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Congressmen Demand DHS Explain 1.6 Billion Bullets Purchase

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posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:16 AM
I'd like to know also why the hell their buying insane amouts of ammo.

I hear people always saying these thingswhen the topic comes up.

"Oh, their just stocking up in case a war comes about." Well, we aren't exactly at war right now, unless you count North Korea, since it tecnically hasn't ended. And even if that were the case, 1.8 billion is still to high of a number to have for a war. If you look at the Iraq war, about 70 million bullets were used in one year. That's about 25 years of an Iraq war, and they bought all the ammo in less than a year. Doesn't sound right at all.

"Their justing using it for taret practice" Highly highly doubt it. They bought hollow point bullets with some purchases, which are more expensive, and not used for target practice. And once again you wouldn't need 1.8 billion bullets to train a few thousand agents.

Also, the DHS is not military. Their a seperate government agency, however they do have a bit of military presence, such as the CIA. So why would they need to be buying this much ammo. After all their called the department of HOMELAND security. Wouldn't the army be the ones doing the buying?

This isn't the only thing fishy they've been doing. They've been buying armor vehicles, buying bomb materials, buying AR's, enlisting more operatives along with FEMA, doing military style drills in major cities, doing realistic terror style drills with civilians, buying gun range targets depicting pregnant women, elderly, and teens/children. Even Obama himself said he wantd to setup a domestic force that was just as armed and trained as our military.

All kinds of stuff is going on or has already happened, and when you sit down and look at all of it, you begn to realize something is not right here.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Maxatoria
reply to post by ignorant_ape

YEP...They have an open order for upto the amount requested on an IQID order and i'd do some silly calculations which shows its not a daft number but its general good purchasing strategy to lock in suppliers to a fixed price contract especially if you think the price of the product will rise be it guns/bullets/milk/a4 paper whatever

theres roughly 70,000 people in DHS with guns needing to qualify every 3 months and then theres the replace any rounds not used every year once taken out of the box

Ok so 70,000 people shooting a lets say 50 rounds every 3 months to qualify = 3.5 million rounds a quarter which gives 14 million rounds a year just then theres another 3.5 million tops to replace rounds every year so we have 17.5 million rounds a year being used as a stand still amount which gives 87.5 million rounds needed just to cover the 5 year contract, now factor in warehousing at various levels and its easy to have a need for 5 times the amount just to have stock ready in the system which gives 437.5 million rounds which is roughly 1/4 of the total possible order so not as bad as it seems

A few questions........
So the DHS qualifies everyone with a weapon, every three months? In contrast the MARINES qualify once a year and not every person qualifies, even those with weapons.

In a government agency you cant just multiply something by five, if so the military would have ridiculous stockpiles, which they don't. The military has to carefully ration its ammo every year and usually never acquires a sufficient amount. At best its wasteful spending and government incompetence. If they want to lock in a price to be fiscal why are they wasting so much ammo?

A little quick math....
During the Iraq war the US military averaged 6 million rounds a month,
that's 72 million a year....
that's 360 million over a 5 year period......
the DHS wants 1.6 billion in 5 years.......
thats a 1.24 BILLION bullet difference.......
Sooooo you're telling me that the DHS needs more ammunition than the military than when they are engaged in a war, and by a BILLION bullets?

Nice try........

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by pyramid head

It is not as cut and dry as they wanted to just go into certain countries to control resources IMO. TPTB are not so ignorant that they just walk into Iraq and say ok we are liberating you and then taking your oil. They take out the opposition get the insurgency to calm down for a bit so Exxon, BP, other foreign interests can come in and try and broker deals. As long as they don't sign exclusionary deals with places like Russia and China we are fine with whoever secures it since somewhere on the back end TPTB get kick backs. The fear is they will be like Venezuela and nationalize their oil at a cheap price and make America look bad.

With Afghanistan they were having issues getting a deal through for a pipeline. While working on that deal it also came to light they were sitting on an approximately $1 Trillion dollar vein of Lithium. So we go in take out the opposition, and try to install our subservient government. After the troops are pulled out we send in companies that back TPTB and they will try and push the pipeline and get the Lithium before China.

Along the way the false flag got them money for black projects, the ability to strip our freedoms, control our food, try to control our access to info (CISPA, SOPA), build an army to protect against revolt (DHS), out of control drone strike program. If you don't think 9/11 was a conspiracy against the people you have already lost because they are moving in for check and you don't even realize you are a pawn.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by happykat39

I have asked my rep Andy Barr twice and have yet to receive a response. Time to ask him again!

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

Supply and demand......They buy them all, the prices skyrocket for normal people who can't buy them anywhere..... Then once the supply is low enough, tax the crap out of them and make tons of money, as they laugh all the way to the bank

We need to wait and not speculate. After all who holds the power? The people do. Remember that and do not be manipulated otherwise.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

Supply and demand......They buy them all, the prices skyrocket for normal people who can't buy them anywhere..... Then once the supply is low enough, tax the crap out of them and make tons of money, as they laugh all the way to the bank....

And the correct answer for economics 101 goes to.................

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by Tardacus

idiot congressmen, NOW they are starting to ask questions? why weren`t they asking questions when they approved the funds to buy all those bullets? not one cent is spent by any government agency that isn`t first approved by congress. This pretty much proves that congress has no idea what they are spending the tax payers money on, they just approve everything without even reading it and keep signing the blank checks.

