the laws preventing others from helping them.
edit on 18-4-2013 by Black_Fox because: SpELLiNG

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:53 PM

So this is OUR America? And I do mean OUR'S!

Of course not! It doesn't belong to the people anymore. It belongs to the Bankers and Politicians, the Corrupt and Elite.

People just think it's theirs.

Pay off your mortgage in full but default on your property taxes to see how long you can keep your fully paid off 'Personal Property'.


posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:59 PM
Why would anyone be homeless in Detroit? It's a city full of vacant houses. Just pick one and squat. The real truth is they are probably mentally ill.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
Why would anyone be homeless in Detroit? It's a city full of vacant houses. Just pick one and squat. The real truth is they are probably mentally ill.

If they are mentally ill then this is indeed a crime IMO.


posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 08:58 AM
I'm from Michigan and live 2 blocks from the Detroit city limit just north of 8 mile. I live within a 5 minute walk from where the movie was filmed. Back in the 90's our former governor shut down all the state run mental facilities. They dropped a bus load of mentally ill people off in the middle of night in front of my grandmothers church. It was 15 digrees outside and they dropped them off with no medications.

I have paranoid schizophrenia myself. It's very difficult for mentally ill people to survive in this country. Services and help are stretched thin. I basically live as a second class citizen. I consider myself lucky because I see homeless people all the time. A lot of them are mentally ill and slip through the cracks of society.

It's only when someone with a mental illness goes on a shooting rampage that we pay attention. Most of the time society just wants to sweep the issue under the rug. We can spend a fortune bombing other countries and give billions in foreign aid but we have a hard time spending money when comes to helping our own people.

In a society where everything is based on personal gain it's become frowned upon to help those truly in need. Our elected officials publicly state this and wear it as badge of honor.

edit on 19-4-2013 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 05:32 PM
I just saw this myself, and the search function actually (surprisingly) worked!

I'm sure that they have some trumped up charges such as loitering, trespassing, or panhandling. It's unfortunate, but the ACLU is going to have a hard time. The public opinion on these types of people is very low, they are seen as a nuisance, and subsequently marginalized.

It's unfortunate that Detroit is a microcosm of 3rd world Africa right here in the United States. Detroit does make a great shooting location for post-apocalypse movies.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox

So,were not allowed to be homeless,help the homeless,or I dunno.

I honestly thought Detroit was a Government program, that went horribly wrong.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 05:35 PM
The old Guilianni blueprint. Coming to a major city near you.

...or did you think all of the homeless in new york suddenly got jobs and moved off the street?

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 06:04 PM
Actually, this sounds more like Cloward-Piven Strategy.

Overload the system. Place the onus on government until the only recourse is to have government take over everything.

People should be helping people. It shouldn't have to be up to government. We, the people have failed in helping our neighbors.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 06:30 PM
MANY cities still have "Vagrancy" laws on the books. In fact, I am almost certain that every town, city, village and hamlet had these laws pre 20th century....Even in the 1950s I know many instances of people being picked up on vagrancy charges in the South.

-Most of the time the "law" would state that anyone with less than $5.00 on their person (which was enough money for food/shelter/etc. at the time the law was written) was a vagrant and could be driven to the edge of town or housed in the jail...This was fairly common here int he USA until the last 60-100 years depending on where you were.

That area (and Downtown) of Detroit are areas they are (and have been) trying their hardest to clean up for the Corporations. There used to be an area near Downtown called the Cass Corridor which was so bad the police would not enter for standard patrol and would only go there when in a massive force- it was literally a war-zone. Enter the casinos and the revitalization of Downtown Detroit (which is a great and safe place now, btw) and cass was cleaned up quickly- In fact all of Downtown was as well and is now a pretty safe place 24/7 with a booming nightlife and activities for the whole family which are actually fantastic.

-Greektown is another "tourist destination" and they are currently focused on the area (where greektown Casino is and surrounding)- Another place would be the Eastern market District (for those unaware, its probably the biggest "farmers market" and open air market in the USA- At least from what I have ever witnessed)-

Anyhow, Hollywood is now in Detroit, certain sections are booming and having an influx of young professionals moving there and these are the focus of Detroits resources and Police activities- Go 10 miles out around 32nd ave and its insane. Nothing but abandoned houses (many hooked up to car batteries for electricity and turned into drug houses) ruins and literally a war zone. You will find no police presence there- The People literally fend for themselves, write their own laws and enforce their own Justice.

-Detroit (by doing things like this) is trying to save its important limbs by cutting the others off- Its inhumane, yes. But I understand it too... There was a time when panhandlers and beggars were a scourge to that area and often confrontational- Now people with money are running the streets all night , Casino Hopping, Clubbing, eating out, and the area is heavily patrolled and relatively safe - The beggars were hurting the economy although they had done little wrong (and were drawn to areas with people with money which are only a few in Detroit) and so steps were taken.

-Not saying I agree or disagree. But what is happening is logical.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
Actually, this sounds more like Cloward-Piven Strategy.

Overload the system. Place the onus on government until the only recourse is to have government take over everything.

People should be helping people. It shouldn't have to be up to government. We, the people have failed in helping our neighbors.

Some sense, in a sea of insanity......

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 11:39 AM
I can say this sickens me. My father was homeless in Sacramento CA, and passed away 2 years ago. He died due to pneumonia and AIDS, hardly any treatment was given to him. While he lived on the streets he was harassed by the police, and arrested several times, panhandling, trespassing, failure to pay, failure to appear, and many other offenses.
Tell me when someone is arrested and given a fine what happens when you can't pay that fine. When you break a law and the courthouse is on the other side of the city how do they expect you to get there at the right time. By arresting the homeless you can do whatever you want to them and there's not a damn thing they can do about it. Give them a fine and 3 months later they are back in jail because they can't pay it. And if they have physical disabilities, and are sentenced to community service, if they can't do that, back to jail they go.
I have fines on myself as well from past charges, and physical disabilities as well, so you take someone with that and past felony charges and who's going to give them a job. How about the same case with a homeless person? Think about it when a person becomes homeless all the rules go out the window.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

I wish they do that in San Francisco and kick the nasty bums out. None of you people do not live in a area that has a high population of homeless and deal with their problems. They crap all over the place and assault and harass people. They stink very bad and have poop all over their pants. You people do not deal with the crap at all. I say kick the bums out and screw the homeless coalition. If they care, they should let a nasty bum in there house that act very uncivilized. I am not being PC, freedom of speech and people need the truth and the truth hurts. A lot of the chronic homeless do not want help and choose to live that way. They ask money so they can do drugs and drink. I see that everyday when I walk out of the house to go somewhere. I do not like people who side with those filthy animals that is destroying my area.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 02:01 PM
They're probably better off. The inner ring suburbs are wealthier, safer, and not as accustomed to panhandlers as Detroiters. Their police and social services are better funded and not as overburdened as Detroit's. There is almost certainly better access to wholesome food. Shelters might be an issue, but if they can find a place to stay they'll probably live longer.

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