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SWAT Raids Home Over Hydroponic Equipment Purchase, Finds Tomatoes and Squash in CIA Agent's Home.

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posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by openyourmind1262
You got to be a fool to purchase indoor growing equipment from these garden stores. Go to Lowes Or Home Depot and buy the componets and build it yourself. It's not rocket science.There's ways to slow down your electrical meter. I know I was a service electrician for 29 years. I've seen some real tricky ways to thwart the power company. Some legal, some not. Got a whole list for those who may want to know this knowledge.

Hell I feel good today. I'll let you in on a way, most electrical meters have a little round disc in the center that turns, the faster it turns the more power your consuming, and the slower it turns the less you are using. You want to slow down that disc. But how the meter is a sealed unit. If you look close at the little wheel, it has little lines or notches in the edge, these turn thru another area and this is what meters your power.

That little disc is really thin and perfectly flat, it's the perfectly flat part you want to change, as the disc is warped it will scrape as it goes thru the other area, which slows it down, alot. But how to do this in a sealed meter, they have tamper evident seals.

All you need is a real sunny day, a really powerfull magnifying glass. Cut the power, concentrate the suns rays on that little disc, in time the heat will cause it to warp and go from flat to wavy. Which in turn will cause it to scrape and turn slower. which records less electrical usage, but your using the same amount. It's a sealed meter and they cant in no way know how the meter became defective. They will simply replace your meter if it's found. Let the wheel move a bit so there's no scorch marks on it.

One of the most useful posts I ever read on ATS in years.
Thank you!
I hope you at least get an applause out of that one.

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by openyourmind1262

You got to be a fool to purchase indoor growing equipment from these garden stores.

Why does one have to be a fool to buy these things from a garden store? It you use the argument it's cheaper, i'll accept that argument. If you argue it's foolish because then "they" will know you're "growing" something i will reject that argument because I—and many other people—use grow lights and kits to start seeds in winter for garden vegetables to transplant outside, so that I have plants that have already started maturing by the time it comes to direct sow outside.

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by jude11

Same here Jude. I've used grow lights to start seeds for veggies, and growing herbs in the winter....then move the seedling plants to outside planters. I know a boat load of people in my area who do the same.

To say people who purchase indoor growing set-ups are doing so for only illegal purposes, is indeed ignorant.

Maybe that poster had a guilty conscience....



As I mentioned above, I too start seeds indoors beginning Jan/Feb. A LOT cheaper. A package of tomato seeds for what, $2, and i can get, what, 16 plants or so? Eggplant, peppers, flowers, all kinds of stuff.

I didn't buy a grow kit, though, just sodium fluorescent plant lights to add to my existing fixture, some plastic, thermometer, trays, etc. Worked pretty well.

Nothing beats garden produce.

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 08:03 PM
America today,was transformed in a hysterical Nation.This not gonna end well.The world are waiting american people wake up,and put the train in the track;

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by openyourmind1262
You got to be a fool to purchase indoor growing equipment from these garden stores. Go to Lowes Or Home Depot and buy the componets and build it yourself. It's not rocket science.There's ways to slow down your electrical meter. I know I was a service electrician for 29 years. I've seen some real tricky ways to thwart the power company. Some legal, some not. Got a whole list for those who may want to know this knowledge.

Hell I feel good today. I'll let you in on a way, most electrical meters have a little round disc in the center that turns, the faster it turns the more power your consuming, and the slower it turns the less you are using. You want to slow down that disc. But how the meter is a sealed unit. If you look close at the little wheel, it has little lines or notches in the edge, these turn thru another area and this is what meters your power.

That little disc is really thin and perfectly flat, it's the perfectly flat part you want to change, as the disc is warped it will scrape as it goes thru the other area, which slows it down, alot. But how to do this in a sealed meter, they have tamper evident seals.

All you need is a real sunny day, a really powerfull magnifying glass. Cut the power, concentrate the suns rays on that little disc, in time the heat will cause it to warp and go from flat to wavy. Which in turn will cause it to scrape and turn slower. which records less electrical usage, but your using the same amount. It's a sealed meter and they cant in no way know how the meter became defective. They will simply replace your meter if it's found. Let the wheel move a bit so there's no scorch marks on it.

service electrician for 35 years
And why do you think they change 95% of all service meter to digital

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by jude11

Kansas is right next to Colorado...they probably thought he was going to be growing and selling to the now legal State......

