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Title says: "Obama Will Let Me Go" ...So says a captured Illegal Alien

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posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Speaking of TRASH posts, you now have made a second attempt to use Rules For Radicals and name calling, now calling me a "Republican Hater of Immigrants"

and my response is I am not a hater of anyone and you seem to be another one of those who doesn't understand the difference between legal and illegal, and yes there is a difference. Anyone who wants to can and should come legally. I'm all for it. I have been on the inside of an INS office and witnessed an oath ceremony of someone near and dear to me. Legal is the word here and don't you ever forget it.

Also, I find it highly unfair that people sneaking over the borders should ever get preference to people who came legally, filed their papers, and maybe even hired an attorney to help them, went through all the stuff you have to go through, including long wait times, to get their naturalization.
edit on 14-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I have been on the inside of an INS office and witnessed an oath ceremony of someone near and dear to me.

So, you are NOT a Republican hater of immigrants? You seem like one. And angry and poorly educated at that.

Big whoop, you've been inside an INS office. I have been at a house where INS (ICE) had the place surrounded and terrified the occupants....a young mom with a baby. Was she a monster? uh, no.

Whatever. Again, done here.
It will be several weeks before I show back up here. Does that make you happy? In the meantime, think over these questions:

What about the Statue of Liberty? Take 'er down?

What about the Reincarnation possibilities? The sufferers deserve it?

What about the LAWS have changed, but the NEED has not? Screw the need?

What about have you read Plato's 'Republic'? Still wagering 'no.'

What about the corporate greed and exploitation? So far no comment from you on that.

See, you don't answer the important questions!! You just keep spewing your hate. No point trying to talk to you, because you don't really discuss anything. You just keep spewing.

If you are NOT a Republican Hater of Immigrants, then tell us what you ARE. Because that is all I see: a Glenn Beck book-buyer and reader, a rabid conservative bible-thumper, and a hypocrite.

edit on 14-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by WatchRider

Originally posted by jam321

U.S. Will Look To Mexico For Immigrants Within A Decade Due To Labor Shortage, Expert Says

I find that laughable given that their is a massive load of unemployed whites in the USA trying to find work.

Arianna Huffington is one of the biggest Progressive Soros cheerleaders ever.
yes and given it came from Huffpo no less

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 08:58 PM
a bit disappointed that this was not a thread in the ufo and aliens section.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Are you paying attention yet?
sure am.
do you see the word "attempts" in the sentence that reads specifically ...

A young person attempts to define the meaning of progressivism today
well apparently you missed, skipped or just pretend it doesn't exist ... however, look harder, it's there

since this thread isn't about progressivism either, i'll just leave it at that, ok ?

except for this ... T Roosevelt & W Wilson =

pssssst, America isn't a democracy or was it ever meant to be.

Canada can keep it as it's not doing them any justice either.

here's a question for you (OT so delete if necessary) ... of all those countries doing so much better than the US, what percent of their financial resources are dedicated to Foreign Aid destined for the USA ???

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

What about the Statue of Liberty? Take 'er down?
why ? what does she have to do with ILLEGAL immigration or the statements of those caught ?
not one of them said "Lady Liberty" will set me free, did they ?

What about the Reincarnation possibilities? The sufferers deserve it?
not the topic of this thread.

What about the LAWS have changed, but the NEED has not? Screw the need?
what need ??
we just had an amnesty last generation.
what are we
a revolving door for anyone willing to push their way through ??

What about have you read Plato's 'Republic'? Still wagering 'no.'
i'm guessing it's the only one you've skimmed but carry on, you're funny

What about the corporate greed and exploitation? So far no comment from you on that.
corporate greed = bad
exploitation = bad
problem is neither are going away anytime soon, so why gripe about it when you're off to "Bobs Burgers" ???? prnciples be damned, right ?

no point in talking to those who support corporate greed and then turn around and bite the hand that just fed them

i'm an American, what are you ?
ps, you've been "done here" for 3 pages or so, do you ever actually keep your word ??

