posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 12:16 AM
In 2009, an even completely changed my life: Michael Jackson's death. I can remember the day he passed away I was in my classroom. Immediately, I
felt my soul being lifted from my body and I sensed a total bliss and unconditional love, the joy of becoming one with the universe and everyone else.
In that night, i had a very special dream: I walked into a dark tunnel, in the end, i saw a light that was so intense. I was bathed in an intense
love, peace and joy that I have never felt before. When I woke up, I wished that I could be in that light forever. Then I searched on the Internet and
knowed that I've just had a near-death experience, and that Light we called God! I think that when Michael Jackson died, a part of my soul died, too.
After that night, sometimes I hear a voice from above that I can not explain. And when listening to songs (I love music!) ,I can clearly hear that
it's the voice of God to me, which I can not recognized before the night that I met Him! My family and friends told me that I'm crazy, because they
think of romantic love when listening to the melodies, but I can feel God's unconditional love for me in almost every songs! It seem like my mind has
connected to the Universal Mind, Higher Consciousness, or whatever they call...
Another spectacular expierience happened in 21/12/2012, I can remember that I was late at night coming home. When I've just returned, suddenly a
strange feeling came inside me: I knew that something very horrible would happen! Immediately, I told my parents, my grandparents, my close
friends,... to take care of them.. Everyone just laughed at me and told that I was crazy! After a week, my grandmother had an accident and went to the
hospital. I know that my intuition was right!! It seemed like God has given me a message about the End of Days.
Hope to receive your opinions about these experiences.
Peace, love, and joy.