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No one believes me or listens to me...

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posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by TheIllusiveMan

You are living in the wrong place; you are a seeker of truth and you need to be on a journey.

Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Focus your attention in the middle of your forehead. Then pray to God "Please show me the way". If you ask with conviction; God will surely show you the way.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 08:31 PM
I know what you mean dude, and i "woke up' a while back and honestly i kinda just keep to myself on certain subjects. Sometimes its best just to bite you lip. Just consider yourself ahead of the game because eventually S will HTF and you will already be prepared with the "I TOLD YOU SO" and there is nothing more rewarding than that

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:10 PM
Posts like these are stupid, and here is why.

A lot of people claim that their friends are in the dark on pressing world issues, but this doesn't mean that they aren't open to hearing about them. If you actually provide a factual basis for your claims, instead of making massive assertions without justifying them, they will listen.

Reality hits hardest nephew.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:17 PM
Wow, I'm so amazed. Not just at all of your replies but of the quality of the replies. People reply and even give me sources and books to read. haha I think someone said that never before have we had access to so much information other then the mainstream before. And yes, it does make me wonder how they will try to deal with this.

Even though others would probably chuckle at my amazement or seeming naivete
I still think places like this are amazing. It took me about 5-10min to write this thread and in only a few minutes there are people sharing their own stories, opinions, and ideas. Once upon a time man had to carry this burden, now with the world at his fingertips (cliche...I know, but true) he knows he is not truly alone.

I guess it kind of gives me....hope.

Thank you for all of your replies, maybe I'll see someone of you on the "battlefield" someday.

Stars for everyone!

p.s. I'll be gone for a day or two (hiking the Great Wall) so if there are new posts I might not get to them till later.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by TheIllusiveMan

Oh wow i didn't even realize you were in China. I would imagine it would be harder to be an "awake" individual with the control the western word is told is implace on internet and media. Enjoy the Great Wall. If you really want to see the whole picture you need to sneak up and see those monks they are always messing with and question why they are so threatened by a peaceful people. Maybe they will let you in on what is in those pyramids China has that scares them so much.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:58 PM
Gee, you could get a backpack and head for the hills and live more simply. No one is stopping you. You are in full control of your own choice of life.

But if you are concerned for others not believing you or listening to you you have a low self esteem. If you're strong inside it does not matter if anybody believes in you. Unless you need other peoples approval to be who you are.

Homosexuals as a group in principle are alike this. They 'need' approval because inside they do not feel comfortable. You have the same symptoms as they do for some reason I think.

Best short term solution is get off ATS. It's just feeding you bull and rubbish and paranoia. In your state, you are unable to handle it.

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 09:59 PM
We have raised our vibration frequency to break away from the mind control system. Our higher consciousness knows the truth that our own governments have hidden a lot from us for too long. Made secret deals that involve each and everyone but dumb us down with big pharma meds in food, fluoride our water and toothpaste, use mind control via our own bought technology to transform the ones who are asleep into zombies. I'm glad that I'm awake as I can see outside of the box to group together as one to be part of the resistance. We are the only ones who can stop them when the time comes against the elite. The final war will be good v evil and I know that we are the good side to stop their agenda to annihilate the human race. Thinking negative will give them more power to use against us so we must think positive. We can win without using violence Good always wins in the end. Be safe out there brother's and sister's xx Love & Light

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by n00bUK

Nice post. You have a good take on things. Thanks for places like this right? Possibly, this whole interweb thing may be to blame, since people interact, but even here, that amount of things happening, and people talking and like your profile says, just the whole global 'pissed off' thing! The talking heads everywhere, you can't even browse the web anymore without some banner popping up screaming at you, and that's exactly what happens!
Standing in line buying some milk, there's a TV in on the cash register! Adds on your smart phone! But at the root of it, it's just the shear torrent of media. People are walking around shell shocked! Unfortunately, the information age is not showing much mercy with regard to Human evolution, our psychology doesn't have the bandwidth yet. Anyway, thanks for making me think a little 'deeper' about Human interaction.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
reply to post by TheIllusiveMan

I have been through the same thing, as I'm sure most of us have. I dealt with it in a somewhat unorthodox way that may be considered unpopular and cold... I told people... friends and such, and if they reacted in the way that you describe I "wrote them off"... they no longer exist as far as I'm concerned. I have better things to do, like prepare my family for what is on the horizon, than talk to a wall.

It is about picking the right battles as we can call it. Why give effort where it is totally inefficient. It is not a race or a quick fix. It is a maraton to fix this place. Time always fixes it in the end. You cannot fix a bad boy complex if the person having it does not want it fixed and craves it. The same goes with you cannot try to grow a persons small mind/conciousness if they do not want it to grow larger. I have been on the other side where you are to small minded and indoctrinated by the group to understand how things works and see reality to a point for what it is?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by TheIllusiveMan
Wow, I'm so amazed. Not just at all of your replies but of the quality of the replies. People reply and even give me sources and books to read. haha I think someone said that never before have we had access to so much information other then the mainstream before. And yes, it does make me wonder how they will try to deal with this.

