posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:59 AM
Text 1. Which of the 'big 4' modern-man creation theories do you feel has the best evidence for plausibility? - Reptilian - Anunnaki - Nephilim -
reply to post by HomeBrew
@ HomeBrew
If the Nephilim are the giant children of the Angels and mortal women then the women would have been from the Adamic race in Genesis. Wouldn't the
categories of Genesis and Nephilim be somewhat related? Besides being in the book of Genesis are not the women that produced the Nephilim from Adam
and Eve? My understanding would be that if I believe the Genesis account then I would have to believe that the Nephilim are a cross breed between
Adam's seed and the celestial entities.
That also brings up another question. Some people understand that a celestial entity does not have the capabilities of procreation. If that is true
then did these angels, which left the celestial realm and came down to the terrestrial realm, become possessed humans? In other words were they
celestial entities or were they human men who were possessed with these spirits?
As far as the Anunnaki are concerned, I have a propensity to choose the Genesis account over the Gilgamesh account. There are as many unanswered
questions to the Sumerian account as there are to the Genesis and until some of these are rectified I shall have to cast my lot with Moses. The
Sumerian tablets are dated at about 669 to 633 BC even though the Gilgamesh story is dated well over 3,000 BC. That in itself brings up the question
as to whether this story is simply just a story which was fabricated long after the flood of Noah.
The tablets were discovered in orderly manner on shelves of a library. Some were baked while others were not and some had returned to the earthly
manner. Now if these tablets were written before the flood of Noah then I would have to say that there would be no library left and all would have
returned to earth. So I do believe that they were written some time in the era of 633 to 669 BC just as they were dated. This would be well after
the 1656 BC flood of Noah.
If the tablets were indeed not more than 669 BC then that would place the Sumerian tradition well over 2,000 to 2,500 years old without any sort of
verification while Moses does at least have some sort of historical order in his tradition. In other words the Jewish time line has a orderly fashion
with a set beginning while the Sumerian account shows very little or nothing more than a verified king and all sorts of gods in underworld fantasy in
its history. A story without a time line shows me as nothing but fantastic imagination from the author. If the tablets were dated older than the
Noah flood and had a time line of history then it could hold some verification. Of course we then would still have the problem of just how could the
tablets have survived the Noah flood. This brings me to the conclusion that the tablets which are dated as being written in the 669 to 633 era were
nothing more than a story of perhaps religious nature from ancient people.