Some of ya'll know, I've tried this story many times, and I have a novel version AND a manga version. I think I'm finally ready to write it properly.
Here goes!
That's what they called her, their favorite word for her... excluding all the hateful, vulgar ones. She was in a particularly ghetto school setting,
and in a class for special needs kids, no less... not retarded kids, no. People with emotional problems, more like. Like herself, for example.
Sandra leaned back in her chair, popping her back against the metal, awaiting anxiously for the day to end, though it wasn't even lunch time yet...
still. the scent of school-made quesadillas drifted up the stairs, and she could hardly bear it. Thankfully, she had free lunch, and jeez, she
couldn't wait for that bell to ring...
Not for another half hour, though.
Sandra wasn't your average girl, no... you're eighteen year old with an attitude, yes, but not average. Not really.
Spiked collar, black and silver make-up, which made her oceanic eyes glow with a beautiful, cold, snake-like leer as she gazed angrily at the world
beyond her. Short, blood-red colored hair, with two long, unevenly parted bangs streaming around her pale, rounded face and her dangling dagger
earrings, the rest of her hair fairly short, barely reaching her neck. Black tank top, leather jacket, black nails, fingerless black gloves, navy
jeans decorated with a few chains, studded belt, the works...
Anything not to look like the drones she despised so very much.
Sandra was a medium-built girl, but she wasn't too big... she was in shape. Curvy, too... more attractive than she'd ever think of herself.
As her feet propped themselves upon her desk, the boy sitting next to her, Alan, gave her a look.
Alan was, essentially, Sandra's opposite.
He was a genius, to say the least... but because of his social issues, he landed himself in Knowles' class. A very bright, logical, straight-laced
kid, who frowned upon any rule breaking. Oddly, he and Sandra were good friends, who seemed to stick by one another during school hours... neither of
them was sure why.
Darius, a tall, lanky black boy, sat in the front row in a lazy way, similar to Sandra, though he, unlike her, was actually paying mind to Mr. Knowles
and his teachings. He brushed one of his long corn rows away from his shining brown eyes as he stared ahead, looking monotone.
A girl sitting a row in front of Sandra, a petite girl named Luna, twirled her fingers around her pigtails as she nervously pondered on the subject at
hand... something about JFK being killed, Oswald, Grassy Knoll, etc etc...
Sandra rolled her eyes, staring at the white ceiling, then staring out the window to the glistening city outside.
Such a world out there, and God knew what was going on out there right now... yet here she was, trapped in the damn shackles of the public education
system, designed to mold, brainwash, and prep us to serve the world and the ravaged economy like all good little sheep are supposed to... because that
was the life of the second class, nothing but paid slaves...
The thought of it sickened her. She couldn't wait until Mr. Knowles would shut the hell up so she could break away from class long enough to jump on a
computer in the library, just long enough to check up on her usual conspiracy forum site to see if there were any new stories to be heard...
Sandra had been hearing a lot of buzz about a third world war online lately from her fellow conspirators. Still, it was nothing new... a website full
of paranoid truth seekers, attempting to dig into every nick and cranny of the government's stories in order to find some hidden truth, some dark
conspiracy... of course they'd say things like that.
Sandra sighed, the thought of it darkening her mood. She was cautious to chew her gum quietly and steathily, so not to alert Knowles. She didn't feel
up to fighting him today.
Still, the subject of JFK's assassination seemed to peak her interest a little more than the usual topics in history class.
Sandra stared at him from the back of the room, her expression, as usual, blank and cold, totally unreadable.
Her overly imaginative thoughts swept over her mind once more, and she thought;
What would I so if the sh!t hit the fan right now?
She repressed the thought, trying desperately to listen closely to whatever Knowles was saying, fighting her terrible short term and her microscopic
attention span.
Who knew what would happen today.
Who knew.
edit on 1-4-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: Typos