posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 11:06 AM
Ive been a lurker of this site for about five months now...
Skeptical to contribute... Perhaps afraid to readdress what seems inevitable... Maybe even still hopefull that i've been wrong all along in my
But now is the time I live up to my responsibility that has been given to me along with my blessings.
Here is a brief intro of me...
Young, black male, who likes to distract himself from the reality which became clear to him as he watched the buildings collapse...
I was always pretty smart (wise? perhaps a better term), but I was in essence a child before the revelations that I experienced on Sept. 11th.
As I watched those buildings fall, it occurred to me that either: We (USA) were a weak and incompetant country vulnerable to chaos imposed by those
with relatively little resource, etc.. OR this had been allowed to happen by those who "Rule tHE World"
At the time I wasnt sure of which...
Then I whitnessed an Anthrax attack that was so specific I could not ignore the logic it presented...
It was directed at democrats and media... those who would oppose our president... Those who would have to be influenced in order to back and finance a
unilateral preemtive policy of global domination...
Thats where I realized what the F was going on...
There reallly were "those that ruled the world"!!!!!
It blew my mind...
I became committed to sharing my seemingly unique gift of insight with my peers and loved ones, cuz they didnt have a clue as to REALITY.
But they didnt listen...
They wouldnt hear me out...
They would not entertain the notion...
Just like It was the Matrix or something, when Morpheus tells Neo that every one inside the matrix is a possible threat, due to the fact that they are
so used to their illusion and so comfterable with that deluded reality, that they will FIGHT you in order to preserve that illusion!
This hurt my soul in ways that Im not sure i can express...
Everyone I cared about was just as AFRAID and IGNORANT as all the rest of the masses, and i knew better.... and nomatter how i tried... i could not
share my insight...
All alone was what 2 years of self destruction from my despair taught me.
I lost my faith...
Luckiliy i was able to reclaim it...
This is my bio...
This is what got me here...
I got so much else to talk about, but hopefully you get a real basic understanding of where this new dude comes from.
By the way, 2pac was a source of inspiration, in giving me faith in God.
Now you really get a sense of theBLESSINGofVISION!!!