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Small Georgia town passes law requiring residents to own guns

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posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by Logarock

People own guns for their own reasons. Cities make gun ownership mandatory for political reasons. Owning a gun is not the same as being told that you must own one - by law.

Even if I am absolutely wrong in my assessment - which I don't think is the case - I still find it absolutely ironic and disturbing that some people can miss the fact that forcing a person to own a gun is every bit as tyrannical as telling a person that they cannot own one.

Apparently our disgust with tyranny is contingent upon whether or not we happen to agree with the tyrant?

Yea I have problems with this. It could go the the state SC and get tossed out as UC. Its about as stupid and UC as the restrictive gun laws.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Metallicus

This is hilarious. It must be a slow news day, (which can be a good thing). FOX is running this story again on their front page.

I almost posted it. For once, the Samaru search actually found something for me.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by olaru12

I own guns and so does my neighbor. He beats the **** out of his wife/kids and one of these days in his drunken rage he will kill her.

you have probable cause....kill him, since

he will kill her
and since you have proof that

he will kill her
you have a right to defend her and their children...unless you're assuming that he'll kill her, but don't have any conclusive proof that he hill.

also, his wife is responsible for her own life not him, if she decides to stay with him after the beatings, then who are you to complain, as for the children, report it to CPS if you're that concerned.....otherwise, STFH, deal? cool, thnx

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 10:14 AM
I'm posting this link in this thread since I'm a new member and I can not start a new thread yet. This is what happend to me last week. I created this page because this event scared me to death and the police play it off as if its no big deal.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by vidjoe1
I'm posting this link in this thread since I'm a new member and I can not start a new thread yet. This is what happend to me last week. I created this page because this event scared me to death and the police play it off as if its no big deal.

Welcome to ATS, sorry I didn't catch your intro. I'm not to sure I would have gone into the woods even after finding out that it was a training exercise.

Your story though did bring a smile to my face. As you can see in my avatar, I am "That Guy".

While on a training exercise myself in the military we were observing a MP unit at about 2am. We decided to mess with them.

We had a loudspeaker with us and played a baby crying over it for a time. After about 2-3 minutes of this and watching the MP's mill about wondering what to do, we had a guy yell at the top of his lungs, SHUT UP!, SHUT UP!, STFU! and pull the trigger on a M16A2 minus blank adapter (without it, it sounds quite real). At the same time we shut the loudspeaker off.

It was like kicking a ants nest.

Sick betcha. But it was funny watching it all from the hills. I don't think they slept for two days. Our commander finally let them know we were conducting exercises in the area ourselves and that our mission was to deprive them of sleep. Mission accomplished.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:00 AM
Hey, Thanks for the reply That Guy! I actually did not go into the woods. I was in my own driveway the whole time. I know my reaction seems kind of funny now, and I'm glad no one was actually shot. But if I was a guy that lived by my gun and not my camera the result may have been quite different, since I thought that the guy in the lower right hand corner of the frame had a gun and it looked like he had turned towards me.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by vidjoe1

I meant to say thanks for the reply TDawgRex.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by vidjoe1
reply to post by vidjoe1

I meant to say thanks for the reply TDawgRex.

No prob...

You'll get the hang of it after a while Grasshopper.

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