reply to post by JohnPhoenix
I don't believe that government propaganda for a second.
Neither do I.
However, these facts are supported by first hand experience of living in the UK for all of my 47 years.
Your denial of these facts are based on what?
Your belief in an opinion that is based on circumstances and experiences gained in the USA which has absolutely no bearing and relevance whatsoever to
UK society.
I am well travelled in the UK and have many, many friends and acquaintances whose knowledge and experience I can call on, all of which suggest that
those figures are correct.
The UK Police Federation themselves passionately support no further arming of the police force.
Armed Response Units are on duty 24 hours a day everyday in every police force.
But I guess you know better about what best suits British police?
The UK does not have such social and economic conditions such that it is a virtual paradise that would allow for the people and cops to live in
relative non violent peace.
Of course it isn't a virtual paradise and certainly isn't non-violent.
In fact Britain has always been a relatively violent place but that violence tends to physical and not involving armed weapons.
I'm sure lots more UK cops dies and many by criminals with guns and you guys just don't see those reports. I'm sure they are carefully hidden.
No they don't.
If a police officer gets killed in the line of duty in the UK then it is very big news and makes national headlines - you'd have to be living under a
rock not to be aware of it.
Why am I so sure? We like to say in America If you take away the guns only criminals will have guns. Your telling me your criminals don't have guns?
You can't change a leopards spots. Your criminals do have guns. it's just so taboo in your society to talk about it you don't hear the reports.
And I think that's very true - in the USA which is why I understand why you wish to retain The Second Amendment - that horse has already bolted and
gun ownership has become a part of the American psyche.
But I assure you that the vast majority of criminals do not possess armed weapons here in the UK.
Sure, I guess lots of people could get access to guns if they really wanted to, but most choose not to, even the criminals.
They just aren't anywhere near as freely available.
If what you claim is true, then the UK has the worst criminals in the history of the Planet. Super Wussy Criminals.
Of course they are.
With your influx of Middle Eastern gun toting loving extremists
Unfortunately most of the people convicted of terrorist related offences in the UK have been home-grown - which is a sad indictment of the UK but a
whole different conversation altogether.
Dig deeper than the nightly news. There is no logical reason for thinking your criminals dont have guns and dont shoot and kill those unprotected
I do, by living and experiencing life and there is a logical reason - most criminals know that the sentences they receive for carrying arms far
outweigh the sentences they receive if they commit the same crime without a gun.
Anyone caught with a gun receives a mandatory minimum 5 year prison sentence.
I'll never buy that. That's a Government snowjob.
That's up to you - but I guarantee you it is nothing of the sort.
The UK is not the USA.
What is right for you is not always right for us - and vice versa.
This issue has absolutely nothing to do with gun control - I think you are completely missing the points the OP made and are using this thread to
promote your own pre-conceived ideas and incorrect belief that everything that is wrong with the UK is because of our lack of an equivallent of The
Second Amendment.
edit on 8/4/13 by Freeborn because: grammar and clarity