Just goes to show, even the CIA is into prepping. Or, doesn't want to eat GMO veggies.....


I've heard reports of Kansas state troopers stopping incoming cars, from colorado, and the first question they ask is "Where's the pot?"

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 10:10 PM
Delete please
edit on 1-4-2013 by beatbox because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Trillium

Originally posted by openyourmind1262
You got to be a fool to purchase indoor growing equipment from these garden stores. Go to Lowes Or Home Depot and buy the componets and build it yourself. It's not rocket science.There's ways to slow down your electrical meter. I know I was a service electrician for 29 years. I've seen some real tricky ways to thwart the power company. Some legal, some not. Got a whole list for those who may want to know this knowledge.

Hell I feel good today. I'll let you in on a way, most electrical meters have a little round disc in the center that turns, the faster it turns the more power your consuming, and the slower it turns the less you are using. You want to slow down that disc. But how the meter is a sealed unit. If you look close at the little wheel, it has little lines or notches in the edge, these turn thru another area and this is what meters your power.

That little disc is really thin and perfectly flat, it's the perfectly flat part you want to change, as the disc is warped it will scrape as it goes thru the other area, which slows it down, alot. But how to do this in a sealed meter, they have tamper evident seals.

All you need is a real sunny day, a really powerfull magnifying glass. Cut the power, concentrate the suns rays on that little disc, in time the heat will cause it to warp and go from flat to wavy. Which in turn will cause it to scrape and turn slower. which records less electrical usage, but your using the same amount. It's a sealed meter and they cant in no way know how the meter became defective. They will simply replace your meter if it's found. Let the wheel move a bit so there's no scorch marks on it.

service electrician for 35 years
And why do you think they change 95% of all service meter to digital

I was thinking the same exact thing as I was reading his post...

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by GreenGlassDoor
Reply to post by brandiwine14

You can't sue a judge for calls they make on the bench.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

They have something about an oath accountability act, but you shouldnt need that, judges or politicians vioating their oath of office should be pursued legally, very strongly.
edit on 2-4-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by openyourmind1262

That's just one of the reasons they replaced all the meters in my area with new digital meters, which not only nullify that trick, but also do not run backwards when "illegal" solar power is put into the grid by the homeowner (the new digital meters simply stop instead of going backwards like the analog ones do).

That plus some nice RF radiation in a 6 foot radius around it makes me really hate these new "Smart Meters".

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 07:57 AM
Back a few post's I gave away some trade secrets, Tricks of the trade it's been called. First and foremost, I am not advising any one to steal electrical power from your power company. I gave some ways I knew of from experience of being the electrician that undid the deed, or was called to ascess what was going on.

I posted on an open forum, what you that read it , do with it, is your own damn business, and I'm a big advocate of staying out of some one else's business. NEVER PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM A INDOOR GARDEN STORE, pay is cash, don't buy all the componets in one trip to store, spead it out over a few trips. Buy some componets from one place and some from another.

Modern lighting designed for growing, and a good solar power system. and your power company can kiss your butt. Most power companies have a legality that states, If you the individual produce your own power & you produce more than you use, they by law have to purchase the excess from you. Imagine getting a check from your power company, most would frame that first one!!!! From my experience, most newer meters are plastic, and most of them are in coastal areas as per the salt water erosion factor. I'm sure most of us know the difference between metal & plastic.

Salt is all pervasive. Any one that lives coastal will tell you that. Analog or digital. Salt is all pervasive, and corrosive to even the best meter. You simply cant keep it out. I dont see them using NEMA 6 enclousures for meters, ( NEMA 6) gas , oil and vapor tight, stainless steel, non corrisive.
edit on 2-4-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:44 AM
Just a note to everyone, do not contain the terms which begin with 'P' and 'L' - in the same post, even if the thread subject is about the topic 'P' and 'L', because apparently there is a bot which comes through and will auto-penalize you for containing those two words coincidentally in the same post, thinking that you were advocating the use of 'P' ...or 'L' ing 'P' even though you were only citing that they were doing wrong by 'L' ing 'P' in your post; - even though it already has been done.