ETA -- when you're at Bob's Burgers, are you also buying burgers for your neighbors on your dime ??
well why not ?

i just made a pan of chicken/broccoli casserole for one household and to share with one elderly neighbor and the new family across the street, but, you seem to think you're self-serving trip to Bob's Burgers is a fine example of the Marxist collectivism you preach ... nice

edit on 14-4-2013 by Honor93 because: ETA

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by votan

The first visa I got for my wife was $1065 and many documents from her home country and then many more filed here is the USA at 6a1RCRD We had to wait for 8 months to get the visa and if I remember right it took NCIS lock box 5 months just to open the 3" thick packet with all our documents. I was very happy all the forms were filled out properly and did not get kicked back for some weird governmental reason. Her Green card was filed for at the same time as the visa so we saved money and within less than 90 days we had a face to face meeting with the case worker for her green card.

Each form and procedure along with all cost are listed at the NCIS web sight; cost depends on what you are trying to do...

Green Card form and cost: 46d26d17df110VgnVCM1000004718190aRCRD# 29c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD# naturalization form and cost
Altogether, 39 fees will rise an average of 66 percent, but some of the largest increases will come in charges for the most basic documents immigrants must seek. Most notably, the fee to apply for a green card, establishing legal residence in the United States, will almost triple, from $395 to $1,010.

Applying for citizenship will rise from $400 to $675. It cost $90 as recently as 1991.

The increases are expected to raise an extra $1.1 billion a year for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, or USCIS, which is required to cover its costs with the fees it collects from the hundreds of thousands of foreigners who seek residency and citizenship each year.

Simply put, “we need the money,” USCIS Director Emilio Gonzalez said. “To do nothing is to invite organizational disaster, because we are just not covering the cost of doing business.” END QUOTE:

The government has the monopoly on the prices so they can increase at anytime. Getting a green card and permanent residency is not easy but not impossible for a spouse depending on the country of origin. Wanting to immigrate from any country has restrictions unless you have a company who can fast track your entry because of your skills. Congress tried to make things more fair by granting an equal number of green cards for each country's people wanting to immigrate . That means there are country quotas in place since the 60s...China, India, Mexico and the Philippines if you're from those countries, you will have a longer wait. Many Mexicans believe that with the quota system and the illegal boarder crossings their wait times are over 16+ years...which in my way of thinking is totally unacceptable unless you are trying to restrict and to be honest that is exactly what a quota system restricts and is supposed to be fair to all applicants.

Unskilled labor without sponsorship will get you in line behind the approximately 4 million nationalities ahead of you. It is what it is until the new immigration bill is passed, which may be soon, so let's all hope it is fair and provides a speedy means of settling both the illegal and legal immigration challenges we as a nation face today.

Our current immigration policies and procedures along with the eye candy border policies need to be addressed for every one's benefit..No one I know likes walking in their back pasture and finding bodies of those that did not make it or homes broken into by those determined to survive.....Again only those who live in a border state really have some small inkling of what transpires. Arizona and some of their problems have made the news several times over the years....but even so the whole story is seldom told except bits and pieces in the local paper or news.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:43 PM
iv got to ask

if you want one rule for everyone
then you have to give the decision makers the ability to use discretion, depending on the situation.

if you come across an illegal alien...and he claims asylum as his life is at risk... the rules are, you cant send them back.

if they got into the country illegally... thats a secondary issue.

most under these circumstances will be housed in, what is basically, open prisons...

so whats the hoorah... its not just america that has to follow these rules... its a loophole... the best defence is a vigilant border...

i say chill...and face up to the fact, that there is a population, who want to be american, at the border.
enjoy is an oppurtunity...stop picking the negatives in a sensitive situation,
man (everywhere) has to adapt to these population dynamics...

maan, my kurdish friend called himself Eurasian... so anything is possible lol

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I have been on the inside of an INS office and witnessed an oath ceremony of someone near and dear to me.

So, you are NOT a Republican hater of immigrants? You seem like one. And angry and poorly educated at that.

Big whoop, you've been inside an INS office. I have been at a house where INS (ICE) had the place surrounded and terrified the occupants....a young mom with a baby. Was she a monster? uh, no.

Whatever. Again, done here.
It will be several weeks before I show back up here. Does that make you happy? In the meantime, think over these questions:

What about the Statue of Liberty? Take 'er down?

What about the Reincarnation possibilities? The sufferers deserve it?

What about the LAWS have changed, but the NEED has not? Screw the need?

What about have you read Plato's 'Republic'? Still wagering 'no.'

