reply to post by ThreeBears
Continued, Anyhoo, Both methodologies use similar cult methods to Erase ones true Authentic self and replacing with an Altar self, and the horrific
part is both, rely on methods of Fear, Terror, Mind Erasure, Pain, Causing self doubt, rehashing of terror (those sessions, beware of them, they are
actually used to glean weak areas where they can further seep deeper into your psyche and do more damage), love bombing (big one there) and Guilting.
oh yes, both are Notorious for this #...both are also, Extremely Narcissist. Be they pastors, psychologists, dr Mengele god wanna be's,
revolutionaries leaders of cults, or cult of personalities, bishops, etc etc, even husbands who think they are entitled soul creators and gods over
their subject property, wives.
both rely on Stupifying, either through emotional sensationalism, a type of endorphin drugging (Bacchus cult anyone?) and Especially using sexuality,
to manipulate, and Both use violence and terror, Erasure by force if you Dare to defy their god like control over YOU.
The Tricky part, is that as a whole, these characteristics want be obvious, why it all appears so innocent and good, charitable even. And they
accomplish this by cherry picking through "tests" the types of follower type of individuals who won't Question authority. Both are by the way,
Extremely Patriarchal and Misogynist. Don't let the "painted birds" fool you...Mary Daly. I suggest women read her books, she gets into this a
lot. Also exposed the LIES of both religion and psychiatry and the dangers Especialy to Women. But back to topic, both appear to be just good ole
average folk who have Your best interest at heart. But That's not the ENGINEERING behind them both, that Comes from the same Elite power structures,
from days of old. Why people Realy ought to read more, history and especially social engineering. It's amazing at what one finds out. but if
reading isn't your thing,
Just ask the Thousands of us victims, what many term Survivors, of being orphans, children in both Religious AND State Psychiatric modeled and
controlled Care! WE will tell you, those of us not so Permantly brain damaged, how BOTH are Serial Murderers of Genocide and Death. Ask the children
of Romania, for example, or the children of El Salvador, or the many children in CPS care, or the children under CHURCH care,
Believe me, they are all one in the same.
You'd be better off, living among hyenas, at least they show their true selves, fangs and all. It's the Friendly face, with the poison death that
you had better watch for...and oh yes why BOTH always flock to those prisons, warring over how many lab rats they can HARVEST, for further....
To better Control those stupid commoners, they term as citizens. Yes be very aware...if you thus say anything, they'll distract and label you
paranoid, or...demon inspired. Same damn thing people,
As for Trauma, T RA U MA, or UMA, is in itself a form of brain control, as to How to break it? well thing I do know, Both use repetition of
traumatic images or the REHASHING of trauma, those talk sessions, Especially beware if they have used Any brain weakening Drugs or foods, sleep
deprivation, etc., that weakens o es ability to discern and think logically with reason, which Should include Critical thinking. If you don't think
critically, watch out, you already brainwashed. This method further entrenches trauma into your mental center, causing CONFUSION, which yes sorcerers
love to do, brain washers, etc., all sorcery is, to where you'll Doubt your authentic self. you literally have to purge your mind of all the tick
rock orange repetitions, be they scriptures, images or Catch Phrases with rewards and Punishments. See the similarities,
Because both are the same. They TWINS, good cop bad cop, angel demon, virgin whore, Dichotomy,
They always want to keep you Unbalanced, either all right or all left. Singular vision, especially self focused in that you get sucked in more and
more into the black spiral where the Altars control you...and you think it's your self. it isn't, it's what the ABUSERS/criminals have Molded you
into believing. this is why by the way, BOTH science Dr Mengele's, Political occultists and Religious Occultists, have an extreme hatred of Nature
and Animals, primitive ness. because its those Instincts (why they extremely misogynist and erased female power, replaced it with their kaka sex
slave garbage) that see through their lies and manipulations. evidence of this, is how female animals will rip off the heads of Any male animal that
messes with them or their offspring, where as Female animals, mammals have Beene divined through centuries of being Demonized by both Psychiatry and
Religion into being self harm, internalized misogyny, powerless and submissive even to the point of their child's death. ...