First of all, this is not a thread to gather a populace to do a common action, the blueprint is one that is self defined, and one that can be done
alone - or within a family unit. The blueprint can be used to personally grow and slowly but surely take power back within yourself, and ultimately
those around you. Enough people doing this will allow the Blueprint to succeed and thus - for you to succeed also, thus allowing the power to go back
to the people, and no longer be entrusted amongst those we consider the powers that be.
Second - I will describe the reasoning why TPTB are in actual control in the first place, people ask 'why do they do this' - the response is usually
'power'. But why power? Whats so good about it. I've done some research and even received information from the one who passed the blueprint down
to me. Silly me, I didn't write down the step by step, but I will try and recall the 5 steps to taking control back.
Power is apparently like a drug - and the sort of power TPTB have, its one that is on tap, without an off switch. The stimulation that this power
gives - one of total world domination and control, is similar to the drug coc aine - it stimulates the brain stem 24/7, and as quoted from my
mentor, is 'A drug like no other - and thousands times better than sex'.
Apparently this is where the 'Pineal Gland' juice - reptilian shapeshifting theories of them harvesting the pineal gland secretion and drinking it
comes from. Such theories in my opinion are just to illustrate and give the power 'colour', not accurate - although could be.
So the above stipulates the power hungry monguls TPTB are, and why they do it - basically its just 'for kicks'.
The other thing is the question "Why Me". The answer I give is 'Why not - and no one else will do it". But lets go a bit deeper with that shall
Most of us are lead to believe we HAVE NO POWER - but this is totally opposite from the truth, we have been brainwashed to belief we are no one and
have nothing to give or show or do anything that is outright 'outrageous'. We have the following powers and one more.
As an individual, you have the power of a Nation. Thats right, the power of a nation + one more. One a nation does not have, (unless its an anarchist
1) You have the power of Governance - you can govern your own family, community, area
2) You have the power of Economics - Finances, budgets, etc.. etc..
3) You have the power of Politics - Part of governance, but basically all of Politics is
4) You have the power of Defence - Thats right, you can be a one man army - a defence system of sorts
The only difference between the above and a nation - is the 'capacity'. You do not have a 1 million man army, or a nation of politics, but the
rules still apply to yourself and to your family and those around you.
I did mention one more that a nation does not have. That is this:
5) Civil Disobedience
Thats right, you can be disobedient if you so wish - don't go do stupid things though, be smart. An example I was given was just to annoy the
taxation department. If you owe 500 dollars in tax, pay 500 and 45c. Then the next year, pay 499 and 55c, then the next year pay more, the next year
pay less. You are balancing out the economics, but it stuffs up with their system and it wastes their time trying to make their accounts balance.
More on the above hopefully later in the thread
So the 5 Step process is as follows and I will just outline them for now, I will get back to the thread later to discuss further.
1) Self sustainability
Grow your own food
2) Self sufficiency
Use water tanks, solar panels - re-inject back into the power grid etc...
3) Knoweth thy Local Emergency Personnel
Bake them a cake, take some food, get to know them. If SHTF - they'll remember you and will assist you more than the next man (selfish i know, but
there's a reason for it)
4) Get active and be known within local Community
The above 3 helps with this, give them insight on how to grow their own vegs, show them how to inject back into the powergrid, do this and you will be
remembered, and recognised for phase 5
5) Get active and be known in local government - run for mayor or local parliament
So this is where things start to go good for you and your community - if you've done the previous 4 steps over a period of time, there should be no
reason why you would not be elected - and if not elected, at least HAVE A VOICE in your local community.
Ok so thats it for starters...hoping to add more later