posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Kentucky75
A lot of this turmoil over this issue deals with semantics and an unhealthy relationship between the church and the state...which as you said should
be separate.
Gay couples should qualify for legal benefits from the state...otherwise its discrimination. Any relationship that isn't "Illegal" in the eyes of the
state should qualify...even if its a relationship with your cat.
The CHURCH is its own entity and should be able to follow its own beliefs and doctrines by NOT marrying those they don't believe qualify...(gay,
The PROBLEM is that the state recognizes the church MARRIAGE system as its own system (which it is not) and the terminology is very misleading. One is
religion...the other is government and they were meant to be separate for this and many other reasons. Otherwise you have a church that runs the
government....not necessarily a free country then is it...
The government should recognize its OWN relationship standard by which it grants benefits to couples etc...It should label this relationship standard
something OTHER than Marriage...and in many states they do and its called "common law".
The church should recognize its OWN relationship standard by which it chooses who benefits based on the belief systems that are the foundation of said
church/religion. The government shouldn't have lever-edge over how the church functions off of its beliefs and the church shouldn't have lever-edge on
how the government works.
This is the only sensible Gay couples will be happy the government/state will recognize their relationship and afford them the benefits
of such....and the church will be happy because it won't HAVE to disregard its belief system to appease political correctness.
The ONLY people that won't be happy are the ones that want to FORCE their opinions beliefs on the church or FORCE their CHURCH on the state...neither
of which have ground to stand on.
at least that's my opinion on the issue.
edit on 27-3-2013 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)