posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:41 PM
There is a slight flaw in your questions. Humans have innate "human" rights that cannot be taken - they are sovereign in nature, naturally free from
laws they do not agree to and a few others. What has happened is governing bodies have decided to eliminate the connection between natural innate
rights and replace them with "given" rights via a document. This creates a kind of barrier between the human and their innate rights. In fact,
"rights" have now become synonymous with "lawful" and the two are not the same. In simplified terms, laws are man made, while rights are "god"
given. "God given" is even incorrect, as they are not "given" by anyone or anything, they are simply yours.
So, when the rights are quantified and qualified, then, people can loose the ability to EXPRESS their innate rights by actions as they can be taken by
the same body that claimed to "give" them to the human. Think about it deeper, if I give you a right, then I can take a right away, but if the right
is not subject to being "given" then it cannot be taken. It is the act of "giving" through quantification and qualification that causes the
problem here.
We are free to speak, period. The US "Constitution" qualifies and quantifies that right into a "law" making it subject to argument. Because we all
end up giving power to the document and those who interpret it, we now have "acceptable" speech and speech that is not acceptable - when humans ARE
free speech, they don't have it the ARE it. When a unacceptable word is uttered, the "law" may then take away the innate ability to express the
human right.
See how it works, I first take a human right and give it a name "free speech" then I tell the human I am giving them what they already have, since
the human child can't remember the truth, they accept the new "law" as a GIFT and gifts are subject to being rescinded, since all early life is
about reward and punishment it makes perfect sense to accept the new ideology that rights are given. The creator of the law just so happened to add
strings allowing them to take away the gift at anytime, the "giver" adds endless behavior qualifications to keep the right they gave, which, are all
subject to change, which all allows the "giver" of the right to simply end the human's right to express the right. what you loose is the right to
express your natural rights on earth.
The problem with they way we are controlled, is we have given up the expression of our innate rights to be "free and secure" when in fact, it is our
innate rights that truly make us free and secure. I will say this again, you are naturally free and secure - period. It is only when we agree to
ignore this fact-truth, do we get mind controlled into accepting "war=peace" "enslavement=freedom" and so on.
It is inevitable that the human condition on this planet will become so far removed, disconnected from its true nature that enslavement will become
the new natural right. It is happening now, people yell for more restriction on their natural rights. Every time we demand, demand, the impersonal
governing body take away a "freedom" in favor of a law that protects, we get further and further from the truth - eventually it will get lost. We
are really moments from being lost.
Keep in mind, each law that is written to protect - take away your access to your natural rights, is written for YOU. There are no laws written for
others, they are all written for you personally. What can be helpful is to stand alone, and quietly state: "I do not want my natural rights anymore,
I want more laws and restrictions that will protect me, I will accept all laws that help me by enslaving me because my natural rights are too
Why say that horrible statement? Because it is what you are doing, the sooner you accept it.......