posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 12:36 AM
Hi ATS! I've been away for a long while - I don't know if I will continue to post regularly, but I definitely frequent the site regularly.
Anyway, I figured that I would come back and tell you all the story of my ex. I am going to warn you, this gets kind of long. Skip down to "Here's
the kicker" for the main beef.
Last April I was with my ex for four and a half years. She was always interested in traveling and foreign languages. In her last year of high school
she took Russian and French classes, not to mention taking a school trip to Europe for a few weeks. I was proud of her. Well, last April I was working
full time with no option of vacation or the means to pay both of our ways - but she said her friend was taking a trip to London and offered to take
her along under the condition that she paid for the plane ticket.
I coughed up 600 for her, and really thought nothing else of it. Her friend is pretty rich and definitely nice enough to perhaps invite a friend on a
trip like this. Moreover, I was just getting my trust in a good place (I have had a terrible history with women cheating on me) so I really just told
myself it would be fine. She was going to be over there until the very first of August. I missed her the whole time. She was a little controlling at
times. So I was happy to have a bit of time to myself - Ultimately though I was happy to see her when she got back.
The short time passed that she was gone. I drove forty miles to the airport to pick her up that night. I was looking for her at the terminal...Found
--You know, after being gone all that time I kind of expected one of those dramatic running/hugging/kissing kind of moments. I mean, I was happy to
see her.--
I walked up to her with a smile on my face...She couldn't even look at me. I said hi, I love you, I missed you, blah blah. All she could talk about
was how tired she was from the flight. Now I understand that trips overseas by jet can really take it out of you...but I also thought after being away
from someone you love for so long, you might be a little more inclined to hug or kiss them. Even just say 'I love you'.
I took her home that night. The next couple weeks were rough. I worked a lot of overtime which left me little time with her. I mean, 12 hour shifts on
a crappy schedule...Ok, maybe I was a little lazy. Maybe I could've passed up a few extra hours of sleep to hang out with her. She didn't mention
anything being a problem though. So I thought nothing of it.
I was at home when she texted me saying 'hey, have you ever thought about taking a break?' The first thing I said was 'Are you seeing someone
else?' She said yeah. I won't lie, I kind of lost it. I spent the last (nearly) 5 years with the girl. When I first met her she couldn't stand to
be away from me for a couple minutes.
Here's the kicker. I know that break ups and crap happen all the time. I am actually pretty ok with it now. I stopped talking to her
altogether. She actually had quite a nasty habit of being a bitch at times around myself and my family. Ultimately, it was truly a good thing that she
decided to burden someone else rather than me.
The reason she left me? She met a guy overseas in London. He was going to college over there, but he's Pakistani. He is now currently living in
Pakistan. She's finishing school over here from what I can tell and she wants to convert to the Muslim faith and that's that. Her official story is
that she met him on the metro over there and the rest is "history".
So what do you think ATS? To me it was devastating at first. Naturally I was destroyed. Now, I'm better, but I will still never be the person I was
before. Any opinions, feedback, or other thoughts are more than welcome! Note that I also said that I am ok with the whole thing. I'm feeling a lot
better, I mean it's been a year almost since she left me, alas there is still some grief that I am feeling...but that's my story.