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Whitley Strieber: "Alien Abductee" Admits to Childhood Mind Control Manipulation

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posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 04:47 AM

Not many people are aware of this podcast that Whitley Strieber made available exclusively to subscribers of his website in 2010.

This is explosive testimony from the most high profile "alien abductee" (and author of many UFO thrillers that are purported to be based on real encounters) about his early childhood involvement with Air Force schools and mind control experiments that relate to false flag PsyOps (psychological operations). Supplementing this very revealing podcast is a screenshot/excerpt from a former US Army Intelligence officer's paper submitted to the Strategic Studies Institute, which highlights part of a military recipe to create a false alien mythology for purposes of geopolitical and occult manipulation of the masses.

More information about this Strategic Studies Institute article can be found on an archived copy of a now defunct website: Big Brother's Recipe for "Revolution in Military Affairs"

Towards the end of the YouTube video featuring Whitley Strieber's testimony, which also highlights The Finders case which points to CIA involvement in child trafficking, is part of an interview with alternative historian and former military-insider and whistleblower Douglas Dietrich. Intimate details of the covert goings-on of Colonel Michael Aquino (ret.) and his involvement with the creation of the Roswell "alien grey" disinformation/mythology, as well as with MK Ultra experiments on children are revealed. Please note that Aquino is deeply involved in the military and National Security Agency and is also deeply involved in Satanic and occult practices.
edit on 3-4-2013 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 04:55 AM
Whitley Strieber's full podcast can be heard and downloaded here.

Douglas Dietrich's full podcast can be heard and downloaded here.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by corsair00

As an abductee myself, I've read Strieber's early UFO-related books and followed his activities for awhile. He was originally a fiction writer of limited success and eventually found some level of success with his UFO escapades which continue. I don't deny that he had some original experiences—I believe he has-- but it is a well established that his memory has at times created a reality for himself that was false. (Notable by his claimed presence at the University of Texas clock tower Charles Whitman shootings in 1966 which was pointed out to have been impossible and for which he later recanted but explained in an unsatisying way.)
He has a following of sorts and all in all must be seen as a service agent for the UFO cause in general and the abductee/contactee side of it in particular. Few venture there and stake out a position. For that, he needs to be credited, whatever his reasons.
My distrust of the complex scenario that he presents comes from my own experiences in part and yet validates his scenario in part. At the ages of five and six, in 1943 and 1944 I had two what safely can be called visions that guided me out of two different woods and set me on a path of discovery that at the least, lead to a UFO time-loss experience in 1964.
At the age of five and six, given the times and the complete background of my situation, I absolutely believe that no arm of a human organization had anything to do with my life up to that point. So I must conclude that either the experience was one that came totally from within me or it was induced from the outside. If from the outside, it would have been an alien influence via their remarkable mind control abilities of which I later experienced in 1964 or perhaps unknowingly experienced at other times. I see no way that a mere human intervention could have been managed to implant these visions at that time given the circumstances of my early age and location. That those visions happened at two semi-traumatic times in my early life implies, first, I had been specifically tagged by them and/or they were actively but generally monitoring me and others in some mental fashion throughout that time (and probably later) and I triggered an alarm that caused the intervention. Second, to add support to the being tagged point, I have the evidence of my father’s experience at an early age of about 10 in the early 1900s and his later close encounter in about 1950. The connecting of these automatically makes proof enough to me that the ETs have such capabilities (that we can hardly understand) and that they were the sole users of such techniques at that time (at least in my case).
Yet, I underwent a dissociative experience—evidently '___'-- in the army in 1957 that connects to aspects of the MK-Ultra programs. While such programs of one type or another may have extended back to the time of my visions even if they didn’t play a part in them. Yet that these instances all work together for the explanation that there is/was an interconnection between the activities of the aliens and the secret programs. The ETs had their methods and powers, and the human agencies had their pathetic skills. It seems apparent that the MK-Ultra programs, whenever they started, were an intense, broad-streamed effort to duplicate what was then clearly known about mind control capabilities that the aliens used. That would be the sought holy grail of any government for absolute control over the citizenry. Exactly when the intelligence agencies made this shocking discovery is open to interpretation. At the least, it seems that the efforts to capitalize on the benefits of mental control became a serious concern once WW II was settled.
Over and above the disinfo about the UFO itself, the mind control ability of the ETs is carefully ignored by most UFO writers and never covered in MSM works. Even in the field itself, such disinformation is so complex and convoluted that it is vertically impossible to follow. That is the plan. Mind control is the most feared, terror-laden aspect of the whole human-alien encounter. Our responses to the physical mechanics of their machines are apparent in our skies as the black triangles. But the real problem is how to tell the citizenry that the aliens virtually have the powers of God? Solution: wait until our folks develop their own version of mind control.

