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No Noon Meal For Kids In Debt At Middle School

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posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:30 AM
The real point here is the parents dont give enough of a # to provide their offspring with a healthy lunch.....
We grew up poorer than church mice, but we had a healthy lunch at school every day provided by none other than parents....(who taught us to make them as well....) this lesson in self reliance stands me in good stead at 70 as it did at 07 yrs .......what a useless bunch of snots we raised....
What a freakin upside down world.....if you youngsters only knew.....but...thats another story..............

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by GreenGlassDoor
Reply to post by elevatedone

Welcome to real life: if you do not pay you will not eat.
Au Contraire, my shilly comrade! That's"real life" in the sense that the PTB and their manufactured scarcity want us to think it is. That's programming. The world is full of food, and could be even more full of food, were it not for the banksters and industrialists banning certain green plants that are completely nutritious and healthy to eat. No, there is no reason to 'pay' to eat, other than the mandate of our master class.

Since schools are supposed to be preparing youngsters for life this will be one of those lessons that actually mean something.
That could have come from the mouth of Mitt Romney himself. Good Job!

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by stirling
The real point here is the parents dont give enough of a # to provide their offspring with a healthy lunch.....
We grew up poorer than church mice, but we had a healthy lunch at school every day provided by none other than parents....(who taught us to make them as well....) this lesson in self reliance stands me in good stead at 70 as it did at 07 yrs .......what a useless bunch of snots we raised....
What a freakin upside down world.....if you youngsters only knew.....but...thats another story..............

You were that poor but there was food to make Lunches? that is not poor in my book...maybe you didn't have someone use all the food money for booze, or maybe your dad didn't die when you was 6 leaving 7 kids and a helpless incapable;e wife.

So you also blame the little children who had no say in their situation.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by GreenGlassDoor
Reply to post by elevatedone

Welcome to real life: if you do not pay you will not eat.

Since schools are supposed to be preparing youngsters for life this will be one of those lessons that actually mean something.

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Wouldn't it be nicer to teach them compassion for others, maybe we could change the world instead of taking the same old marry-go-round!

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

That's not entirely accurate. Having been homeless myself I am familiar with the funding practices of the local County of Washtenaw shelter and their meal program. In addition, one could argue that nothing is free. But back on point - ARE NOT THE CHILDREN WORTH IT?

Also why does eating come last. The money doled out to other countries, someone was saying millions were just spent to watch some frogs mating habits, our town built a new park when the people can't even get gas and walk in the rain miles to the store our gas has never dropped below 4$ in years now, I see old people trying to carry stuff this way.

The priorities are all wrong and so are the lessons, which teach cruelty and lack of compassion.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:56 AM
Won't hurt most kids to go hungry occasionally. It will teach them to appreciate their meal being there.

When I went to school there was hot lunch. No money or ticket, no lunch. You could buy a weekly ticket or just pay the thirty five cents at the line. It went up to forty five cents when I was a senior.
edit on 6-4-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Terminal1
What ever happened to brown bag lunches? Are children not allowed to carry food into school anymore?

S'what I lived on going through school. If I didn't pack my lunch I went hungry and binged when I got home.


One girl i knew in 9th grade brought a tortilla to school in her book everyday and nibbled at it, she would ask everyone if she could come home for lunch with them One day she asked me, I told her "I don't eat lunch", clearly she didn't get it, I was just like her but I would never beg and I never ever told anyone I was hungry in all those years!

She came home with me and we turned around to just walk back to school, her mouth dropped open, she was so stunned that I really did not eat I always walked all the way home so there was something to do at lunch time. She was also very hungry but I had learned to deal with mine. I felt so sorry for her.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

handing out free food to slacker children now

There you go again! How is it that a kid going to school that doesn't have lunch or money is a slacker!

You see the stupid stinking attitude I lived with all through school and what did i do to deserve this!? be born in the wrong family!

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by GreenGlassDoor
Reply to post by tothetenthpower

Actually study after study has shown that the single biggest factor in student success is parental participation and interest in their student's life.

Sending Johnny to school and expecting the school to take up the slack by default kind of shows the level of participation here, ja?

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1 in 4 children are raised by a single parent, if that parent is not on welfare and being an example they have their hands pretty full...then again many kids only have an aunt or grandparent as their parents are dead or on drugs or some other situation.
The US sends billions to other countries for many ridiculous uses, they don't even help the children of vets at home!

