posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 01:30 PM
I was a bit active in 2004, this is what I saw. Kerry did not throw the election, he was sold down the river by Clinton campaign staff they did not
want him to win. They set him up with bad advice and he was not smart enough to get out from under it till it was to late. He did a few things to
show he did want to win, he just did not want to win enough to be a patriot and defend the constitution.
Sure Bush stole the election, but Kerry could have done much better. He also did not have the gonads to fight in the end, he rolled over to keep his
cushy Senate seat.
He said he was not going to persue winning and conceeded because it would be a scorched earth campaign. This is a direct quote. If he fought for the
win in 2004 after election the only way the Repubs would have left office is by literal military force.
If push would have come to shove the military would have sided with Kerry, The top brass all hated Rummy, and the democrats had Wesly Clark who was
highly respected. He was also retired so he was not restrained by not being able to speak or act.
If Kerry was a strong leader, and the democrats/people took the media early they could have "won" the election/civil war.
Middle America may be Republican but the also are not very well informed many would flip if things got serious. It would have been very ugly, and I
do not know how well the NWO would have played their hand at the time, but it was doable.
Democrats had majority control of NE corodor and west coast, even if it took a few months for the red strong holds to settle down blues would have had
it. the reds need the blue states.
Clinton was picked to win in 2008 before 2004 was even over. She must be defeated.
Their was a short attempt in congress, a mini attempt to revolt but the republican whips got their defectors back in line, and Kerry did not stand up
and lead.