Not exactly true. They get a blank check and then turn in their budgets. I know what you mean but not accurate my friend, sorry.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 05:55 AM
We could afford a lot for the DHS

if only we would shut down the FCC

i know 1.6 billion in bullets seems like a waste, but we been pourinng billions thru the FCC for years too and what has it gotten us? Janet Jackson cant show a nipple... big deal

so we close the FCC and reroute all that money to DHS

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 06:56 AM
Even if it's just a price lock down for the DHS. It still shows planning ahead of the ammo short we're having now. If we use the contract terms, then they think the ammo short will last longer then four years and that it will in some way cause then to need that many rounds.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 07:29 AM
You know I wonder if Germany went through these types of things before all hell broke loose. It seems that it is incrementally getting worse and even though people are trying to do something about it, this administration is just staying the course as well as our senators and congressman. They have sold out and now we need to sell out. Stop voting, stop supporting, seperate yourself from government, politics, and all the other BS that gives them credibility to keep operating. In my opinion this is the key. If Kelloggs came out with a cereal that was body odor flavor, would you keep eating it? Apply that to this situation, educate your brainwashed grandparents and parents and lets start a peaceful transformation in this country. Thanks for the post.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by hisshadow
We could afford a lot for the DHS

if only we would shut down the FCC

i know 1.6 billion in bullets seems like a waste, but we been pourinng billions thru the FCC for years too and what has it gotten us? Janet Jackson cant show a nipple... big deal

so we close the FCC and reroute all that money to DHS

You have to be kidding. If you give that much funding to the DHS they would be able to buy 1.6 trillion bullets and some heavily armed drones as well. At least the FCC isn't planning to kill anyone...YET

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 06:15 PM
I am sorry senator but what you are asking for is...waaaiiiitttt a minute.....KLASIFIED!

Ummmnn....itss callledd..waitt a second(eats a donut) errrr NATIONAL SEKURITY! I declare you have no right to know anything. Excuse me, my limo is waiting outside. BEEEPP.....BEEEP

(gets inside the bullet proof limo with strongly tainted black glass and government licenses plates and the car races off going 100mph. Meanwhile "men-in-black" were seen inside and the driver was said to be oriental looking)

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 12:18 AM
I think we need more people like Rand Paul to sit there for 13+ hours until they answer the question. The taxpayer funds this and is not even able to know why? That doesn't seem American to me.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by XGodofWar
reply to post by pyramid head

It is not as cut and dry as they wanted to just go into certain countries to control resources IMO. TPTB are not so ignorant that they just walk into Iraq and say ok we are liberating you and then taking your oil. They take out the opposition get the insurgency to calm down for a bit so Exxon, BP, other foreign interests can come in and try and broker deals. As long as they don't sign exclusionary deals with places like Russia and China we are fine with whoever secures it since somewhere on the back end TPTB get kick backs. The fear is they will be like Venezuela and nationalize their oil at a cheap price and make America look bad.

With Afghanistan they were having issues getting a deal through for a pipeline. While working on that deal it also came to light they were sitting on an approximately $1 Trillion dollar vein of Lithium. So we go in take out the opposition, and try to install our subservient government. After the troops are pulled out we send in companies that back TPTB and they will try and push the pipeline and get the Lithium before China.

Along the way the false flag got them money for black projects, the ability to strip our freedoms, control our food, try to control our access to info (CISPA, SOPA), build an army to protect against revolt (DHS), out of control drone strike program. If you don't think 9/11 was a conspiracy against the people you have already lost because they are moving in for check and you don't even realize you are a pawn.

I certainly do not feel the government is honest and engaged in a just war but again the claim that we "went to war for resources", I need a little evidence to believe that. From my point of view, I was there and saw no evidence of resources being claimed by American interest.

I also don't understand the argument of "Big Oils" interest in creating more supply for oil, seeing as how they make record profits when demand is high, not supply. In other words, less oil more money. During the oil crisis and since the oil companies have posted record profits.

Cant see how we are worried about China since we are letting them drill off our shores. Doesn't really make sense that we would go to war and try and position them out of resources when we let them drill here and take ours.

Again just because I'm skeptical of the "war for resources" reasoning does not mean I believe the wars are just and righteous. There may be other reasons, and if resources are one, I am unaware and need a little evidence because I have been unable to locate any.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Helious

Also, people need to know that the PATRIOT ACT did not start in the Bush admin any more than Obamacare started with Obama.

Joe Biden claims to be the true author of the PATRIOT ACT, which predecessor was the Anti Terrorism Act passed in the Clinton admin in the wake of the OK bombing and first World Trade attack.

Whatever false flag events triggered these pieces of legislation were planned long before Bush came in office.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by pyramid head

Right, the contracts did not go to US, they went to China.

Perspiration staining their orange jumpsuits, the Chinese engineers and laborers form Al-Waha Oil Co. work alongside their Iraqi counterparts under a sweltering sun readying an expanse of arid land southeast of Baghdad for infrastructure to extract and carry the viscous liquid on which Iraq's future lies: oil.

A red banner hangs at the entrance of the office of the company — the Iraqi affiliate of China's state-owned China National Petroleum Corp. — its Chinese characters promising anyone who can decipher them: "We will try our best to make this project a success."

hmmm China's state owned petroleum corp.... sounds less like US Capitalism and more like propelling the world into State owned Communist bureaucracy.

Or maybe it was collateral for our stupid govt overspending.
edit on 23-3-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Lingweenie

Yep, I say they are setting up for their One World Totalitarian Agenda 21 driven and enforced society.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by pyramid head

You said part of the false flag operation was to secure "foreign resources", what are the resources(specifically)

Oil, export contracts, Drug trafficking routes and product, Outsourcing for job resources for major contracts for rebuilding, security, etc. That's just for starters, the ways you can milk a third world country after you have invaded "legally" are staggering and the American government does it best.

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