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Pope washes women's feet in break with church law

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posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by CookieMonster09
Fr. Malachi was right when he stated that Satan had entered the highest echelons of the Vatican.

Was he also right when he was singing the praises of Hal "Never Gave a Prophecy That Didn't Fail" Lindsey on the Art Bell show?

Caller: My question is, I wanted to know if you were familiar with the, a, story that came by--at least to me--by Hal Lindsey--the evangelical author and prophetical scholar?

Malachi Martin: Yes, I like Hal very much. I think he's God-like.

Caller: He's on the ball.

Malachi Martin: He's on the ball...I do esteem Hal Lindsey very much. (Source)

Sure doesn't sound like someone that a "traditionalist" should be so freely quoting.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Was he also right when he was singing the praises of Hal "Never Gave a Prophecy That Didn't Fail" Lindsey on the Art Bell show?

Lindsey is a Zionist, and an evangelical. He's fairly conservative, as are most traditionalists. Most traditional Catholics are very conservative. So are Orthodox Jews, who are more apt to vote conservatively in line with traditional Catholics.

What's your point? Is a conservative Catholic priest not permitted to be friends with other conservatives of like-minded values? Or does the Catholic priest have to live in a bat cave and not socialize with others?

My point, regardless of Hal Lindsey or Fr. Malachi Martin, is that the Church is infested with corruption at the highest levels. Anyone that watches the Vatican closely over the years can easily cite example after example of one horrific set of facts after another.

Yes, the Church does much good - at the ground level by the priests and nuns that help the poor and downtrodden. Move a few echelons up the hierarchy, and we have a whole other set of contradictory values.

If the Jewish Sages are correct, and biblical prophecy is correct, then Rome and its paganism will eventually be wiped out. In Jewish theology, many of the Jewish Sages have equated Rome with Edom, and the prophets make it quite clear that Edom will fall in the last days. The destruction of the Church from within is just the beginning of this process.

Christ's remnant will not fall - i.e., His True Church - but Rome/Edom will fall.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 01:48 PM
I'm an Ulster Proud to be a Prod gal and I really like this new Pope I even cried when he came out and gave his blessing on the day he was made Pope it got to me a bit I even said a wee prayer for him as he asked

I also think that Mary was the 13th apostle and it was the men that wrote her out of the history book but that's just my thoughts

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by CookieMonster09
What's your point?

What's my point? Hal Lindsey is an idiot and a charlatan and anyone who claims he is "god-like" and holds him in esteem is highly suspect. I have no doubt that there is corruption in the Vatican, much as there is in any large organization, but Satan worship? Sensationalist clap-trap.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by adjensen

To right adjensen, if someone calls a person "god like" they need to take a wise up pill, tut

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 02:12 PM

I have no doubt that there is corruption in the Vatican, much as there is in any large organization, but Satan worship? Sensationalist clap-trap.

Define Satan worship. According to one of the most popular modern-day Satanists, the late Anton LeVey, Satanism is simply the precedence and glorification of Man over or ahead of G-d. A man-centric "religion".

Many of the top Vatican echelon are Freemasons. Masons that meet "on the level", or as equals -- Just as Pope Francis did when he was elected - He met "on the level" physically and symbolically.

I assure you - Pope Francis is very much the modernist and globalist - which is very Masonic in character. Many of the faithful are falling for his outward symbolism as a champion for the poor.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 02:40 PM
I wish folks would stop and think before they ramble on about the Masonic

I went to the Masonic girls school as did a lot of children over the years and if it wasn't for them paying for my education I dread to think where I'd be now they also paid for university fee's and they didn't ask me to become a devil worshiper but we did have to go to church on Sunday's not Satan's cave for good little girls and boys tut

Not every things bad on earth just some people

Rant over

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by CookieMonster09
Many of the top Vatican echelon are Freemasons. Masons that meet "on the level", or as equals -- Just as Pope Francis did when he was elected - He met "on the level" physically and symbolically.

