posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 05:01 AM
I think the fact that there was no direct intervention by british armed forces that day could have been for one of two reasons -
1 - After the Mike Stone attack on the funeral in Belfast a week area had left tensions running at an all time high, especially after the Gibralter
incident and the execution of the three IRA on the rock.
Any intervention would have ignited a timebomb waiting to explode and probably would have led to many deaths had British troops had tried to
interveen. With "bloody sunday" still very fresh in the mind of the government and on the streets of Belfast another incident of this type had to be
avoided at all costs to stop the world looking at Northern Ireland and Britains role there.
Therefore it was a decision taken at a very high level to let what happened, happen and say that the two entered the zone at their own risk and
without orders and the army would'nt have to answer any delicate questions. It was much easier to wash their hands of the situation. and leaving the
two dead men with all the answers.
2 - The two men where in reality part of an intelligence operation that went way, way wrong resulting in what we all witnessed that day.
And as everyone knows, all intel ops that go wrong are automatically denied and whitewashed to protect those above in her majestys goverment from the
inevitable # storm that will come their way.
I truly believe that everyone in Belfast at that time, knew the score. They knew that the funeral route would pass through that zone and everyone
would have it very clear that if they did'nt want to die, then they would stay away.
I think they were they to see who would show up, who talked to who and maybe clock a few new faces, and take a few photos or car number plates.
But it all went wrong.
Anyone remember a fantastic series, HARRYS GAME.