Even though others would probably chuckle at my amazement or seeming naivete
I still think places like this are amazing. It took me about 5-10min to write this thread and in only a few minutes there are people sharing their own stories, opinions, and ideas. Once upon a time man had to carry this burden, now with the world at his fingertips (cliche...I know, but true) he knows he is not truly alone.

I guess it kind of gives me....hope.

Thank you for all of your replies, maybe I'll see someone of you on the "battlefield" someday.

Stars for everyone!

p.s. I'll be gone for a day or two (hiking the Great Wall) so if there are new posts I might not get to them till later.

Just to further that point OP, I think ATS and other places vastly underestimate how the elite is planning to tackle this 'awakening'. People's perception is shaped by the information they have available- so 'conspiracy' was very rare 15 years ago and easily 'contained'.

Today, people have access to the internet and young people especially are being exposed to alternative media all the time, hence less and less people are growing up with their perceptions controlled by the mainstream. That is dangerous for the elite because their control system relies on people's ignorance.

This is why we have a growing surveillance state, the elite anticipated what was coming and they will 100% attempt to deal with it, signs are already showing with various actions of the US government pointing to preparation for when the times comes.

It's growing harder to just label someone a crazy conspiracy theorist with the wealth of info available,

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by MisterMiyagi

I think the majority on ATS feel much the same way as the OP, I know I do

My advice would be to keep trying to wake up your friends but avoid being pushy.Some might eventually respond in a positive way so keep fighting the good fight.

However, the truth is the vast majority will reject what you say, no matter what evidence you produce to back up your side of the story and many will be angry that you have dared to challenge their narrow world view.

Good thread guys.S&F to the OP.

Nice to see so many like-minded people responding to this thread. I've never been a "go along to get along" person, but truthfully, I was rather blind to a lot of what was happening for years right under our noses. Then I jumped down the rabbit hole, and life has been more like living in the Twilight Zone since!

I have a very small circle of friends and acquaintances. I alienated one friend of 30-years when I tried enlightening her to what was happening over 5-years ago. No matter what topic came up, I was met with stone cold silence. I got frustrated as hell and finally said, "Get your head out of your @**......" She didn't call me for 6-months! I even met a lot of resistance with my SO and grown kids. My SO finally "came around" to waking up, but there were multiple verbal battles over certain topics for at least 2-years. He no longer needs any convincing, but I learned to keep my mouth shut around those who deem me as being a conspiracy "nut." Facts and truth are just too hard for them to handle! Sad, isn't it?

And then again, there are the disinfo agents to contend with. They are usually easy to pick out, but I don't waste my time on them.

Que sera, sera......

Here is a really well-written, in-depth look at what constitutes Sheeple that I discovered 3-years ago. It's a really good read.

Sheeple: Signs That You May Be Part Of The Herd....

Every researcher, writer, and filmmaker who tackles the New World Order issue will suffer the unfortunate experience of running into people who are almost criminally uninformed, and this will happen on a regular basis. For a long time, our frustration was magnified by our inability to specifically define what it was that made these people the way they were. Were some just mentally inadequate, and unable to effectively process the facts? Were they so indoctrinated by the MSM that there was no turning back? Was there an innate difference in intuitive faculties that made some people quick in picking out a lie, and others slow? Many theories abound, but one thing was certain; in our quest to inform the masses, there were always going to be those who were incapable of hearing or understanding what we had to say, no matter how factual, rational, and refined our arguments. We now call these wonders of intellectual rustication "Sheeple"...

edit on 13-4-2013 by Toots because: punctuation correction

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

I know what you mean, unfortunately people pick up and retain things that they want to hear, they're only interested in things that are a source of a good time for them, never mind what tomorrow will bring/or 5 to 10 years from now. They're the ones who are going to be in for a rude awakening when the SHTF.

You're right too, maybe ignorance was bliss, but at least we'll be the ones are the most knowledgeable, hopefully we're all as prepared as we can be for whatever.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by TheIllusiveMan

I know exactly how you feel. just the other day I was talking to my moms friend, and somehow we got on the nestle water topic. I asked her if things like this along with things like GMO foods, the tampering of our second ammendment, and the constant inconsistencies in the media bother her. her simple answer was "no" and it blew my mind. some people just dont care as long as they dont know how things affect them. most people dont WANT to know how things can affect them. some of these people are so scared of different opinions, and seem so brainwashed that any mention of something besides the "official" story is just absurd to them.

I guess these are the people who wont last too long when shtf.

also: look at the christopher jordan dorner case, and how quickly it was forgotten about and swept under the rug even here on ATS. "burners deployed and we have a fire" problem solved, go about your normal day...... ugh
edit on 13-4-2013 by lonelysoul because: none

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 06:45 PM
Usually the ones that act aggressively are the ones that are scared of what you may be trying to convey to them. You gotta understand that most people are comfortable living the lie, and staying blind to the truth. And what you may be trying to convey is a threat to the way they live and thier beliefs.