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

People are demanding we fix the broken tail-light of a Ford. If education was overhauled to include a nutrition program for student success then I wouldn't have a problem with it.

That puts us on the same page. I see where you are coming from and agree that attacking education from the single nutritional standpoint is idiotic and we should focus on an entire redo of education in a lot of places, including the US and Canada.


Yes but like all government they receive enough money to do a good job already, it simply is always mismanaged and the system abused.
I read that the schools can actually invest the extra money when they have it, then they don' have to declare the invested money or the investment income as part of the schools money, so they invest over and over and actually the schools have hoarded public funds this way.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
The administration at that school needs to find a new line of work.

Kinda reminds me of the local news channel this morning, a 60 some year old male special needs teacher, side swiped the car of a 17 year old teen in a neighborhood, the teacher said the boy drove to slow, the then walked up to the car he pushed off the road and opened the door and beat the kid in the face with his fist....special needs kids with this guy all day.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:32 PM
yes it truthfully sucks. when i was in elementary school in wisconsin the way you payed for school lunch does that could paid for thr whole month with check the ones who couldn't got the free lunch program and the parents did the whole thing. now my family was affluent but there were a couple of times my b of a step mother forgot to pay lunch bill check and on those days i got called to office and told that since they didn't get a check i would have to buy lunch ticket or not eat . i was a grade schooler and didn't carry cash so i would not eat. and yes i must say schools that make a kid not eat bis run by a bunch of phallus heads. back when it happened to me no one gave a crap.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:34 PM
Nothing new about that. I raised 2 kids and that was the policy 20 years ago.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Terminal1

alot of schools nowadays dont allow pband j supposedly because alot of students have peanut allergies but really they want you to pay them pure and simple.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Well said Wrabbit....amen, good job, tally ho!

Again it seems to be the ones who pay for the system to run that are punished and shaken down at every turn.

Our tax dollars pay for others to about a little help once and while....huh?

School supplies for us averaged $200 per year per kid. Not counting more whenever they changed classes or got a new teacher during the year.

What we are paying for are salaries! And since when does every teacher need an assistant!! Wtf?

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by elevatedone

At least the school apparently had no part in it happening, but rather the company that is contracted to provide the school.

Principal Andrew Boles apologized and blamed the culinary company. "My expectation is that every child, every adult, every parent, every student, every teacher is respected in this building, and that didn't happen yesterday because of Whitson's," he told WJAR.

Whitson's apologized in a statement and said it was not company policy to deny meals to children. It added that the school district had no official policy on what to do in such situations.

The thing that gets me is that some kids were made to dump out the food they had already been given??? That just freakin' pure waste, and makes no sense. BUT, I can see the adult logic: since we won't be serving the other kids with negative balances, you can't eat what you already have because that would be unfair. Yes, I have experienced this exact same type of disciplinary logic when I was in school, and not the "whole class has to be denied something until the guilty party comes forward," deal, either.

That's what happens when a for profit contracted company is in charge—usually of anything.

And it's simply not right: kids require adequate nutrition for development. To deny that is akin to neglect.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
The priorities are all wrong and so are the lessons, which teach cruelty and lack of compassion.

QFT. I know some will not see it but it is showing in our world today.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:43 PM
My high school implemented a similar policy this year. I believe that students have their meals taken away if they are negative five or more dollars. They also now charge "Ala Carte" if you are missing an item that would constitute a meal (Such as a fruit or vegetable). So if you actually take less knowing that you are not going to eat it as the food is not good in the first place, then you will be charged $5 instead of the standard $2.50.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by timetothink

Like not letting a child participate in after school activities until bill is paid or something. If its a constant offender.

A child is never the offender, they are not supposed to be responsible for the money when they are school children, guess punish the kid to teach the parent huh?

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

what country do you live in my friend the reason most of these kids drop out is because teachers failed them.
the public school system failed me i dropped out when i was 16 and took a year off . i found in neighboring community that they had high school classes at day and night i graduated from that school district in top 10 percent of a senior class of 1000. the school system i went to junior high had 50 students in the class rooms. yes i know my grammar sucks but i make up for it with mad skills in math science and history.

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