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Reincarnation imagery

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posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:36 AM
Quick short thread right to the point. Dumb title lol

Do some things ever stand out as being from a past life to you?

I don't necessarily entirely believe in reincarnation but some imagery like a foggy cobblestone walkway at night with old timey fire lamp posts in particular really hit me with nostalgia sometimes and I can't explain it.
Very medieval.

The concept of magic really hits me sometimes as well even though my skeptical secular personality considers most of it non sense.
I've denied religion/spirituality to a certain point but not magic/psychic concepts which I seem to be naturally open towards. It feels like i've left a world full of something, to re-enter and awaken into a world of nothing but in the process of, to feel it all over again..

What about you?

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

I don't know if this is what you are talking about but I remember as a small child seeing an old British WW2 era truck sitting in a yard near our town. I had this huge feeling of recognition and memories of seeing this type of truck before but I could not remember where. I even had "butterflies" in my stomach as if I had gotten a big fright. Really weird and disturbing feeling. There's probably a normal explanation but who knows.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

With my various interests, and through the easy access to these interests via the internet I can't tell if my imagery of a past life is real or if my mind is conjuring up these images. Frequently I see my naked, somewhat hairy self sitting all alone on a vast flatland with spotty vegetation. I get the feeling that this image represents a time before written history; could be 20,000 years ago or 100,000. I just don't know.

What I do know is that around the time of these images popping up in my head I was very interested in evolution.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

What a very honest and humble approach you have to this. It's good to not shut doors until you explore them further. I would suggest getting a past life reading done. It can be done with many methods but, even thought the myriad of divination techniques are reliable and dear to my heart, I would recommend an actual past life therapist.

I think we have one on ATS (Woodwytch). I'm not sure if she takes on clients out of the blue or anything about her business but I do know it's something she has been doing. Maybe PM her?

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 07:37 AM
I'm not totally sure I believe in reincarnation, but there are a few strange things that I'll share with you that have always puzzled me.

I know what it feels like to be attacked by a dog... yet I have never been attacked by a dog in my life. It's not like a vivid memory. It isn't a memory at all. I just somehow know what it feels like to be overpowered by a large canine, and can imagine in great detail what its teeth would feel like puncturing me as it clamped down.

This one will make me sound like a lunatic, and I apologize in advance if it creeps anybody out. I'm not mentally ill in any way, or suicidal at all, but for some reason I have (as long as I can remember - even as a child) a fascination with firearm related suicides. Even when I was around 10 or so I could be watching a movie, and if I saw a scene that involved somebody doing the ol' pop in the mouth or temple, I'd rewind that damn thing like three or four times and didn't even know what compelled me to do it. Other forms of suicide don't interest me. Hangings? Jumping? Overdoses? Nope. Don't care about any of those. Boring. But when I was younger I was all over the internet like ants on a discarded Mars Bar reading about police reports, pathology reports, looking at real aftermath photos of such incidents. Even real video footage of that actually happening (yes, it does exist.) It horrified me, but it was like a curiosity that I was infected with.

My ex-girlfriend was very spiritual and had a deep interest in anything metaphysical, as she was Native American and raised with some of the traditional beliefs. We didn't talk about spiritual things very much because I was always skeptical. But sometimes out of curiosity I would strike up a conversation just to listen to what she had to say. One time I admitted to her what I just described above. She wasn't the 'know-it-all' spiritual type that has an instant answer ready for everything, but she said that possibly I did that as an easy way out in my previous live, and it carried over into this life as an obsession, as a way to cope with the lack of closure that resulted from the stupid and hasty decision I made. Of course I do find it hard to believe, because there's absolutely zero evidence to back up such an idea. But... it is an interesting thought nonetheless I suppose. Make of it what you will

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