What about the corporate greed and exploitation? So far no comment from you on that.

See, you don't answer the important questions!! You just keep spewing your hate. No point trying to talk to you, because you don't really discuss anything. You just keep spewing.

If you are NOT a Republican Hater of Immigrants, then tell us what you ARE. Because that is all I see: a Glenn Beck book-buyer and reader, a rabid conservative bible-thumper, and a hypocrite.

edit on 14-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

What Honor said!

Lady Liberty? Republican? Wanna see my giant Tea Party sign with a pic of Lady Liberty and a caption that says "Baillout Lady Liberty". Wanna hear the song my church sings, called "Mother of Exiles"? When are you going to stop making that tired old Progressive sing song about hating immigrants and starving little children? You know very well what you are doing and so do I. Interestingly, my tax dollars are going abroad to fight poverty through the UN anyway, so why do they need to come here and steal from me at home?

Plato's Republic: So if I have read it, am I supposed to magically accept Communism because Plato incorporated it in his writings? Am I supposed to accept the Communist Manifesto on that basis as well? I will give you brownie points if you can find the place in Plato's Republic where he flouts the RULE OF LAW, because apparently you do.
Did your Progressive mentor tell you to bring up Plato's Republic in arguments for Democratic Socialism? I think you must be confusing social justice and the rule of law.

Why don't you throw in Thomas More's Utopia while you are at it?

But wait, Thomas More went to his death for the Rule of Law.

I'm not so sure that More was even advocating for Communism. But here is an interesting aspect of Utopia

Slavery is a feature of Utopian life and it is reported that every household has two slaves. The slaves are either from other countries or are the Utopian criminals. These criminals are weighed down with chains made out of gold. The gold is part of the community wealth of the country, and fettering criminals with it or using it for shameful things like chamber pots gives the citizens a healthy dislike of it. It also makes it difficult to steal as it is in plain view.

Other significant innovations of Utopia include: a welfare state with free hospitals, euthanasia permissible by the state, priests being allowed to marry, divorce permitted, premarital sex punished by a lifetime of enforced celibacy and adultery being punished by enslavement. Meals are taken in community dining halls

That really sounds like a lotta fun doesn't it. Because that is where all the Socialist/Communist stuff leads. Don't believe me? Speaking of being educated, what do you think of Agenda 21 and Common Core? Why don't you get back to me when you know what both of those are.
edit on 14-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:00 PM
Some people get far too emotional over illegal immigration.

If it were Canadians coming over, I doubt there would be as much hate.

Just saying............

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by WaterBottle

if only you knew

illegal is illegal, regardless their origin.
can you accept the basics before pointing fingers ?

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by jude11
This man is responsible for the World hating America more and more.

I find it amusing that people believe Obama is hated across the world, and Bush/Conservatives are loved.

Funny stuff....well, would be funny, if it wasn't the sad fact that so many voters believe this fantasy over the facts.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

it should be mentioned that in Plato's view (via "Laws"), the 'community' (or ideal state) of his "Republic" consisted of 5040 ppl

if i'm not mistaken, we endure the illegal entry of more than that, per week.
i wonder who should be eliminated first ?

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Oh yah while you are accusing me of stuff, here's an interesting bit of history you want to digest, Ms. Educated!

Interestingly, prior to Mussolini’s forays and foreign adventures, the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt admired Mussolini for his ability to organize the infrastructure of Italy – one of the objects of admiration was the creation of a social system as well as making sure that the trains ran on time. Roosevelt sent envoys to Italy and Mussolini’s son visited the United States being provided with great attention. Mussolini’s alliance with Hitler ended all of that.

Many Italians although living and working in the United States had not yet been naturalized. When Italy became aligned with Hitler they immediately came under suspicion although there was no indication of any partisanship with their newly aligned homeland. Their loyalties nonetheless became a matter of concern. Roosevelt asked J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assemble list of names of aliens from Germany, Japan and Italy without regard for anything else but their nationality.

Those who were arrested were transported to holding facilities at Fort Lincoln, North Dakota, Crystal City, Texas as well as Missoula Montana McAlister OK. Every immigrant not naturalized was considered threat. This is a map of all known Internment Camps in WWII.

For the record, Democrat Progressive Roosevelt restricted even legal immigration and had Japanese, Italian, and Germans interned.