So this guy is a liar?

the Catholic Church teaches that Freemasonry and Christianity are incompatible. The Holy See in 1983 reiterated the traditional position that Catholics who are Freemasons are in a state of grave sin and may not receive the sacraments - the Declaration on Masonic Associations was signed by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and makes it clear that local bishops cannot dispense from its provisions. (Source)

If Benedict was opposed to Masons and the Vatican is stuffed to the rafters with them, why didn't he root them out when he was in charge? You'd think that would be "Job One".

I assure you - Pope Francis is very much the modernist and globalist - which is very Masonic in character. Many of the faithful are falling for his outward symbolism as a champion for the poor.

I'll see your Masonic conspiracy theories and raise you my kook, who claims that Pope Francis is possessed.

Now for the big announcement: The Pope is not the Pope. By this we mean that the soul of the man who has just been voted in agreed to depart from the body and has already been replaced by one of our Ascended Masters, as what you sometimes call a walk-in. The one who has entered the body of the Pope will not experience the Veil of Forgetfulness, but will have full memory of Us and complete communication with Us. He will function as our Emissary of Light to the world, in this the most powerful social and religious position on the planet.

Exciting times... guess we'll just have to wait and see what actually comes out of the Vatican. My money is on reform and service to the poor, not the allowance of Catholics to become Masons, or whatever the "Veil of Forgetfulness" normally wipes out.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 04:08 PM

So this guy is a liar?

No. He's likely a Mason. Anyone that "meets on the level" in a meeting with his Cardinals is demonstrating to his brethren that he is a Mason.

Nothing against Masons, but they are definitely at the top of the echelon in the Vatican. The root of the issue with Masonry is the elevation - again - of Man above G-d.

If Benedict was opposed to Masons and the Vatican is stuffed to the rafters with them, why didn't he root them out when he was in charge? You'd think that would be "Job One".

There are still very serious questions about Pope Benedict and his involvement in the cover-up of past allegations against priests. He was certainly a traditionalist in terms of an advocate for the Latin Rite, but beyond that, it's hard to tell. He certainly was not the open globalist that Pope Francis is.

I'll see your Masonic conspiracy theories and raise you

Ask any Mason what "on the level" means. Every meeting in Blue Lodge Masonry ends with the Worshipful Master meeting his brethren "on the level".

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by EricD

Hello EricD

To my knowledge two main dogmas of Mary- Immaculate Conception and Assumption are indeed Infallible dogmas, (Pope Pius IX and Pope Pius XII respectively), so belief in these are compulsory.
The Dogmas of Mother of God and Ever Virgin are unquestionable and MUST be upheld by Roman Catholics. The Dogmas of Queen of Heaven; Co-Redeemer etc. are also held in the same bracket. Whilst not carrying the ex cathedra proclamation they MUST be upheld and have become UNquestionable.

Visions of Mother Mary are not required beliefs, no, indeed. But Eric, the teaching of Co-Redeemer comes dangerously close, for me, to equality with Jesus, THE Redeemer, and thereby too the Holy Trinity.

I'm sure monies raised DO get spent on good and true Christian charity works and projects. Thank God. A lot is done in the Third World too. What I am highly critical of are gold and silver objects; expensive artworks, grand houses, “palaces and thrones- even the terminology of these”, designer clothing- remember Benedict's shoes? Also I look for Apostles and all I see are semblances of Kings, Princes, Lords- bowing to and kissing their rings of gold and precious stones (Cardinals and Bishops); pompous titles of address- Your Eminence, Your Grace. The Vatican State, a separate KINGDOM; the Bank (consider the money lenders and changers of the Temple); not to mention that the Vatican may still hold gold and objects of value that belonged to the Jews running from Nazis during WW2 that, rumour has it, they are unwilling to/ deliberately making it difficult to acknowledge ownership so as to return.

