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Who else is getting the feeling that we are purposely being reminded of 9/11?

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posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:01 AM
With the Boston marathon and recent ricin attacks. One Senator received a ricin letter, now Obama has received one. Terrorist attacks at the same time as a biological warfare attack. Echoes of 9/11. I can't shake the feeling that these were purposely coordinated to remind the populace of the "threat of terrorism" and that we need to keep funneling US tax dollars in to the defense industry. Meanwhile the crackdown on civil liberties continues and the imperialist wars of aggression continue as well.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:03 AM
Terrorism actually has never let up.

We either catch most of them before they happen or the terrorists simply fail to execute for one reason or another.

Its not like there have been no terror attempts in the US since 9/11 you know.

Its actually quite an interesting study that I hope somebody conducts. Apparently terrorism is a lot harder to pull off than people, myself included, realized.

We know there are people actively trying to cause destruction but the times they are successful is very very low. This would indicate that either are security is effective or that our nation is protected by some other factors like being separated from the european continent and the middle east which makes it harder to transport people and weapons.

Maybe the laws on our books have had an impact. I don't know but it would make for a very interesting study.
edit on 17-4-2013 by Hopechest because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:06 AM
I think that this bombing is a distraction of some sort

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
Terrorism actually has never let up.

We either catch most of them before they happen or the terrorists simply fail to execute for one reason or another.

Its not like there have been no terror attempts in the US since 9/11 you know.

Its actually quite an interesting study that I hope somebody conducts. Apparently terrorism is a lot harder to pull off than people, myself included, realized.

We know there are people actively trying to cause destruction but the times they are successful is very very low. This would indicate that either are security is effective or that our nation is protected by some other factors like being separated from the european continent and the middle east which makes it harder to transport people and weapons.

Maybe the laws on our books have had an impact. I don't know but it would make for a very interesting study.
edit on 17-4-2013 by Hopechest because: (no reason given)

That's actually quite wrong. Every single 'terrorist attack" or attempted "terrorist attack" has been shown to be instigated by the FBI. With the FBIs foreknowledge and use of Confidential Informants who have actually set these things up.
edit on 17-4-2013 by FlyingTeacup because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by FlyingTeacup

Wow, if you actually believe that I think there is little hope of an intelligent conversation here.

Time to go fire up the Xbox.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:16 AM
I just had the same..I guess remembrance of 9/11 then the anthrax letters etc etc. Like I am stuck in a time loop in my life or something.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by FlyingTeacup

Wow, if you actually believe that I think there is little hope of an intelligent conversation here.

Time to go fire up the Xbox.

Yeah just keep playing your little video games. What have you got to back up your words? Nothing? Here is an article that backs up what I've said.

The Informants

Maqsood said he was an agent for the Pakistani terror group, tasked with assembling a team to wage jihad in the United States. He asked Cromitie what he would attack if he had the means. A bridge, Cromitie said.

"But bridges are too hard to be hit," Maqsood pleaded, "because they're made of steel."

"Of course they're made of steel," Cromitie replied. "But the same way they can be put up, they can be brought down."

Maqsood coaxed Cromitie toward a more realistic plan. The Mumbai attacks were all over the news, and he pointed out how those gunmen targeted hotels, cafés, and a Jewish community center.

"With your intelligence, I know you can manipulate someone," Cromitie told his friend. "But not me, because I'm intelligent." The pair settled on a plot to bomb synagogues in the Bronx, and then fire Stinger missiles at airplanes taking off from Stewart International Airport in the southern Hudson Valley. Maqsood would provide all the explosives and weapons, even the vehicles. "We have two missiles, okay?" he offered. "Two Stingers, rocket missiles."

Maqsood was an undercover operative; that much was true. But not for Jaish-e-Mohammad. His real name was Shahed Hussain, and he was a paid informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

  1. Nearly half the prosecutions involved the use of informants, many of them incentivized by money (operatives can be paid as much as $100,000 per assignment) or the need to work off criminal or immigration violations. (For more on the details of those 508 cases, see our charts page and searchable database.)
  2. Sting operations resulted in prosecutions against 158 defendants. Of that total, 49 defendants participated in plots led by an agent provocateur—an FBI operative instigating terrorist action.
  3. With three exceptions, all of the high-profile domestic terror plots of the last decade were actually FBI stings. (The exceptions are Najibullah Zazi, who came close to bombing the New York City subway system in September 2009; Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, an Egyptian who opened fire on the El-Al ticket counter at the Los Angeles airport; and failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.)
  4. In many sting cases, key encounters between the informant and the target were not recorded—making it hard for defendants claiming entrapment to prove their case.
  5. Terrorism-related charges are so difficult to beat in court, even when the evidence is thin, that defendants often don't risk a trial.

