Originally posted by BO XIAN
STATED perspective on literal Israel and all who help vs hinder or hurt Israel--the literal blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . . . and
logically directly related issues.
One final thing to share from God to help bring more ful understanding on this writting is.
The physical nations of Israel are more then the land called Israel on today's atlas, and in fact that land is NOT physical Israel.
The "Jews" are NOT Israel. Though they descend from Abraham, they also descend from Judah, thus the term "Jews".
The first time the word "Jew" is used inscripture it is when Israel was at war with Judah (Rehoboam and Jeroboam) God divided Israel into 2 different
nations as a result of the rejection of God's laws by the descendants of Solomon. Israel to the North and Judah to the South.
God seperated physical Judah from physical Israel hundreds of years ago, they have not been a part of it since according to His word.
Why was Judah not called Israel after God split them... because Joseph's sons Ephraim and Mennessah were to bare the name of Israel forever NOT Judah!
This is critical in understanding prophecy and where we are in the timing of it. It was the sons of Joseph and where those childern dwell that bares
the physical bloodline of "Israel". Judah was only a part of Israel while they were with Ephraim and Mennessah; once divided, they no longer were a
part of Israel.
When the Nation was split the tribes of Judah, Levy and Benjamin were the Southern Nation of Judah, but the Northern tribes of Rueben, Simeon,
Naphalli, Issachar, Ashur, Dan, Zebulum, Gad, Ephraim and Mennessah were called Israel, because Ephraim and Mennessah dwelt their.
Israel (Northern 10 tribes) were taken captive by Assyria (Germanic peoples) 200 years prior to Daniel and the captivity of Judah in Babylon. They
were removed from their native lands and transported to the Caucus Mountains of the Assyrian empire. After years of wars, migration and climate
movments the Assyrians ended up in Central Europe (Germanica) and their slaves were the tribes of Israel.
The physical Nations where the bloodline decendents of the sons of Ephraim and Mennessah (Israel) dwell today are the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ
(anglo-saxon, English). Knowing this revelation compare the blessings of these nations in the modern world (last 250 years) and witness God following
through with His propmise to Abraham for the physical blessings his descendants would receive in time because of his faithfullness. Blessings that
were never recieved by Ancient Israel in scripture due to sins. It is in America and England that the children of Abrahma recieved the "gates of
their enemies", "land overflowwing with milk and honey", posses "1/3rd of all resources over the Earth", "1 solder could fell 100 opponents". These
two nations and their sister nations have effectivly ruled the Earth since the time of punishment expired around 1800 AD (when the blessings were made
The Stone of scone/destiny used to coronate all British monarch's is the EXACET SAME ROCK Jacob layed upon when he received his victory with God and
was renamed "Israel" (Jacob's pillar stone). Every king of Ancient Israel was also coronated upon this rock. The thrown of David is in London to
this day by perfect design. God said a king from Judah would forever rule Israel, which is why Brittish royalty is of Judite blood, even though they
rule over non-jews.
Saxon = Isaac's sons (remember no vowels in Hebrew OR old English)
British = Birith (covenent in Hebrew) + Ish (people in Hebrew)
The English language is a cross between Hebrew and German, this is clue to their true origin.
Knowing this truth, how amazing do the verses come alive regarding "Israel" in the end times understanding it pertains to "America and England" rather
then Judah (Israel on your atlas in the middle East).
God Bless,
edit on 10-4-2013 by ElohimJD because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-4-2013 by ElohimJD because: (no reason