posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 08:41 AM
The very posing of such a question, illuminates the problem with the modern understanding of politics and democracy. When one elects a "leader" or a
political party into office of any scale or importance, one is NOT installing a leader in reality. The position of Prime Minister for instance, is not
supposed to be one in which is concentrated the entire executive power in the British Isles and United Kingdom as a whole. Rather, that position is
supposed to be that of representative, of our entire nation, to the world, and as enforcer of the will of the people, over the law and the
administration within the country.
This definition has become muddied up, and buggered about with to such a degree that people are generally ignorant of it, or at the very least
ignorant of its implications. First, and foremost of these implications, as far as I can make out, is that it has been an awfully long time since we
have had a Prime Minister who actually performed in the role as described. I would say the last person to hold that role and do a proper job of it,
was Winston Churchill, during the second world war (However, it must be said that he was utter tosh as a peace time PM).
Since that time we have had a succession of people in and out of parliament who have been more interested in furthering the goals of thier political
party and its supporters, than they have been in actually representing our people accurately and fairly to the rest of the world, or indeed
administering our collective will on the law and departments under thier control at the time. Margret Thatcher, for instance, made a bloody mess of
everything she touched and had NO real interest in the opinions or the needs of the majority in the country at the time, prefering as she did, to make
greed and corruption virtues to live up to, rather than things to avoid by honest hard work and sweat. Regardless of the ignorant spew that speaks
against this view of her actions, I am of a generation which felt the bite of her careless and vile tyranical obsession with destroying workers
rights. Because of her I spent the first five years of my life thinking that the addition of cheese to a dish of beans on toast made it a slap up
meal, when actually our family was in desperate poverty and living in a disgraceful and probably condemnable home. This despite my father working for
the MoD.
Our elected officials, attain office by way of lies mainly, and have done for some years. They lie about what they intend to do once elected, knowing
full well that no manifesto they can concieve of will EVER be implimented in full , or even close to it. They lie about what motivates them to want to
be politicians in the first place, they lie about thier expenses, and thier speeding offences, and about thier character. Even the best of them is
worth less than the bullets it would take to remove them from the face of the earth, making them very difficult to remove them from office.
It is ignorance mixed with apathy which allows this mess to continue. So, get the word out. Your nations "leaders" are supposed to be your slaves,
your puppets. The PEOPLE have the power, not the representatives, but the people themselves. A failiure to enforce your will, on the part of those you
have elected will always be a treason against your number, and has a punishment attatched to it. Let your nations political class hear that you
understand this vital point. Where this information is not known spread it. Where people show they have no interest, or do not care, make them see
that they can change thier lives, and the direction of thier nations, if only they grasp this single ideal, and value and protect it! Shout your
understanding of these things into the ears of every seat of government the whole length of your nation, and FORCE your government to act in the
manner you would wish, by overwhelming them with your understanding that in electing them, you are electing people to speak for you, not people you
should be obeying.
For too long this has been misunderstood by all and sundry, and this fact leads all free people to ruin. Make it known, rebalance the scales upon
which rest your freedom and your liberty.