May 11 � Military teams searching for biological and chemical weapons in Iraq found three trailers believed to be mobile biological weapons
laboratories capable of producing deadly germs for weapons, NBC News reported....
there have been a pfew photo''s, M-M: and they really don't look capable of producing aspirin, let alone "bioweapons".
We await the quite denial in a day or two.
And if there is not verification found at this site we will keep searching, until we find what it was that made the Iraqi people so afriad of
not fighting back. Against those who tortured them without mercy.
Toltec, you don't need WMD's to scare a population into submission. I don't believe the Nazi's used the threat of WMD's to rule their empire
during WW2, and I don't believe the Egyptians and Babylonians were using WMD's when they were ruling each others populations.
I suspect this is more obvious propaganda. if that was a suspect moble bio/chem lab. Don't you think the people investigating it would have
protective gear as in MOPP (mission oriented protective posture). I know I would! How about you?