Last Chapter
The unbearable pain of saying goodbye
On Sunday the 17th I saw him for the last time, I had promised him to paint his house so that he could move to this new location. After I came back I
sat beside him next to his wheelchair .. Oxygen tubes hanging from his nose, barely we ate together , he couldn't swallow his food anymore , cancer
blocked his troth.
After awhile he had to move from the one corner to the other in search of air.. although he already was hooked on pure oxygen.. The signs of a dying
Then I drove him to one corner in the house , where one window stood partially open, I watched him with tears in my eyes, I grabbed him and rubbed
him . Then I said , can I do something for you after you're leaving earth,is there something you wished to say or do? He looked at me, and nodded
,and said you're here thats all I need right now..
We cried...
Then I had to go he was so tired and needed the strength to survive the rehousing ,knowing this was the last time we would see each other in
life...Because I couldn't be on the day all our friends would move him over.
I grabbed him,and he said I love you man, I said I love you too very much... we looked at eachother knowing he had to go soon....
On the day of his death I wasn't there the distance between were I live and he lived was to big , I couldn't be there on time .
I called my other best friends up ,and tearful they said we just lifted him up on his bed , He died minutes ago..
That was the end of his life here on earth..
The last step is his funeral on Monday, then I'm going to close this chapter in remembrance of a great friend....