posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 08:40 PM
Like everyone else around here these days, I've been pondering the North Korea clusterfornication. It seems that Junior is determined to show us all
that he's a big boy by trying to pick a fight with the biggest kid on the block. Now there are few ways in which NK can mess with us and seemingly
endless buffet of options for us to retaliate to the point of wiping them from the face of the Earth.
Of course, bombing people back to the stone age (in this case setting back most of NK by a week and a half) has not been our style. We attempt to be
the good guys with our spectacularly expensive and generally ill-advised nation building shtick.
There are a great number of reasons why that particular gig would not be appropriate here. The resources are a major factor (though not as major as
they rationally should be). The bigger reason is a little nation we like to call China. We deploy massive fire power and/or nukes in China's back
yard and we risk displeasing a nation that can basically call our bluff on the entire fictitious nature of our monetary system. Now, I have reasons to
be believe that that would never happen (see Enjoy the Sideshow in my signature), but even if they opted for good ol' traditional warfare China is
not a nation we want to anger.
That said, a serious strike (I'm thinking a nuke here) from the crazy little freak in Pyongyang would absolutely require retaliation. Now here's my
random, pure speculation thought; and if its been bandied about elsewhere, my apologies. Lots of NK stuff flying around here these days. What if we
just gave NK to China?
I, of course, realize it is not ours to give; but what if we said to China: "Look, we have our differences, but you treat your people and your
neighbors better than North Korea does. You have nuclear weapons but respect the responsibility that comes with them. North Korea has taken action
that demand retaliation, but we are not looking to mess with your sandbox. If we take out the power structure, can you mobilize and annex the
Naturally, there are various matters of international law that could gum up these works, but if NK launches an actual nuclear strike, I think the
international community would be OK with sorting out the details after the situation is brought under control.
As to whether this would be beneficial in the long term is uncertain, but it would be an interesting gesture to the Chinese without worsening
conditions on the peninsula and not not bogging us down in a third foreign quagmire.