By this time, however, with hundreds of thousands of Reich Jews desperately clamoring for a US visa, the quota was not nearly adequate to meet the demand. Nor was Roosevelt willing to push for any relaxation of the quota restrictions, even when presented with exceptional circumstances. In June 1939, the president refused to permit the entry of the passengers of the St. Louis into the United States; this would have required an executive order or an act of Congress. Roosevelt similarly took no action on the Wagner-Rogers Bill, introduced in February 1939, which would have admitted 20,000 Jewish refugee children into the United States outside the quota.

This was a Progressive President. So what has changed between then and now? Perhaps a need for Democrats to angle for potential votes for the party?

Remember, Roosevelt embraced fascism as most Progressives did in that time period.

What about the corporate greed and exploitation?

What about it? Mexican nationals get paid higher here than they do in Mexico. Are you suggesting that amnesty is the answer to corporate greed and that we must invite every illegal from every country? Are you as eager to stop the greed from pro illegal lobbyists such as Lulac, Mecha and La Raza?

In 1954, LULAC supported immigration control and mass deportation of illegal aliens. Today, LULAC opposes both measures. Convicted criminal Jos� Velez, the head of LULAC from 1990 to 1994, typifies this reorientation. Using his 'special status with the INS as director of LULAC,' Velez submitted false documentation for 6,000 illegal aliens seeking amnesty that netted him millions of dollars. Velez had previously declared that the U.S. Border Patrol is 'the enemy of my people and always will be.'
edit on 14-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Arianna Huffington is one of the biggest Progressive Soros cheerleaders ever. yes and given it came from Huffpo no less

Sure you guys will still be laughing when you start welcoming all those illegals to the legal side of the house thanks to comprehensive reform.


posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Arianna Huffington is one of the biggest Progressive Soros cheerleaders ever. yes and given it came from Huffpo no less

Sure you guys will still be laughing when you start welcoming all those illegals to the legal side of the house thanks to comprehensive reform.


Who do you think they will vote for when Democrats give them amnesty? There are some Progressive Republicans who support this too.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

a rabid conservative bible-thumper, and a hypocrite.

Like I said, you value secular humanism over spiritual wisdom. I quoted Jesus on the poverty thing and suddenly I am a rabid conservative bible thumper and hypocrite. This is the liberal Progressive mindset and you display all the typical symptoms and petty lowdown arguments.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by WaterBottle
Some people get far too emotional over illegal immigration.

If it were Canadians coming over, I doubt there would be as much hate.

Just saying............

Would you honestly say that to someone who has lost a loved one because of an illegal and our laws not being enforced??? Would you say that to the poor citizen who is jobless and suffering because o illegals??? Would you say that to the child who was raped by an illegal??? Oh yes, people do indeed get emotional and rightly so.

We arn't forced to press 1 for english because of any Canadian illegal. We are not forced to speak spanish to get a job because of any Canadian illegal. Still, illegal is illegal. We have laws for a reason. It doesn't matter what country you are from, come legally.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:09 AM
People, Let's try to keep the name calling down. I have seen threads shut down for that very reason.

Clearly we have both pro and anti illegal folks here. We can try to discuss things in an adult manner or even agree to disagree, but name calling gets us nowhere only more annoyed. Thank you.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Night Star

Would you honestly say that to someone who has lost a loved one because of an illegal and our laws not being enforced???

What laws? The deportation rate is extremely high under the Obama admin.

Would you say that to the poor citizen who is jobless and suffering because o illegals??? Would you say that to the child who was raped by an illegal??? Oh yes, people do indeed get emotional and rightly so.

I don't get this point because all of this is happening regardless if illegals are in the country or not. Appeal to emotion fail.

We arn't forced to press 1 for english because of any Canadian illegal. We are not forced to speak spanish to get a job because of any Canadian illegal.

We're forced to read French on most labels because of Canadians. The horror.

Still, illegal is illegal. We have laws for a reason. It doesn't matter what country you are from, come legally.

Cool. People driving without a seat belt is illegal too....I'm not getting emotional over it. There is a reason why people get so emotional over illegal immigration and it isn't because of "laws", as most of us break laws on a daily basis. You better not go 1mph over the speed limit! Laws man, laws..

Have fun bowing to your master, the state.

edit on 15-4-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

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