The bot does not have the ability to determine your actual message. Gosh I hope I concealed enough characters.

edit on 2-4-2013 by TheEthicalSkeptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by TheEthicalSkeptic

I think just for telling us Late your a$$ oughta be penalized by At Least 500 Points.

Hum, I was wondering what I said that caused me to lose 500 points

So, IF you use the words with the P and The L the system bot becomes POed.

Note to self. .. Eliminate the P and L from the Keyboard.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by jude11

This kind of thing is beginning to happen with frightening frequency. Thankfully in this case no one was killed, which is often not the case. If you really want to drive your blood pressure up have a look at this site, linked below. Look through the "Raid of the Day" information and be prepared to be infuriated.

If this link doesn't work head over to the HuffPo site and find the "Agitator" link.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by YouSir

Originally posted by OUTofSTEPwithTHEworld
reply to post by jude11

wow. and for me that is so into AQUAPONICS (instead of plant food, it's a self sustained system using fish feces as plant food) gets me worried. i am in the process of buying my equipment as time goes cause i can't afford it all at once....
check my thread out.

become less dependent on the system for less than $100!!!

Ummm...I checked out your aquaponics system and just wanted to add that you dont even need the pea gravel for plant support. I know that your using it for filtration/solid breakdown in the rest of the system. You can use netting above the tanks for plant support and just keep the roots in the "water". I learned this method at Disney in their "behind the seeds" tour. I have a vanilla orchid that is doing swimmingly,
with it's roots in a large pitcher with a styrofoam cap that the stem feeds through. I'm planning on setting up an aquaponics system this year, one that is sized so that I can harvest both fresh veggies and fresh fish, year round.

I think the mistake that these spooks made was in buying their equiptment as a pre-made product, rather than building their own system. Had they researched and built their own they might not have been raided. Then again if the tech is advanced enough to peer through walls, perhaps they could sue on the grounds of invasion of privacy and health concerns from the the xrays used to see through their home....


Actually in the photos I have seen the set up was pretty much DIY, nothing fancy or pre-fab. The homeowners believe that they were targeted simply for purchasing the grow lights and shopping at an outlet that is also shopped at by those who grow different crops.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Finds Tomatoes and Squash

At least they didn't come up empty handed.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by jaguarsky
The homeowners believe that they were targeted simply for purchasing the grow lights

This should qualify as an automatic "No Fly" list violation.

Have you seen the kind of people that purchase grow lights?

Were talking houses at the end of the "Hollow" at the end of a dirt road in hillbilly territory.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Miracula

Originally posted by jaguarsky
The homeowners believe that they were targeted simply for purchasing the grow lights

This should qualify as an automatic "No Fly" list violation.

Have you seen the kind of people that purchase grow lights?

Were talking houses at the end of the "Hollow" at the end of a dirt road in hillbilly territory.

I've purchased grow lights....I'm a 62 year old gardener. I grow veggies and herbs I use for cooking and eating.

Your lack of logic, is amazing.....


posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by jude11

Pretty humorous actually. Considering the CIA has targeted SO many, and routinely breaches so many civil rights. Theft, murder, pedophile rings, guns & drugs. Now their agents get a taste of what they dish out so much of, and have the nerve to cry 'civil rights'. As if they had NO idea, that the last 5 years of dirty back door deals that they had a direct hand in, has created the situation they now face themselves. Of course, its been going on far longer than 5 years, but they didn't openly create these situations - and now they do.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Caterminator

I'm trying to figure out what I posted here that got me warned!! I'm not a controversial person and I can't remember what I said!! How do i find out so I can learn from this???

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Caterminator
reply to post by Caterminator

I'm trying to figure out what I posted here that got me warned!! I'm not a controversial person and I can't remember what I said!! How do i find out so I can learn from this???

No idea actually.

We can't see what you posted once it has been removed.

But...We all get warnings. It only means that you're getting closer to the truth most times.

Keep posting!


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