Obama’s recent commitment in the last couple of days to complete mapping of the brain is really nothing but the final tightening of the grasp on that holy grail. Make no mistake about it, mind control is the goal of much of the feverish work being done this very day in brain research. And Obama set a major push in that direction in motion just yesterday.
(I won’t be commenting further on this thread.)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 09:29 AM
Whitley Streiber has had TOO MANY strange experiences. Seriously, if you listen to his podcast called Dreamland, he has had every singly paranormal experience known to man. If he has a guest on talking about werewolves, he pipes in with "Well, when I was a werewolf..."

I just don't believe him. Mainly because he doesn't seem to have learned much from these experiences, except to spout off about love.

Plus I think he's on antidepressants. You can hear in in his voice, the way he speaks. Now I loves me some paranormal podcasts, and listen to several, but I just can't stomach his slow ramblings.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:21 PM
Admittedly Whitleys speaking voice and mannerisms are somewhat monotonous.
His claims of experiences far beyond the pale for twenty lifetimes....and hes obviously a studious
megalomaniac........but other than that, i just find his story telling kinda phoney by now......

On the other hand,much as i studiously ignore the man, some of his info may be gleaned from sources,whose
testimony is backed up by evidence.
I get the impression Whitley has the imagination to become anything he may hear described to him,and be able to write in the first person about it......

This Lt Col Aquino, is worth checking out , ive heard the name in other circles in the past regards his Satanic side....
It is interesting that Jack Parsons, early rocket scientist, and other associated people were also involved in satanist behaviors...pedophelia for occult reasons is not unheard of as well.....
Possible connections to JE Hoover? or the Orthodox Catholic church?

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 07:34 PM
I think some of the main military men alive today, that are behind much of the darker covert operations, are John Alexander and Michael Aquino. They have a very strong working relationship, and both are obsessed with the esoteric and occult, but at the same time they also have very high-level positions in the military.

Jack Parsons was definitely associated with this seedy activity, and allegedly Aquino had a role to play in his untimely death. I recommend watching Dietrich's full presentation of "Satan's Crusaders", if you can find it. *Hint,

The Franklin Scandal includes many sordid tales of boys and girls taken from Nebraska orphanages and flown into Washington D.C. and elsewhere for sex parties with wealthy businessmen and politicians. But there is another part of that story that involves Strategic Air Command and the use of some of these boys in MK Ultra programs. The Johnny Gosch story is the most well-known and well-documented case. It is purported that this boy was abducted and brought into such programs at the commands of Lt. Col. Aquino. There are personal letters from other boys that were involved in these things that talk about Aquino and Gosch and the fact they both went down to Mexico and that Johnny dyed his hair and got facial surgery to change his appearance etc.

The boy's orphanage involved with this in Nebraska was Catholic, and they were bought off and given huge incentives by the corrupt men involved. Other areas to gain access to children have been military bases, such as the Presidio Scandal, and Air Force child day care camps.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 08:08 AM

Published on Jan 15, 2013

Hello Citizens of the world, we are Anonymous.

An interstate network, of pedophiles, has been brought to our attention; most shockingly, this network may have connections, to the Satanic child molestation case, at the Presidio Army base, in San Francisco, California, in the mid nineteen eighties, and also, connections to the Catholic church.

This network, of pedophiles, operates between Washington state, and the San Francisco Bay area. The State of Washington, Commission for National and Community Service, specifically, the Senior Core, and the Foster Grandparent Program, and the Catholic Diocese of Yakima, Washington, have been inplicated, as well as Catholic charities and social service agencies, in Ma rin County, California. Specifically, the St. Vincent's School for Boys, Project Care, for Children, and the Ma rin County, Child Abuse Counsel.

This network, of pedophiles, uses the Washington state, Senior Core, Foster Grandparent's Program, to gain access, to infants and very young children, by channeling their members, through the Catholic church as volunteers. These infants and very young children, are from recently immigrated families, who do not speak English, or are physically and mentally handicapped. Such children, and families, are the perfect prey, for such predators, since they often do not speak English, and are recently immigrated, and may fear deportation. Some of these children, also have mental handicaps, or behavioral problems, that would cause many well meaning people, to view them as unreliable witnesses.

This network, of pedophiles, is of a highly dangerous nature. At the risk of sounding like conspiracy theorists, it is also likely, that this group has direct connections, to Bohemian Grove, due to their geographic location, and highly placed, Satanic priests, within the intelligence community. Our source has come to us, at great risk, with this information, but does not have, the proper computer skills, to gather the information needed, to bring these criminals to justice. Our source requests, that all Anons, as well as police officers and intelligence officers, with the necessary computer skills, investigate this matter, gather the information needed, share it publically, and bring these vile, degenerate criminals to justice.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 09:39 AM
Headline: Read ALL about the Abduction Experience and How YOU can Prevent It from HAPPENING TO YOU!!"

note: article only available to subscribers. Sign up now!

Subscription prices: 3 months $12.95. 6 months $19.75. 1 year $39.50. All rebill automatically. 1 year nonrecurring $47.50. 2 year nonrecurring $79.00.

