posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 09:19 AM
I neither acknowledge or dismiss the possibility of prophetic writing. Inspiration just comes to me and then I write whatever comes to mind.
"From the earth, in which the past was buried and kept hidden under his head, shall the dead arise and questions shall be answered when unearthed.
In the desert will there be wars and rumors of wars shall echo across the Earth and men shall tremble in fear.
The balance of the feet of him who claim dominion of all the lands and the people of the world shall become unstable and he shall fall to his knees
and many pockets shall become light.
In the land in which his hand rests and the force of his rule is located, there shall be anxiety and frustration amongst the people and many shall
come knocking on the gates of the kingdom and the kingdom will come out and knock back on the doors of the homes of the people.
And the force of the hand shall suppress the uprising and blood will be shed and blend with the dirt and the grip of the hand will slip.
From the east shall a storm come and it shall loosen the grip further and there shall be distress in every heart of every man and in every place as
nation rise against nation and kingdom rise against kingdom.
Then shall stars fall from heaven and perform many miracles and the people of the world shall perceive it as a sign.
And from the heavens shall a star descend and speak of peace and healing and many shall praise him and those who follow in his wake shall hunt down
those whose vision penetrate the blinding light that shineth from him and behold his dark heart.
Then shall many be called the opposing ones and many shall be thrown into camps from which they cannot escape.
And many will starve and become sick and cry and pray for salvation and death shall fall upon many in various places. And they will suffer and for a
long time and many shall not withstand the tribulation and a great lot will accept the mark of the beast and turn on their own and trade with coins
and bits that cannot be seen."
I hope and pray I am wrong, my prediction is faulty and my mind is playing tricks on me.
God bless you.