posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 05:50 AM
Let it form yourself, the world, let it form yourself and have a good laugh afterwards, for they cannot form you.
Mental and emotional blocks are set by yourself. It takes insight in knowing this. There is always a way out.
What if all struggle is set by yourself?
(I mean inner struggle) and where one finds struggle in the world, it could be a sign you don't need to go that way.
There is always a way out and there is a way for everybody.
Struggle, struggle, seek the way of resistance, not the one of struggles yet a road of struggle can lead to a way of resistance. I'm totally full of
it, understand me and believe nothing I just said.
Time heals all wounds, one gets to the reason for a block eventualy. That's what life does, and when it doesn't do that you can start living. But
don't make the same mistakes again.
full of love, your angle.