posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 11:31 PM
The milk association, I think that's their name, has petitioned the FDA to put carrageenan into milk without listing it as an ingredient. It is
already an ingredient in some chocolate milk. It can cause the destruction of our macrophages, possibly lowering our ability to fight diseases.
I know that milk is a natural Beta blocker. I am allergic to the protein in milk. I had a headache most of the day today from having a big malt last
night. My wife was making a pineapple upside down cake with a fresh pineapple and I took a few pieces. It tasted great and I found myself gobbling
down a bunch of pieces only to find my headache disappearing. I researched it and found it contains Bromelein which is an enzyme that breaks down
milk proteins and other meats. I'm not sure exactly how it works but I now know to eat pineapple if I drink milk. Grapefruit also contains this
enzyme. I was surprised that it would work on what I ate a long time before. I guess it activates the macrophages to destroy things also. Maybe the
carrageenan in the ice cream and the chocolate milk I used to make it caused the problem. I don't have much respect for the FDA anymore, they are
aware of the problems with Carrageenan but allow it in everything, even organic food.