posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 01:05 PM
Ukrainian election were on October 31, 2004. Now that nobody got over 50% they will have the second round of persidential elections on November 21,
2004. Which guy do you people support and which do you think will win.
94.24 percent of the ballots had been counted by 2 p.m. Moscow time. Viktor Yanukovich received 40.12 percent, Viktor Yushchenko got 39.15 percent,
and 5.77 percent of the voters supported Alexander Moroz.
Viktor Yanukovich is for more relations with Russia. More trade with Russia. Ukrainian working in Russia (higher wages). And he is for free passage
from Russia to Ukraine and back with no visa.
Viktor Yushchenko is for less relations with Russia. More relations with USA. Forget Russia.
So the two canadiates are very different. One that want better relations with Russia and same relations with USA. The other is better relations with
USA and little with Russia.
I support Viktor Yanukovich cause Russia was and always will be close to Ukraine as their cultures are very simialar. Also with more relations with
Russia Ukraine has better chance of growing. And the Ukrainian people can get more money by working in Russia.