Ill put it simply. They just are not ready to accept that the way they live and thier belief could be nothing but lies and bull#. They just do not want to accept it.

You must also understand, that as one that seeks truth, and can see through the very thick fog of bull#, and one that knows how to activate thier intuition, that you were chosen by a power beyond our physical realm of existence. Someone or something beyond what we perceive as reality cares very deeply for you.

Thos others just are not ready yet, and they may never be.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Toots
Nice to see so many like-minded people responding to this thread. I've never been a "go along to get along" person, but truthfully, I was rather blind to a lot of what was happening for years right under our noses. Then I jumped down the rabbit hole, and life has been more like living in The Twilight Zone since!

edit on 13-4-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 12:50 AM
I am still trying to get my wife to open her eyes. The only topic she agrees with me on if Monsato

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by TheIllusiveMan

OP, i'm going to give some thoughts on your post before reading any of the replies, so as not to immediately join any 'conversation' which may have developed, but just to give me first thoughts, based on initial observation. Here'goes:

First - you seem to be rather intelligent, without going into detail of the finer points I notice about what you've written, we'll just say that's an observation simply based on your writing.

Extrapolating upon that, you're also obviously fairly young, based on discussing your friend's studying regimen, meaning school age, whether that's high school, college, or grad school.

Which brings me to the first overall possibility for what you're experiencing in people's reactions. [returning here after writing the below to say]...its kind of a long, train of thought as I type block of text, and I feel as though I reiterated the point multiple times in slightly different ways to get it across. The reason for that is, in my teens and 20's, I feel like I felt much the way you do now, and that in my 30's - still in 'em, 37 - adjustments I had made seem to have straightened this all out. So this post is not only my 'answer' (more accurately, some things to consider), its also my finally realizing there was a reason the reason for how it was, what it was which changed that experience/effect, and what remnants of such I may still be experiencing, in order to work further on more effective communication with different types of people through increased awareness. In my younger years, this effect was very frustrating, and often left me feeling as though my few closest friends, who also "got it" (anything & everything, the way I did), were the only people in the world who I could "really talk with." I was lucky at that time of my life to have a few kindred, however, when one of them died of an especially nasty form of adult leukemia, I had a feeling of being very alone and vulnerable in the world. After all, two more of those closest of friends remained, and one had moved across the country. I believe this is when I figured out the changes I made - though subconsciously, and without realizing quite what they were until reading your post, triggering the novel you're reading now
and here it is...

Especially at a younger age, those who are significantly more intelligent than the average person (I'm not talking Steven Hawking necessarily - if you're in the top 10%, you are significantly beyond the 50th percentile), tend to have a difficult time communicating effectively with the less-intelligent among us. It doesn't seem this way to the speaker, and it certainly isn't obviouyys that part of the problem lies there, but it does. There is not quite a 'disconnect', but, I guess you'd call it fuzzy reception. Your message isn't translating quite the way you want it to as it passes through others' less (or probably more accurately - *differently*) refined filters. Part of this involves them not having as many subconscious points of reference, or to look at it from the physical (electrical?) operation of the brain, point A and point B to some are a quantum leap apart, while for others, thousands of thoughts amd memories, all intertwined in differing ways and degress, form a myriad of potential bridges between the two points, tying the thoughts/statements together in the way you are intending them inyour mind, but leaving an illogical gap in thenminds of others - meaning they're hearing you word for word, yet their minds are rejecting those statements, at least as you intend them to come across.

While it appears to you -and to them!- that they simply disagree, or from your perspective must be wlfully blind to what seems so clear to you,unwilling to face the reality, it is more likely those underlying details do not connect for them the way they do for you (automatically and subconsciously), which is causing the 'fuzzy reception.' To you, clear and concise logical statements. To them - you're making wild leaps. Without the underlying, subconscious stepping stones of what to you is basic, common knowledge, your statements seem illogical to them.

This can simply manifest as above, with them thinking what you're saying is nonsensical, and at times, can seem to those others that you are not only wrong, but arrogant in your level of belief that you're right - that aura of certainty, coupled with confusion as to why they *don't* get it, is very off-putting to people. Realistically, they're not doing anything wrong or purposefully, they just simply cannot process what you're trying to tell them. And you're not doing anything inherently wrong either, however...there is a solution.

Time for bed and running out of characters, so I will add more tomorrow. The basic message is: know your audience, how to read them, and then how -and what- to communicate.

Back tomorrow with pt 2/2!

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:38 AM
Dude. You need some new friends.
Yours sound like d-bags.

(nah. j/k)

Seriously though, you can't change the entire world, but you can change your world. If these groups of people are truly your friends then they will at least listen to what you have to say. If not, then are they truly friends? Friends don't have to agree on anything other than being friends. Some of the longest friendships I've experienced comprise of people that just want to argue politics, or rather my lack thereof.

There's always going to be some party line toting a-hole at every occasion.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by TheIllusiveMan

I can help you with that, it's called the "Bandwagon Effect". (something I am very against!)

Bandwagon Effect

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