Thanks Whitley!!!


posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 10:19 AM
This is a verrrrry interesting thread.

Also, remember that Betty and Barney Hill's 'friends' and aquaintences were with Air Force Intelligence, and CIA psychological warfare. That one was also involved with the JFK assassination matters. As were the Maury Island ufo case people.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Eedjee

Ah, thanks for sharing that. Yes, I think you are prepared to see through the great deception. Many others here are not willing to sacrifice their new religion...

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by TXRabbit

Yeah, maybe - but I just made it available for free. Besides, he rarely talks about such topics. He brought it up because he was going to be talking to an author who has done extensive research on The Finders case. Nick Bryant and his book The Franklin Scandal. All online radio hosts have online content to supplement their free radio show, for subscribers. Mind controlled "alien abductees" need to eat too...

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by corsair00

No, thanks for the embed. I apologize if my criticism came off as attacking you for that was not the intention. I'm merely pointing out that people need to take some of these "experts" with a grain of salt because at the end of the day, they're out to make a living, just like each and every one of us

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 06:43 PM
Yeah, I totally understand. I was a member to UnknownCountry for a while, and did not entirely find it worth my money. I find him rather strange and suspicious, which is why I found that one particular podcast revealing, because he probably is a victim of brainwashing. He has a really dark vibe, I've read some of his books and heard many of his interviews, he tries to come across as enlightened - offering up strange meditations somehow correlated to crop circles etc - but then in his books he talks about border-line demonic ET take-overs (and makes it out to be "real"). In every way he fits the bill of someone trying to cook up a UFO cult - and he has done a reasonably good job at it.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by corsair00
He has a really dark vibe, I've read some of his books and heard many of his interviews, he tries to come across as enlightened - offering up strange meditations somehow correlated to crop circles etc - but then in his books he talks about border-line demonic ET take-overs (and makes it out to be "real"). In every way he fits the bill of someone trying to cook up a UFO cult - and he has done a reasonably good job at it.

Reason and thinking? On ATS? I'll be damned!

The first star I ever gave.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 06:49 PM
I believe the aliens are actually human. They may be a a part of a breakaway society that has moved into hyperdimensions. The "elite" have access to technology that we have never seen. They have used this technology to create a hyperdimensional spacial realm that they live in. They mess with us for entertainment and for other reasons. I believe they come into third dimensional space in the guise of aliens. They harvest cells and body parts for bifurcation in the 4th dimension. They may have found a way to live off human bio etheric energy. I believe they are using our energy as a sort of food source. Whitley said recently on Coast to coast that he believes they the aliens he described are actually human.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by 1hydro
I believe the aliens are actually human. ...

I on the other hand believe that aliens are actually hamsters from outer space who are also shapeshifters. They assume the form of grays to look more intimidating, because let's face it: who would take space hamsters seriously.

I have exactly as much proof for my claims as you do.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by 1hydro

One of his most infamous stories of being abducted and having had an implant put into his ear, he has made it quite clear that it was done by humans: i.e. Earth people, from our time and spacial dimension. There could very likely be an advanced physics associated with technological developments of the past 60+ years, that are also very likely above top secret, and some of them might also be associated with time and/or time anomalies. I have no way to know for certain, but all of that would highly suggest a type of breakaway civilization - or just a very powerful and networked covert operation that is likely trans-national. All of the information I have heard points to the notion that this is a covert shadow government type of situation, and they are nefarious and are funding their operations through illegal drug sales and weapons manufacturing.

Reference to implant technology that was usurped by a shadowy intelligence group a few decades ago was made available in a testimony recorded for The Disclosure Project by a whistleblower named William Pawelec, that was released after his death (last year) - at his specific request. The technology in question fits the bill for RFID type implants that have showed up in "alien abductees".

edit on 4-4-2013 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 07:39 PM
Robert Duncans book is available in pdf online. The matrix Deciphered. This is the best info i have came across on the technology being used by these shadow groups.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by 1hydro

I always played with the notion the greys are Humans evolved and are traveling back to manipulate us for their own agenda. I would love to see their genome and see how close it is to ours.

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by The Cusp
Whitley Streiber has had TOO MANY strange experiences. Seriously, if you listen to his podcast called Dreamland, he has had every singly paranormal experience known to man. If he has a guest on talking about werewolves, he pipes in with "Well, when I was a werewolf..."

I just don't believe him. Mainly because he doesn't seem to have learned much from these experiences, except to spout off about love.

Plus I think he's on antidepressants. You can hear in in his voice, the way he speaks. Now I loves me some paranormal podcasts, and listen to several, but I just can't stomach his slow ramblings.

Whitney Streiber was hanging out with the wrong ETs.

His ETs were the Reticuli Network.

They are mercenaries for the Reptilian Empire.

The Reptilian Empire has an alliance with the Domain Expeditionary Force.

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