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Cryptids Proven Real

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posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Fun, informative, and interesting thread smyleegrl.

Thanks for helping me regain some hope for ATS in light of doom porn threads and just plain bad science threads.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Batan

will take a look at that in just a while.Yeah i take a lot of these with a pinch(or a handful) of salt! i think i link the black winged lil thingy at 2:30 in the vid to our flying fire-thingy here,because if you had to see is-first thought is:"But it's like its ass is on fire
" And the thingy in the vid looks kind of..singed,does'nt it?I've mostly seen it in winter,because here in summer,its the rainy season,so the sky is often overcast,and no stars to look at.Also there's so many insects out at night-which attracts bats,i've got an irrational fear that a bat will accidentally fly into me,frogs which attract snakes-and it's always the adders,mambas and spitting cobras that make their way into my yard!Never any benign that i can keep(i've always wanted a non-poisonous snake of my own)
In winter its just better outside at night,so i expect and hope to witness the flaming lil flier again soon-going towards winter here now.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

One Cryptid that may be revealed in the near future, is the existance of Big ats in Victoria, Australia. Primarily, American Mountain Lions and Black Lepards, both of which were used as mascots by US forces during WWII and released to the wild here at the end of the war.

There have been thousands of sightings of both in the last 50 years, but the local governments have not taken the stories sightings and various photo's too seriousely. That was unitl recently when a recearcher analyising scats found in the bush, might actually be from an unknown speciec of Feline.

Not the hunt is on "for real", with the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Parks Vic, DPI and a few Politicians backing the venture.

I suppose a new animal like that would be unique and a good reason not to de-commission half the states National Parks to developers and have most of those depatrtments personnel lose their

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Great thread Smyleegrl!

Nice to see some quality again on ATS.


posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

theres also the coelacanth. Although its existance was never debated or claimed scientists said it disappeared from the fossil record before the dinosaurs and was found to still be alive, which could lend some hope to sightings of creatures like plesiosaurs and other creatures thought to be extinct

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Some of those have been accepted for 40 years.. Hardly news.

Don't blame 'MSS', blame lack of proof.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by ziplock9000
reply to post by smyleegrl

Some of those have been accepted for 40 years.. Hardly news.

Don't blame 'MSS', blame lack of proof.

It wasn't meant to be "new" information. The point of the thread is that mainstream science, which typically denies the existence of cryptids, can and has been proven wrong. These were examples of animals scientists did not believe existed, yet were ultimately found to be real.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by grey9438
reply to post by smyleegrl

theres also the coelacanth. Although its existance was never debated or claimed scientists said it disappeared from the fossil record before the dinosaurs and was found to still be alive, which could lend some hope to sightings of creatures like plesiosaurs and other creatures thought to be extinct

There's also a very rare species of mammal discovered in the last ten years in south america. The natives always told about these animals but science didn't believed on them. Btw, there's the kangoroo as well:

Yes, first on the list is the Kangaroo, which could be surprising to you, since it is so common nowadays. But early settlers in Australia had described bizarre creatures never before seen by Europeans. They wrote of creatures with heads like deer that stood upright like men and hopped like frogs. The creatures sometimes sported two heads – one on their shoulders, and one on the stomach.

Such accounts were understandably disregarded and ridiculed by fellow colleagues. However, all changed in the 1770s, when a dead specimen of this odd beast was exhibited in England as a public curiosity.

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 05:20 AM
S&F, nicely presented, and great intro, especially for those that might be new to the topic. Some great additions by others as well!

With all these "imaginary" animals turning out to be real, one would think the skeptics would show a little more respect. many of the things people report are far less weird than some on that list! The platypus alone is weirder than any ten average cryptids. Such a cool creature! I always thought of those as a little joke on God's part. Sort of like, "So, just when they think they know it all, I will allow them to widely discover the platypus!" Can't you just hear the chuckles?

What's next? Depends on how seriously anyone actually looks! I would bet on something seagoing, assuming it isn't tossed back, because at least people fish, and unexpected things can be caught. For a lot of things,no one is willing to look.

I know I have SEEN a really LARGE vulture. I wold love to see "thunderbirds" accepted. This one was, in appearance, a turkey vulture, common all over Texas. We saw it on the ground, on a little rode, just wide enough for two cars, with several others of more common size, after some sort of road kill. That fellow was so big, his partially spread wings literally hung over the edges of the road. We made jokes about how "things really are bigger in Texas", and didn't even realize that bird wasn't officially supposed to exist. No internet back then, you have to understand. It wasn't till years later, when I was looking up wingspans, that I realized we had seen something quite unusual. In such cases, though, most see them flying, and most in the "scientific" community won't accept the possibility, so they don't even do research.

With things like Bigfoot, the topic is so heated that many won't go near it. Likewise many other cases. I do remember this one TV show, where this fellow called O'Shea (sp?) - I think it was "O'Shea's Big Adventure, or something like that, was out in PNG or someplace in that part of the world, looking for this local legend of a lizard. The thing sounded unreal, but they actually spotted one. I can't recall all the details, but he found it because he took the time to look!

So, all in all, I expect something that swims.

On the lizard, it might have been this one - link

I am not at all certain, though.
edit on 9-4-2013 by LadyGreenEyes because: link added

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

any ideas on this? just seen this on facebook

sorry if i have not followed any protocols im sure a mode will assist

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by maryhinge

I have no idea. You should make a thread! Seriously!

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