God Bless,

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 07:34 PM

To my knowledge two main dogmas of Mary- Immaculate Conception and Assumption are indeed Infallible dogmas, (Pope Pius IX and Pope Pius XII respectively), so belief in these are compulsory. The Dogmas of Mother of God and Ever Virgin are unquestionable and MUST be upheld by Roman Catholics. The Dogmas of Queen of Heaven; Co-Redeemer etc. are also held in the same bracket. Whilst not carrying the ex cathedra proclamation they MUST be upheld and have become UNquestionable.

...A complete abandonment of the First Commandment. Statements like these make you question whether Roman Catholicism is truly monotheistic.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:32 AM

...A complete abandonment of the First Commandment. Statements like these make you question whether Roman Catholicism is truly monotheistic.

OK, I'm confused. You seemed to be very excited about the Tridentine Mass. The liturgy of that included

"Communicantes, et memoriam venerantes in primis gloriosae semper Virginis Mariae, Genitricis Dei et Domini nostri Jesu Christi:..." (Mary, Mother of God)

along with several prayers directed to Mary, often along with other saints, for her intercession.

Catholics don't worship Mary, but she is a member in good standing of the Church, and as such, she is thought to be eligible to participate in its affairs, and to take an interest in doing just that. It seems very odd that Christians, of all people, would drop somebody from the Church simply because they had died (which the Orthodox teach that she did, and the Romans are silent about, beyond saying that whatever her mortality status, she is currently off-planet and embodied).

On another point of yours that confuses me, there is nothing peculiarly Masonic about stepping down from a ritual height, or avoiding such a distinction altogether, to greet people on a flat floor. The phrase "on the level" is a nicely turned Masonic pun, but the gesture and its meaning are transparently accessible without any appeal to Masonic lore. Kind of like shaking hands. Yes, Masons do that. So does everybody else in the culture from which Freemasonry arose.

I suppose that is what makes Freemasonry both popular and a rich vein of "conspiracy accusation by association." Nothing in their ritual is original with them or peculiar to them, including the idea of using everyday objects and actions to convey a spiritual message. You know, like the use of bread and wine in a Catholic mass, Tridentine or otherwise.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 05:21 PM

OK, I'm confused. You seemed to be very excited about the Tridentine Mass.

Not so much. No excitement here, but well aware of the massive upheaval caused by Vatican II.

The Latin Mass was the Mass of Roman Catholicism for roughly 1,500 years until the radical hippie 60's libs came along with Vatican II.

As a result of Vatican II, our Catholic schools are closing, no longer run by nuns. Convents and seminaries are shutting down. There is a severe shortage of priests. The Mass has become a laughingstock of guitars, misplaced Tabernacles, Teen Masses, and all sorts of liturgical mishaps.

Today's Church is not the Church of my ancestors. In fact, it's not even recognizable from pre-Vatican II days.

Catholics don't worship Mary,

We can agree to disagree. Marian statues are aplenty in churches, homes, and private schools. You can say it's not "worship", but I am sure if some of the Old Testament prophets were here, they would disagree. Idol worship is a violation of the First Commandment, and the Church is awash with idols. Let's not go there.

On another point of yours that confuses me, there is nothing peculiarly Masonic about stepping down from a ritual height, or avoiding such a distinction altogether, to greet people on a flat floor.

Ask a Mason. He'll beg to differ.

The elite communicate in symbolism. Any Mason will instantly recognize the Pope's actions regarding "meeting on the level". You will be hard pressed to find other Popes that have ever acted likewise - He broke with tradition by this gesture.

Masons end all of their ritual meetings "on the level". The Worshipful Master steps down from his platform, and asks, "How should Masons meet?" The brethren respond, "On the level." Pull out any Blue Lodge ritual book and read the closing ceremony yourself if you don't believe me.
edit on 4-4-2013 by CookieMonster09 because: (no reason given)

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