edit on 17-4-2013 by FlyingTeacup because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:49 AM
This is what I find funny about the 9/11 truthers. If 9/11 was a false flag(not saying it wasn't), why would government officials send anthrax packages to themselves/eachother? And if this is another false flag, why the ricin? Seems they could do without that chemical stuff and still carry out their agenda.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by FlyingTeacup

So according to you terrorism does not exist in the world and its all a construct of the FBI?

Yea, ok.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:15 PM
Go watch the movie "The Siege" with Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis. It was made in 1998 BEFORE 9/11 and is very, very creepy. It practically predicted the place we are right now.

Trust me, it's worth a watch. The entire time watching I couldn't help but think, "Wait, this was made in 1998?!"

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
Terrorism actually has never let up.

We either catch most of them before they happen or the terrorists simply fail to execute for one reason or another.

Its not like there have been no terror attempts in the US since 9/11 you know.

Its actually quite an interesting study that I hope somebody conducts. Apparently terrorism is a lot harder to pull off than people, myself included, realized.

We know there are people actively trying to cause destruction but the times they are successful is very very low. This would indicate that either are security is effective or that our nation is protected by some other factors like being separated from the european continent and the middle east which makes it harder to transport people and weapons.

Maybe the laws on our books have had an impact. I don't know but it would make for a very interesting study.
edit on 17-4-2013 by Hopechest because: (no reason given)

Wouldn't mind a bit of a reference to support your comments here, otherwise it is just a large amount of hot air.

Waddayareckon ?
edit on 17-4-2013 by magma because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:04 PM
As taxes go up, and 2013 marks a milestone in soaring increases, terrorism does and will too.

Americans can bicker all they want, but as long as taxes are paid, US warmongering & terrorism across the globe will continue to spread like wildfire.

Hope do you put out the fire? Cut the fuel. Unfortunately the fuel is plentiful and people are watching half their income, livelihood, fund terror and not do anything about it.

Benghazi 9/11/2012 commemorates over 10 years of getting away with staged slaugters and massacres. 9/11/2020 will probably have some nuclear false flag, if not sooner.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Hopechest

Terrorism actually has never let up.

Oh, you are TOTALLY a shill.

(second line)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by ErtaiNaGia


posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:41 PM
In replying to any topic on ATS regarding especially 9/11, its clear that event for some reason(s) has become the "golden standard" of terror attacks.

The problem with that is it's readily seen that so much has changed (liberty loss, warmongering globally) since 2001. The list of countries US has bombed since then is plentiful, as are terror "cell" activities.

Since every major terror attack (including that one) traces back to US/Israel benefitting from whatever the latest "attack", and despite vast efforts to prevent those attacks, US bears the burden of proof to show its NOT victimizing itself out of self interest. All evidence points to it doing just that.

Someone bombs a house. They don't know who it is but investigation shows the insurance policy was doubled couple days before and the owner had the house rigged to implode in case of damage, that it would be totalled instead of repairable. Is it obvious who bombed the house? YES

edit on 18-4-2013 by tropic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by FlyingTeacup

Not all 'terrorist' attacks are inside jobs!

9/11 was an inside job, Boston bombings were done by normal (deranged) citizens.

I'm supposedly a crazy 'conspiracy' theorist, as the debunkers like to call people like me, just because I believe 9/11 was an inside job based on all the evidence, and lack of evidence presented by NIST etc, but if people like myself are soooooo crazy, then why from the start did I think it was nothing to do with anyone except a couple of general nutters?

You see, the fact people like myself did not see any conspiracy in the Boston bombings, and predicted it was 2 just 2 normal (deranged) people right from the start, just goes to show that we are not crazy folk believing everything, and it proves that our rational thinking produces accurate predictions of what really happened.

Debunkers want people to think we're crazy and incapable of rational thinking, that is the picture they want others to create of us, to discredit us, but most conspiracy theorists are way more rational in their thinking and assessment of 9/11 than most debunkers are. Debunkers = trolls, nothing more, nothing less.

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